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  • Just talked to a guy who worked as a nuclear reactor operator aboard the USS Enterprise. SO HARD NOT TO MAKE SCOTTY JOKES, CAP'N.
    Can you tell me where to find the nuclear wessels?
  • One day I will make a video game that simulates the emotion experience of deciding whether or not to donate your child's organs.
  • Why is there a fucking zombie in this Civic commercial?
  • More like why is that Civic encroaching on my zombie time.
  • The True Blood Facebook "Immortalize Yourself" video where you can add your FB friends to the episode is pretty entertaining.
  • Considering I was born 10 years after the last Ray Harryhausen movie, it's weird that I react to his work nostalgically.
  • Got a phone call from Dell/Compellant the other day. The person from Dell was asking if I was "the person there to talk about storage." Now, I've worked as a software engineer for storage hardware/software companies for my entire career including at my current employer. So I was confused about just what he meant -- was this a job offer? Did Dell have some interest in my current employer for some reason (we're small enough that yeah, there's a chance someone may want to buy us out at some point)? Anyway, in my confusion I responded with, "well, it depends on just what you want to talk about."

    It turns out he wanted to know what I used for storage for my domain,, which is just a basic Dreamhost hosting account that I put my blog and some of my AMVs and other random junk on. I politely informed him that I'm not interested because my website is just a personal/vanity site and not a real business. Poor guy sounded a little disappointed, but seemed understanding. However, I wonder if I should feel sorry for whoever gave him my contact info (and I dunno how he got it) as a potential sales lead...
  • No sympathy for cold callers. Ever.
  • Lisa is on summer vacation now, which means she is still home when I wake up. That means talking in the morning, which is novel. Over cereal (Post Cranberry Almond Crunch, of course), she just told me she would "totally do" Neil Patrick Harris. She also raged that someone with the last name "Weiner" should just change their last name instead of trying to epitomize it.
  • No sympathy for cold callers. Ever.
    I have a little sympathy for cold callers that sell to businesses proper, as I gather this is often the only way they can actually get into the account. None at all for those that call regular consumers, however.
  • No sympathy for cold callers. Ever.
    I have a little sympathy for cold callers that sell to businesses proper, as I gather this is often the only way they can actually get into the account. None at all for those that call regular consumers, however.
    I was hit by a moron old man last week, and the police report was completed last night. This morning between 8 and 9:20 a.m., I received eight calls from chiropractors soliciting me. I tore each a new hole. They're going to need real doctors.
  • Just watched my friend buy a Mac Pro at the Apple store. Quite the experience, I had no idea that Apple took such good care of their customers. Makes me seriously rethink my undying hatred of them.
  • I would give any amount of money for a Muppet Sweeny Todd.
  • Direct quote from skype -
    [5:40:38 AM] churba: hmn
    [5:40:41 AM] churba: Ran out of milk
    [5:40:47 AM] churba: Added whiskey and sugar to my tea instead
    [5:40:52 AM] churba: everything went better than expected
  • Drawing people kissing is super hard.
  • Just watched my friend buy a Mac Pro at the Apple store. Quite the experience, I had no idea that Apple took such good care of their customers. Makes me seriously rethink my undying hatred of them.
    Any store will treat someone spending that kind of money like that.
  • Any store will treat someone spending that kind of money like that.
    Oh how wrong you are.
  • Any store will treat someone spending that kind of money like that.
    Oh how wrong you are.
    What shopkeeper is going to treat me like a jerk when I'm opening a wallet to get out multiple thousands?
  • Any store will treat someone spending that kind of money like that.
    Oh how wrong you are.
    What shopkeeper is going to treat me like a jerk when I'm opening a wallet to get out multiple thousands?
    But the amount of money didn't seem to be the reason. The just seemed helpful and wanted to make sure we were pleased with the purchase.
  • Any store will treat someone spending that kind of money like that.
    Oh how wrong you are.
    What shopkeeper is going to treat me like a jerk when I'm opening a wallet to get out multiple thousands?
    But the amount of money didn't seem to be the reason. The just seemed helpful and wanted to make sure we were pleased with the purchase.
    And to sell you Applecare.
  • Having worked across from an apple store in a mall, The people there seemed pretty happy to work there.

    That is until we of the Sharper Image waged war against them for talking smack about our store. They had the nerve to say we sold overpriced stuff (pot calling the kettle black). We showed them what our overpriced RC tanks, helicopters, and Ferraris could do. Remember "Toys"? Bastards never saw it coming.
  • Sharper Image exists outside of airplane magazines?
  • Sharper Image exists outside of airplane magazines?
    Existed. This was before the 2008 bankruptcy (aka, the point where I promptly quit and began preparations for me moving to California).
  • Someone sent me a link to a website that randomly pairs academic lectures with ambient music. I could listen to this shit for hours. The police scanner ones are great, too.
  • Someone sent me a link to a website that randomly pairs academic lectures with ambient music. I could listen to this shit for hours. The police scanner ones are great, too.
    Wow. This is awesome.
  • New favorite website.
  • I'm really enjoying the Chicago Scanner. They just reported another mob attack; there's been a rash of them in the Streeterville neighborhood. It's pretty surreal how relaxing that news can be when backed by some ambient music.
  • A rough transcript of a part of a conversation -

    Fred: "Zebbady is getting friendlier, he's loosening up now that I smoke him every day"
    Me: "What?"
    Fred: "RABBIT JOINTS."
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