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Random Comments



  • edited November 2010
    I am the taxman!

    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I am Spartacus!
  • I love lamp.
  • I love lamp.
    Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?
  • I love lamp.
    Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?
    I heard their periods attract bears. They can smell the menstruation
  • All this red box threatens to invoke the wrath of the Fist of the Cookie Monster.
  • Nope, that's not it. If it had been, you would already be dead.
  • edited November 2010
    Like this?

    ...Omae wa mo shindeiru.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • WindUpBird, add "width=20%" into your img tags. That way you'll get a 5x5 grid no matter what the window size is.
  • WindUpBird, add "width=20%" into your img tags. That way you'll get a 5x5 grid no matter what the window size is.
    You're already resized.
  • That is glorious.
  • imageLike this?
  • edited November 2010
    I think it's awful that the cookie monster became the fruit & veggie monster. Now, excuse me while I go get a cookie.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Last week my girlfriend and I went to HUMP!
    Hey, Me and mine too.

    Also - if I'm only half paying attention to what I'm doing, I find I often accidentally type < shite > instead of < cite > when I'm putting in a quote from the last page, or from elsewhere.
  • edited November 2010
    I think it's awful that the cookie monster became the fruit & veggie monster. Now, excuse me while I go get a cookie.
    Media blowing this story WAYYY out of proportion!
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited November 2010

    I won't lie, I sometimes still get this song stuck in my head.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • My favorite Cookie monster sketch.
  • My favorite Cookie monster sketch.
    Huh, odd. I'd never seen that before, but I very much enjoyed it.
  • Not really into boxing, but totally am watching a live stream of the Pacquiao/Margarito fight just so I can cheer on Manny! Go Pacman!
  • edited November 2010
    Apparently 4chan is trending on Twitter. It gives me lols on some of these tweets for people who have no idea what 4chan is.

    It seems people think 4chan is hacking and deleting people's tumblrs. Amusing.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Apparently 4chan istrending on Twitter. It gives me lols on some of these tweets for people who have no idea what 4chan is.

    It seems people think 4chan is hacking and deleting people's tumblrs. Amusing.
    The tweets from all the trendy Tumblr kids and hipster jackasses trying to react to the whole deal are hilarious.
  • The tweets from all the trendy Tumblr kids and hipster jackasses trying to react to the whole deal are hilarious.
    Indeed. I find myself laughing every minute.

    I also enjoy the posts about people saying, "if 4chan kills my tumblr page.." They link their page and it's all Justin Bieber shit. Oh man, I want to keep watching this go down, but I should be going to bed soon. Have work in the AM. >__
  • That was some nice Chinese.
  • I also enjoy the posts about people saying, "if 4chan kills my tumblr page.." They link their page and it's all Justin Bieber shit. Oh man, I want to keep watching this go down, but I should be going to bed soon. Have work in the AM. >__<</p>
    The ones who are threatening some sort of strike back against 4chan are pretty hilarious.

    However, 4chan being 4chan, I'm pretty sure Cute Girls With Headphones is safe from attack.
  • Raiding 4Chan would be like breaking into a lions cage in a zoo, stealing a cub, and holding it up in the air while singing "Circle of Life"
  • I just installed Vanilla on my website! I had been so pissed I couldn't get past the MySQL part in the past and ragequit the whole set-up, but I figured out what I was doing wrong.

    I... I left a space in front of the username...
  • I find myself drawn to the almost obsessive compulsion to make costumes of designs that look physically impossible to make and wear. I'm not sure if this should classify as ambition or stubbornness. The particular example that comes to mind is Miku's outfit from the SPiCa video... I just feel like it would be really jaw-dropping kind of gorgeous if I could manage to pull it off.
  • With advances in textiles, one day people will wear that kind of thing to go shopping.
  • Yeah, I'm taking a textile design class next semester, perhaps I'll learn all about those advances in textiles. I can only hope so, I've been itching to make that costume since I first saw that video.
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