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  • edited July 2011
    You masturbate to glasses? What about monocles?
    (Is this sexy?)
    Post edited by Aria on
  • You masturbate to glasses? What about monocles?
    Specifically girls with glasses. There is a cute girl at work but she looks so much better with glasses than with contacts. It kind of suprised me :S
  • What about monocles?
  • There is a cute girl at work but she looks so much better with glasses than with contacts.
    It was statistically proven that women with glasses are more attractive. Just do a search on Google Images for "nerd hot" and witness how many wear glasses.

    A surprising number also have boobs hanging out all over the place. I never really thought of that as nerd hot :/
  • You masturbate to glasses? What about monocles?
    Specifically girls with glasses. There is a cute girl at work but she looks so much better with glasses than with contacts. It kind of suprised me :S
    I don't think that's very uncommon. I too think a lot of guys look more handsome with glasses than without. (and certain girls cuter, but on guys its almost always the thin square-y glasses that look good, on girls you gotta find the right pair..)
  • What about monocles?
    ... Ow.
  • My 'Capstone' was officially accepted today, which is a bit like a culinary Thesis paper. I'm only about a month away from graduating and being done with school forever and ever =D.
  • I am convinced that Verizon is trying to trick me into switching from my unlimited data plan to a 5Gb 4G plan. They have called me twice with the same offer (even after I refused the first time): "You'll be paying $10 less per month and getting faster internet speeds." They fail to mention that the plan they are recommending has overage charges if I go over a mere fifth my current usage, and they claim that my area has 4G coverage (I have checked, it doesn't).

    Hey Verizon: I'll stop using "lots" of your 3G bandwidth once you can offer any alternative where I live. DSL would be fine.

  • I went to Borders to pick up the August edition of Otaku USA but they didn't have it, so instead I bought... the October one?????
  • Oranges are most delicious as straight, frozen concentrate. It's just so expensive to eat that way.
  • Anyone who follows me on this forum regularly might know this already, but I love visiting when I'm drunk. It's fun times :)
  • Fun fact, 'bit' means dick in French.
  • Well, that explains a lot, particularly about the internet.

  • edited July 2011
    Fun fact, 'bit' means dick in French.
    Je suis un grand bit?

    EDIT: lol I meant "J'ai un grand bit", but I'm leaving that original one. Not sure if being a big dick means the same here in English as in French.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • edited July 2011
    Oy, it's like my brain took all the worst dreams and combined them into a compilation dream. It was a kind of nightmare I've never had before. There wasn't anything scary, it was just a series of really stressful and realistic situations. Except for the wild west gun fight, I mean.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Je suis un grand bit?
    I loled.
  • edited July 2011
    Je suis un grand bit?
    I loled.
    On est quel on manger.

    Not sure if that's proper French grammar or if that English saying translates at all. Quick google search suggests "On est ce que l'on mange" is more correct.

    EDIT: For those who don't speak French (or my horrible abomination at it), I'm implying that I eat dicks.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I've been supervising a group of French college students this past month and they'd all giggle every time I'd say "a little bit" or "in a bit". I was all sorts of confused until they let me in on the joke.
  • C'est "un petit peu."
  • Boredom. I have it. A lot of it.
  • I was added into a FB group for my High School's Alumni. I'm thinking of leaving it because the lady that added me in keeps sending out mass messages about reunions that have nothing to do with me, because I only just graduated last year.

    That, and I looked at her profile.
  • I was added into a FB group for my High School's Alumni. I'm thinking of leaving it because the lady that added me in keeps sending out mass messages about reunions that have nothing to do with me, because I only just graduated last year.

    That, and I looked at her profile.
    That doesn't seem damning in my opinion. It seems very niche, though. Are you referring to her background in Law? That is inexcusable :)
  • I picked up some french fries from Burger King and a Cappuccino slushy from a corner store. For some reason, the two combined together were causing an orgy in my mouth (feel free to quote out of context).

    Maybe it was because I had a long ride today and that was the first food I'd eaten; carbs are especially amazing when the body is low on energy.
  • edited July 2011
    That doesn't seem damning in my opinion. It seems very niche, though.
    It's just so oddly phrased. It'd be totally fine if it was "I write romance stories", but the way she put it both confused me and made me laugh. It's very specific.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • That doesn't seem damning in my opinion. It seems very niche, though.
    It's just so oddly phrased. It'd be totally fine if it was "I write romance stories", but the way she put it both confused me and made me laugh. It's very specific.
    Yeah, even if it is "I write scripts for porn movies" is not really damning, in fact I'd love to know a porn screenwriter.
  • edited July 2011
    That doesn't seem damning in my opinion. It seems very niche, though.
    It's just so oddly phrased. It'd be totally fine if it was "I write romance stories", but the way she put it both confused me and made me laugh. It's very specific.
    Yeah, even if it is "I write scripts for porn movies" is not really damning, in fact I'd love to know a porn screenwriter.
    Wait, you mean there are people whose whole job is to write nothing but sex scenes?

    P: So, how's the screenplay coming along?
    S: Oh man, It's coming along great!
    P: Really?
    S: You have no idea. And I really put a lot of research into this one.
    P: What do you mean?
    S: Plumbers! I mean, sure, a lot of them are kinda fat and ugly, but there are more attractive ones than you'd think.
    P: Well, at least we have some realism.
    S: And that ain't the half of it! Some of them really do get offered to be paid with sex!
    P: No shit?
    S: Well, sometimes there is, but, you know, they are plumbers; I think it comes with the territory.
    P: True... So?
    S: No, I'm not writing that into the script.
    P: Yeah, sorry. I know that kind of stuff was more Mike's forte', but since the incident...
    S: Yeah, It was a dark day for all of us in the writing department.
    They share a moment of silence.
    P: So what about Pizza Delivery guys?
    S: Eh...
    P: "Eh..."?
    S: Yeah. Let's just say that unless you want to COMPLETELY skew away from authenticity, you're going to have to cast a lot of either pimply faced teenagers or mexicans.
    P: Hey! What's wrong with mexicans?!
    S: Nothing! The thing is, the mexicans at the pizza places I went to, well... let's just say they were less Ricardo Montalban and more Carlos Garcia.
    P: *cringes*
    S: Yeah. Not exactly sexytime material.
    P: Alright, well, have the plumber script ready by friday.
    S: Okay. Want me to look into the electrician idea too?
    P: Nah, let's save that for "Very Desperate Housewives 19".
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I have this huge sudden urge for retro gaming. If only there was some place where I could get a way to play such games on my computer....
  • let's just say they were less Ricardo Montalban and more Carlos Garcia
    Please tell me that line is yours.
  • let's just say they were less Ricardo Montalban and more Carlos Garcia
    Please tell me that line is yours.
    Um, I wrote that whole thing, so, yes.
  • edited July 2011
    I have this huge sudden urge for retro gaming. If only there was some place where I could get a way to play such games on my computer....
    Andrew references a lot. They seem to do that.

    Also DOSbox.

    Also Windows Compatibility Layer / Wine.
    Post edited by Byron on
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