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  • I'd play with you, if you wanted to play while I was awake.
    Sweet! My Steam ID churba, or you can find me in the Geeknights group. I'm shattered at this moment(slowly transitioning back to a Diurnal sleep pattern, I constantly flip between diurnal and nocturnal, I'm odd like that), but I'd be happy to play along with you some time.
  • edited August 2011
    Now that the semester's wrapping up, I'll be up for some Magickas too and still haven't played Vietnam. My Steam ID be Ruffas, also in the GN group.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Bronz will join too, so then we'd be a full party of 4. Yey
  • Worth a mention - there is also a new subreddit, /r/playdate, where you can organize or hook up with games, usually less played games like Magica, mount and blade, and so on. It's pretty empty now, but Australians should check out /r/Playdatemate.
  • If anyone bails and you have room for me, I'd like to play too.
  • Why would you play Magicka alone? How can you kill your friends that way?
    Because nobody I know is usually ever playing magica when I'm Awake and around.
    Hit me up sometime, bru.
  • Hit me up sometime, bru.
    Will Do!
  • Back at ya, Pangloss
    Hit me up sometime, bru.
  • Hit me up sometime, image.
  • Hit me up sometime, image.
    Mike and Jerry's reactions to that stuff at PAX East were priceless.
  • edited August 2011
    Mike and Jerry's reactions to that stuff at PAX East were priceless.
    Irn Bru is delicious. I nearly got the shit kicked out of me in scotland once for being a) drunk and b)Screaming "IRRRRRRNNNN BRUUUUU IT'S BRUUUUUUD IN SCOOOOOOO LAAAAAAND" at the top of my lungs in the thickest brouge I could muster.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Idea for a reaction picture:

    A drawing of a person, hand over mouth, kinda like going "Ooooo," in a Star Fleet uniform, saying "Ensign to sick bay, we've got a medical emergency for this BURRRRN."

    I think the phrasing could be better, but I think I have a solid idea.
  • There's an english NicoVideo portal now.

    Yes, it has Nico's famous scrolling comments.
  • But why is it so ugly? At first, I figured it was just someone stealing their name, but nope, that's definitely official (I say that mostly on the account that I can log in with my Japanese account =P)
  • They had a booth at AX where you could stand in front of a camera that was streaming to the web and watch people post comments about you.
  • But why is it so ugly? At first, I figured it was just someone stealing their name, but nope, that's definitely official (I say that mostly on the account that I can log in with my Japanese account =P)
    Eh, it's not that ugly. I've certainly seen worse laid out sites. And part of the appeal of Nico is that it's so amatureish.
  • I took too much meds. My body feels like party.
  • I took too much meds. My body feels like party.
    Feeling a little Pinkie Pie, eh?
    They had a booth at AX where you could stand in front of a camera that was streaming to the web and watch people post comments about you.
    I was wearing my labcoat at the time and the comments scrolling by were as such:
    "Is he Dr. Mario?"
    "WTF all the buttons?"
    "Is he an OBGYN?"

    The last one was particularly hilarious to me since the last time I wore it at a con, at PAX, someone asked me a similar question.
  • A friend of mine got this song stuck in my head before work, and thus have I been whistling it all goddamn day.

    And now I do the only logical thing and pass it on to the rest of you. (WARNING: UNSAFE LEVELS OF WEEABOO AHEAD)

  • I don't think a person's body is supposed to look like that...
  • edited August 2011
    I know, her eyeballs would have popped out before her eyes could get that wide.

    Not bad though, you can grab the album over here.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Because of Regular Show, I will henceforth be referring to all breasts as "Lady Pecs."
  • A brief conversation from today -

    Me: "You know, I've been thinking, How cool would it be to go to North Korea?"
    Dan: "They'd execute you. Probably about five minutes after you arrived."
    Me: "Come on, dude, it's me we're talking about..."
    Dan: *cuts in*"Two minutes."
  • In a different thread someone misspelled Churba's name as "Chubra"
  • I decided to give Bad Translator a try.


  • "You shall not pass" -> "There you go"
  • Original text:

    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

    ...10 translations later Google gives us:

    "To accept what you say, but the death is entitled to protection."
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