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  • I feel like this forum should have one dedicated thread for everyone to post their parts list in when they feel like building a new computer, instead of a new one popping up and then dieing every couple of weeks. Thoughts?
    There are already threads. It's up to people to necro them instead of making a new one.
  • I feel like this forum should have one dedicated thread for everyone to post their parts list in when they feel like building a new computer, instead of a new one popping up and then dieing every couple of weeks. Thoughts?
    There are already threads. It's up to people to necro them instead of making a new one.
    Except too many people are from fucking retardo forums that only consider how old the thread is, not how relevant the bump is, when punishin for necroing.
  • Except too many people are from fucking retardo forums that only consider how old the thread is, not how relevant the bump is, when punishin for necroing.
    Well it's because they feel their computer is so special it needs its own thread.
  • Except too many people are from fucking retardo forums that only consider how old the thread is, not how relevant the bump is, when punishin for necroing.
    Well it's because they feel their computer is so special it needs its own thread.
    Says the person who knits things with thousands, nay millions, of threads.
  • edited November 2010
    Says the person who knits things with thousands, nay millions, of threads.
    You mock me now, but wait until you see what I got for you! It should be done within the next few days.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Says the person who knits things with thousands, nay millions, of threads.
    You mock me now, but wait until you see what I got for you! It should be done within the next few days.
    I've seen it. It is truly amazing.
  • I've seen it. It is truly amazing.
    That's actually already done, and was the prototype for my secret santa. I did tell you what I was making for Scott, but did not show you. :P
  • Boo hat?
    In good time. In good time.
  • I did not know I was getting something. Shits. I did not make anything.
  • I did not know I was getting something. Shits. I did not make anything.
    It's nothing big. Cool, but something I threw together in the last week. ^___~
  • I did not know I was getting something. Shits. I did not make anything.
    Did you sign up for Secret Santa?
  • Oh snap, I saw that Greatest Movie Ever had a 2-fer of the Cage Rage with Con-Air and The Rock. I did not know it was with Dave & Joel. My day is a lot better now.
  • Did you sign up for Secret Santa?
    Yeah, but it's not even December.
  • I only feel like commenting to break the 555 number of posts.
  • Oh snap, I saw that Greatest Movie Ever had a 2-fer of the Cage Rage with Con-Air and The Rock. I did not know it was with Dave & Joel. My day is a lot better now.
    Indeed-y doo. It's a constant struggle to not just attempt to emulate those guys whilst on teh ATW9Ks.
  • If the upcoming Thor movie doesn't have any Amon Amarth music, Kenneth Branagh is just wasting everybody's time.
  • Weird never hurt anyone.
  • Does Java ever really change? Or does the Java Updater exist only to try and schill tertiary products such as the Yahoo browser bar and Open Office? I am curious.
  • Does Java ever really change? Or does the Java Updater exist only to try and schill tertiary products such as the Yahoo browser bar and Open Office? I am curious.
    Changes to Java are probably just bug fixes and efficiency improvements, except for big version numbers (1.5 to 1.6, etc.), which do have some additional features. But I'm sure they don't mind the cash from and Yahoo.
  • edited November 2010
    Does Java ever really change? Or does the Java Updater exist only to try and schill tertiary products such as the Yahoo browser bar and Open Office? I am curious.
    The Java updater exists because there are serious security holes in the JVM, and there are numerous viruses in the wild that take advantage of it. I suggest uninstalling Java if you don't need it. If you do need it, set it to check for updates daily.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Wish I could have thought up a panel, but I bought a ticket to PAX East so whatever.
  • I'm just going to take a moment to state how fucking awesome BSG is.
  • I had a breakdown earlier tonight which resulted in me getting a coffee from Starbucks. Now I'm watching MST3K on Netflix and drawing for my website. School is going to be hell, and I may pull an all-nighter, but damn will I be incredibly ahead of schedule for the website.
  • Starbuck is cold as ice.
  • Starbuck is cold asice.
  • Top comment on twitter for the Seattle area in regards to weather: If you're in your car, don't get out of it. If you're on a TaunTaun, slice it open and crawl inside of it #snOMG #wasnow.

    This made me smile.
  • Why does it always say "aqua" on shampoo bottles instead of "water"?
  • Synergyis AWESOME.
    Does it work well? I remember it not being too useable back in the day.
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