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iPhone/other smart phone questions



  • Also, for show notes there are some I check out quite often and other podcasts that never need them. Geeknights I rarely look at the show notes but only because they arrive via the blog in google reader and also here on the forum.
  • edited November 2012
    For whatever reason, even after deleting the Podcast app, they failed to reappear in iTunes. Maybe it was just my own experience, but who knows. FWIW, I didn't use the Podcast app to subscribe to podcasts either -- I pretty much did all that in iTunes and synced them over.

    The main reasons why the Podcast app sucked for me were:
    1. I like creating playlists of podcasts to listen to in a certain order: i.e., an episode of GeekNights, then an episode of AWO, then an episode of FLOSS Weekly, then the next episode of GeekNights, and so on. I used to have an iTunes playlist to do this, but the Podcast app didn't let me create any sort of playlists
    2. I listen to podcasts mostly while driving (commuting to work, doing errands, etc.). I had this neat little app called FlickTunes that worked with iTunes to let me do things like fast-forward 30 seconds, skip songs/podcasts, and so on just by using gestures on the screen. This meant I could control playback without even looking at the screen -- a very handy feature when driving. However, FlickTunes only works with stuff in the iOS music player app. When podcasts only appeared in the Podcast app, it was useless.
    Downcaster offered both of these necessary features as well as a way to subscribe and download to podcasts within the app (not necessary, but nice).
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • edited November 2012
    I don't bother with the subscription feature in the podcasts app, it's a pain in the ass. Mostly because it decides to import lists of every available episode of every podcast I listen to, and then if I have it set to automatically download, starts downloading every episode it thinks I haven't listened to - which means that it decided to completely fill my phone with podcasts I've already listened to. I mark them all as played, delete them all - and then it promptly filled my phone up again with all the rest of the podcasts that it couldn't fit the first time it did it, because for some reason, it thinks that I only started listening to podcasts about six weeks ago. I appreciate the thought, apple, but I don't need the last two years of every podcast I listen to.

    Oh, and if I delete all the entries on those lists? It just turns around and restores the list. Fuck. Off.

    I listen to a sufficiently large number of podcasts that it's easier to just update over wi-fi once a week or so.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Nexus 4 is for sale again.
  • Is that a statement or a question? Cause if it's a statement it's a day late and a dollar short.
  • Statement. After much hassle I ordered the 16GB model because of the shorter delivery time.
  • Got the Nexus 4 a few days ago. It's my first big boy pants smartphone. I'm enjoying quite a bit. So my first question. Can any fellow android users recommend a podcast app? I would like the ability to skip ahead or backward in short increments. Also it would be nice to be able search for other podcasts through the app.
  • Got the Nexus 4 a few days ago. It's my first big boy pants smartphone. I'm enjoying quite a bit. So my first question. Can any fellow android users recommend a podcast app? I would like the ability to skip ahead or backward in short increments. Also it would be nice to be able search for other podcasts through the app.
    Download the Google Listen API online and load it on your phone.

  • Doggcatcher's the best Android podcast app, as far as I can tell, but it still isn't that great.
  • There isn't enough demand for podcatchers anymore for anyone to make one better than what already exists.
  • There isn't enough demand for podcatchers anymore for anyone to make one better than what already exists.
    Although Apple's doing its darndest to drive up demand for alternative podcatchers with its lousy Podcasts iOS app. :)
  • There isn't enough demand for podcatchers anymore for anyone to make one better than what already exists.
    Although Apple's doing its darndest to drive up demand for alternative podcatchers with its lousy Podcasts iOS app. :)
    Oh, hey, your podcast has been on pause for a few hours? You must want me to completely forget which podcast you were listening to, I'll do that.
  • I wonder if interns made their podcasts app. I don't want reel-to-reel visuals. I can even live without syncing and downloading new episodes. I just want show notes and visual contrast so I can find all the buttons without hunting.
  • I wonder if interns made their podcasts app. I don't want reel-to-reel visuals. I can even live without syncing and downloading new episodes. I just want show notes and visual contrast so I can find all the buttons without hunting.
    I just want the ability to create custom podcast playlists and gesture-based controls so I can skip commercials and the like when driving without having to actually see the screen. Fortunately, Downcaster does offer all that in additional to subscribing.
  • So I decided to go with Pocket Casts for my podcasts needs. It's features has everything I pretty much want.
  • Now that I have my Nexus 4 up and running I must say that I am quite happy with it.

    Best part has to be the $30 a month prepaid T-Mobile deal I am using with it. The plan limits me to 100 minutes but Skype is only $2.99 for unlimited monthly calling over WiFi and data networks.
  • edited January 2013
    Need some recommendations for anti-theft / phone locators for my Nexus 4. What do you all use or if you don't use anything, why don't you use one?
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I don't use one because the police will almost never use that data to help you get your phone back or even catch the obvious and easily catchable criminals.
  • Need some recommendations for anti-theft / phone locators for my Nexus 4. What do you all use or if you don't use anything, why don't you use one?
    Avast Free Anti-virus was just ranked as the number 1 android app. It includes anti theft for free as well.

  • I don't use one because the police will almost never use that data to help you get your phone back or even catch the obvious and easily catchable criminals.
    Also, you might start harassing this guy. Poor guy...
  • I don't use one because the police will almost never use that data to help you get your phone back or even catch the obvious and easily catchable criminals.
    Also, you might start harassing this guy. Poor guy...
    Don't those trackers pretty explicitly have a range? When I open Google Maps on my phone without GPS or wifi enabled, there's a huge circle around my general area - It makes it pretty clear, I think. Never underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools, I suppose.
  • I don't use one because the police will almost never use that data to help you get your phone back or even catch the obvious and easily catchable criminals.
    What about being able to remotely wipe your data on your phone? Is that not necessary either?
  • Doesn't Android have something where if you fail to unlock the phone X times it erases everything?
  • I don't use one because the police will almost never use that data to help you get your phone back or even catch the obvious and easily catchable criminals.
    What about being able to remotely wipe your data on your phone? Is that not necessary either?
    If you're phone's stolen, those things can be easily disabled anyway. Besides, most people will wipe the phone anyway to resell it.

  • Chrome on Android lets me choose between desktop and mobile versions of sites on the fly. What is even better is that it is a tab level setting not per site.
  • Doesn't Android have something where if you fail to unlock the phone X times it erases everything?
    Nope not stock apps or settings anyhow. I would be fine with a guess the password wrong so many times and the phone is wiped app.
  • I just love pins
    You and Abigail Adams.


  • So I had my iPhone 4 just sitting around collecting dust. I didn't even use it for 2 years. I contemplated selling it to Amazon for a gift card, but I heard about eleGreen. Did some internet research to see if they were legit and tried them out.

    They offer free shipping and will mail you a box if you want. I just printed out a label and dropped it off at my local FedEx on Friday evening. Just got my notification that they received my phone and have already transferred $110 to my Paypal account.

    That's pretty impressive.

    I also originally got the phone at the subsidized price and payed after taxes of $120. So, not bad.
  • When I woke up my phone wanted to apply some patch. It's still just showing the logo on it. Do I just ignore this for a couple more hours and lack phone? I'm fine with that, but this is not what I was expecting.
  • Alright... battery pulled and restarted and now it appears to be actually doing something again.
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