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  • YouTube videos on how to optimally air cool a PC: a few.

    YouTube videos on how to water cool a PC SUPAH DOPE MY WATER COOLING LOOKS YO: over 9000!
  • edited August 2011
    What if the snake can't eat and it dies? I get depressed when I see wildlife caught in human garbage.
    It would have been fine before long. Looks to be an Eastern Brown - but don't quote me on that if you get bitten by one, I'm not an expert - and they have a very narrow head(Narrower than their body, in fact), so it would be able to get out again without assistance. Judging by the tyre tracks, it had stuck it's head in to grab a bit of moisture and sugar from the leftover liquid in the can, and it was startled by a vehicle, probably the photographer's vehicle approaching or going past, then coming back to investigate the snake - with snakes being quite sensitive to vibrations in the ground. They don't just sit like that, he's on the move.
    Also, it helps that many cans down here tend to have the widemouth style tops, rather than the smaller, more triangular ones you tend to see in the US.

    So, No need to feel bad for the snake, simply because it is more preoccupied with getting right the fuck away from whatever huge thing was causing those vibrations in the ground, and it will presumably pull it's head out as soon as it has judged itself safe.

    Also, there are two factors to consider - If you tried to help it out, you'd probably get bitten, which would be vastly unpleasant and then kill you, and second, it would have been...Uncanny.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It's really amazing. During my freshman year, I thought I was the only anime fan in a sea of mundanes. The I realized that every single person who sits at the table I eat lunch at watches anime. Now, via Facebook, I've found out someone I never would have pegged as an anime fan has been watching Genshiken, which isn't a show you watch until you're in kinda deep.

    Now I don't feel special anymore...
  • edited August 2011

    Now I don't feel special anymore...
    You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. ^_^
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • You are not your fucking kakahis.
  • I think I know what my next musical purchase is going to be....
  • edited August 2011
    I think I know what my next musical purchase is going to be....
    image ...
    Yeah, you know you want it.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Kakahis?
  • Why doesn't Magneto carry a tube of iron BBs and accelerate them toward targets at relativistic speeds? That just seems like an obvious and totally badass way to fight.
  • Why doesn't Magneto carry a tube of iron BBs and accelerate them toward targets at relativistic speeds? That just seems like an obvious and totally badass way to fight.
    Why doesn't Magneto do a lot of things? It's really disappointing when you have worlds of superheros that don't use their powers to the fullest. Kenshiro uses his powers to the fullest, and it is the awesome because the power level of the rest of the world makes for an interesting story. What often happens, especially in Marvel/DC is there are such varying levels of power among heros that some of them are basically gods. But to keep say, Spider-Man meaningful in a universe where Galactus exists, the incredibly powerful beings never exploit their power to its fullest.
  • The worst unused power has got to be Superman's super hearing. There are a blue-million examples in the comic, TV, and movies where the writer forgets about Supes hearing and someone walks off from him and says something crucial to someone else.
  • Heroes aren't interesting unless their powers are severely limited. You want them to be human +1, not human +9000.
  • Heroes aren't interesting unless their powers are severely limited. You want them to be human +1, not human +9000.
    Agreed. My favorite super-hero movie is X-Men First Class -- among other things -- because the powers sucked. Banshee didn't have the ability to fly, he had the ability of super-sonic screaming (his super power was being a toddler) and Charles found a way to turn that into a flying ability. I want more superheroes like that!
  • Heroes aren't interesting unless their powers are severely limited. You want them to be human +1, not human +9000.
    I agree, but once in awhile it would be awesome to see a story of an unstoppable god in a world where nobody even stands a chance. You have to focus on the internal struggle of the god themselves deciding what to do with their vast powers. You also have to focus on the sheer hopelessness of those who try to oppose the god. And of course, you need many scenes where morons try to take the god on and get crushed instantly and without hesitation.
  • awesome to see a story of an unstoppable god in a world where nobody even stands a chance. You have to focus on the internal struggle of the god themselves deciding what to do with their vast powers. You also have to focus on the sheer hopelessness of those who try to oppose the god. And of course, you need many scenes where morons try to take the god on and get crushed instantly and without hesitation.
  • edited August 2011
    Post edited by Jason on
    ...times a billion!

    Seriously, Q is among my favorite characters.
  • If you like Q, hit the cons. DeLancie is a con-whore. I've met him like 7 times.
  • edited August 2011
    ...times a billion!

    Seriously, Q is among my favorite characters.
    I hope JJ Abrams gets Q into one of the new Trek films.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • $10 says the next one involves Kahn.
  • Heroes aren't interesting unless their powers are severely limited. You want them to be human +1, not human +9000.
    I agree, but once in awhile it would be awesome to see a story of an unstoppable god in a world where nobody even stands a chance. You have to focus on the internal struggle of the god themselves deciding what to do with their vast powers. You also have to focus on the sheer hopelessness of those who try to oppose the god. And of course, you need many scenes where morons try to take the god on and get crushed instantly and without hesitation.
    This is basically what Irredeemable is.
  • I am starting to get to the point where I can't play Magicka alone anymore. Everything is killing me all the time!
  • I am starting to get to the point where I can't play Magicka alone anymore. Everything is killing me all the time!
    Why would you play Magicka alone? How can you kill your friends that way?
  • Why would you play Magicka alone? How can you kill your friends that way?
    Exactly! I'm in the process of convincing some other friends of mine to get it.
  • edited August 2011
    Happy WiFi day!

    (For foreigners: when written out the American way, today's date is 8.02.11, which looks like 802.11, the standard for wifi)
    So in the USA you not only put months before days, but you also lead days with zeroes, but not months? Wow. You people are more and more ridiculous the more subtleties I learn about you.
    Exactly! I'm in the process of convincing some other friends of mine to get it.
    I will buy it when it's on sale, then I will join you. Also, just spam shield and healing spheres to heal the shield up. Then just spam electrified steam through the shield at your enemies. LOLOLOLOL IS IT SHOCKING YOU CANNOT HIT ME?
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • The IT in a hospital connection made me think of Rym. Amusing story.
  • Why would you play Magicka alone? How can you kill your friends that way?
    Because nobody I know is usually ever playing magica when I'm Awake and around.
  • For Jason.

  • Because nobody I know is usually ever playing magica when I'm Awake and around.
    I'd play with you, if you wanted to play while I was awake.
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