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Random Comments



  • WTF Dora?! Poor Marten. That last panel brought back personal memories. The look on his face is painful.
    jaw dropping to me. This made me incredibly curious to see what happens tomorrow.
  • WTF Dora?! Poor Marten. That last panel brought back personal memories. The look on his face is painful.
    jaw dropping to me. This made me incredibly curious to see what happens tomorrow.
  • WTF Dora?! Poor Marten. That last panel brought back personal memories. The look on his face is painful.
    Yeah, That one bought back a few things that were not nice.
  • No forest too dark
    No river too deep
    No mountain too high
    No ocean too vast
    No desert too wide
    A Ranger goes where a Ranger will
  • There are four lights.
  • Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!
  • Reason why I don't like going to business dinners: Takes 3+ hours. Ugh, I want my time back.
  • There are four lights.
    Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!
  • edited November 2010

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Played Godwin's Law on Youtube. Got from the Green Lantern trailer to Hitler singing 'I Want to be Free' in ~35 jumps.
  • All Trekkies and casual fans must read this comic.
    Were I still in the PPC she'd be dead before the first page.
  • Note to self: Don't get drunk and then play a scary game online with your friends while they record you.
  • Note to self: Don't get drunk and then play a scary game online with your friends while they record you.
  • edited November 2010
    All Trekkies and casual fans must read this comic.
    I love it! A laugh in every strip!

    EDIT: Mary Sue is so adorable! I want one! ^_^
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Note to self: Don't get drunk and then play a scary game online with your friends while they record you.
    My friend is in the process of editing the video he has of the game along with me on skype.
  • Sonic's speech from Boo Yeah! put through a Markov Chain generator:
    r diversity, our peers from all financial background the crazy guy* Sir, we are an asshole. *CROWD ERUPTS*old his friends over facebook, or text message. We stand before you and young *cheer*, atheists and easily available information. We are a new generation of all trades and straights *big cheer*, atheists and talents, and of all financial background there is a crazy guy* Sir, we are a new generation. Of ubiquitous information. Of flowing information. Of quick and muslims *cheer*, and said 'Hey, the world. We are a new generation, and said 'Hey, there is a reason why we are all races and told to. And it's certainly not because we organized to meet here is a crazy guy* Sir, we are a new generation, and we stand told his friends over facebook, or text message. We came here. It's not because we were told to. And it's certainly not because of divine guidance. *small cheer*, christians and religious information. A generation. We come from all around the world. We are a new generation. A generation, and easily available information...and ideas spread and yelling, and we stand here, old and said 'Hey, there is a crazy guy on campus, screaming and yelling, and saying we're all going to hell.' *mild cheering and applause*
    You... are a new generation of information...and there is a crazy religions, of all trades and easily available information of all walks of life and we have a message, or text message, or a phone came here is a reason why we are all going to meet here. It's certainly not because of diversity, our combined wisdom and muslims *cheer*, atheists and muslims *cheer*, jews and young *cheer*, jews and easily available information. A generation...and the words of our peers from all going to hell.' *mild cheer*, gays and we stand before you and young *cheering and muslims *cheer*, jews and catholics *cheer*, jews and muslims *cheer*, christians and talents, and of all creeds and catholics *cheer*, and yelling, and the world with a message, or a phone call, and saying we're all around the world with a message for you and we stand before young *cheer*, christians and catholics *cheer*, jews and make us stronger.


    We are a new generation. Of quick and agnostics *cheer* We came here is a crazy guy* Sir, we hear there is a reason why we are a new generation...and the words over facebook, or a phone call, and said 'Hey, there is a reason why we are a new generation. A generation. Of flowing information...and young *cheer*, christians and muslim
  • WTF Dora?! Poor Marten. That last panel brought back personal memories. The look on his face is painful.
    Up until this point, Marten and Dora's last fights have been paralleling some problems my girlfriend and I have been having and I have to say that the way this is apparently turning out has not been heartening.

    Oh well. Webcomics are not life. We can do better.
  • Up until this point, Marten and Dora's last fights have been paralleling some problems my girlfriend and I have been having and I have to say that the way this is apparently turning out has not been heartening.

    Oh well. Webcomics are not life. We can do better.
    GF find your stash?
  • GF find your stash?
    Er... no. And for what it's worth, if you think that was the source of the problems in this arc, you might have missed something.
  • Er... no. And for what it's worth, if you think that was the source of the problems in this arc, you might have missed something.
    No I know fully well it wasn't the porn that caused the troubles.
  • Go Navy! Beat Army!
  • edited November 2010
    Go Navy! Beat Army!
    All I can think of now is this stupid limerick about The navy and a porcupine.

    Oh, and copious amounts of buggery. I Believe they shaved the spines off the tail.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Go Navy! Beat Army!
    Go Army! Beat Navy!
  • Bakuman is being directed by the guy that directed Miracle Train. I knew there was a reason I didn't really like that show.
  • Can anyone recommend an Italian wine or two? My sister-in-law traveled Italy and loved the wines she had, so I thought I might bring her some wine for Hanukkah this year. I wasn't sure what thread I should post this in?
  • edited November 2010
    Go Navy! Beat Army!
    All I can think of now is this stupid limerick about The navy and a porcupine.

    Oh, and copious amounts of buggery. I Believe they shaved the spines off the tail.
    The Goat is old and gnarly and he's never been to school,
    But he can fight and take the bacon from the worn out Army mule;
    He's got no education, but he's brimmin full o' fight,
    And Bill will feed on Army mule tonight!

    Army, Army, call the doctor
    Army, Army, call the doctor
    Army, Army, call the doctor

    You're all in down and . . .
    Whoa Ensign had a break today, no??
    Take one!!
    Army, Army call the doctor,
    You're all in, down and out!

    Edit: Why a goat and a mule would fight over bacon is something I think I'll never know.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on

  • Edit: Why a goat and a mule would fight over bacon is something I think I'll never know.
    Why WOULDN'T they fight over bacon?

    G.I. grits and G.I. gravy, gee I wish I'd joined the Navy!
  • The wife is watching the American Music Awards. She didn't like it when I said she's entitled to like shitty music... if she wants to be wrong.
  • I feel like this forum should have one dedicated thread for everyone to post their parts list in when they feel like building a new computer, instead of a new one popping up and then dieing every couple of weeks. Thoughts?
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