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  • edited May 2012
    It is not of concern, Agent Wub.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I feel it should also be pointed out - No shit the FAA is getting het up about this, the guy committed a federal offense on an aircraft in US airspace, kinda part of their job description, guys.
  • I have to agree with Churba here as well. He broke a rule (the validity of the rule may be subject to debate, but the rule as it stands was broken) and the FAA gave him a stern warning about it. It's not even like he was arrested or anything.
  • I have to agree with Churba here as well. He broke a rule (the validity of the rule may be subject to debate, but the rule as it stands was broken) and the FAA gave him a stern warning about it. It's not even like he was arrested or anything.
    What? No. The Rule he broke is not what I'm talking about, that he disobeyed the lawful instructions of a member of the cabin crew, which is a federal felony, that's what I'm talking about. He was directly told to stop filming and put the device away, and he refused.

    The validity of that law is not subject to debate, unlike the rule you're thinking of, which is regarding electronic devices in the cabin.

  • I would sell my soul for coworkers who know a lot of basic Windows/Microsoft Office product knowledge.

    Also for several clones of myself to assist and train various coworkers so I can do my own job with little to no interruption. That would be nice.
  • Kama Sutra II: Bone Harder.
  • I would sell my soul for coworkers who know a lot of basic Windows/Microsoft Office product knowledge.

    Also for several clones of myself to assist and train various coworkers so I can do my own job with little to no interruption. That would be nice.
    Vlookup! Concatenate! Track Changes!

    ... Am I hired?

  • edited May 2012
    I would sell my soul for coworkers who know a lot of basic Windows/Microsoft Office product knowledge.

    Also for several clones of myself to assist and train various coworkers so I can do my own job with little to no interruption. That would be nice.
    For two years I had to help people with multiple PHDs learn how to use office. Office is my bitch.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I have to agree with Churba here as well. He broke a rule (the validity of the rule may be subject to debate, but the rule as it stands was broken) and the FAA gave him a stern warning about it. It's not even like he was arrested or anything.
    What? No. The Rule he broke is not what I'm talking about, that he disobeyed the lawful instructions of a member of the cabin crew, which is a federal felony, that's what I'm talking about. He was directly told to stop filming and put the device away, and he refused.

    The validity of that law is not subject to debate, unlike the rule you're thinking of, which is regarding electronic devices in the cabin.

    Ah, good catch there. Yeah, I was thinking about the electronic devices rule, not the disobeying cabin crew rule.
  • edited May 2012
    Office is really easy to use as far as basic knowledge. I am more surprised when people have an issue with it, but that is coming from someone who uses Excel everyday so it may be a skewed viewpoint.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Office is really easy to use as far as basic knowledge. I am more surprised when people have an issue with it, but that is coming from someone who uses Excel everyday so it may be a skewed viewpoint.
    Granted, it's Open/Libre Office, and not MS Office (though he used MS Office years ago as well), but my grandpa uses it fine for his writing and stuff. It all depends on how fancy you need to get. If you just need to bang out the occasional letter or memo (or newspaper column, in my grandpa's case), it's not that hard to pick up.

    Now, if you're using Excel to create complicated financial models, then you may have an issue.
  • Now, if you're using Excel to create complicated financial models, then you may have an issue.
    The thing is that Excel is really simple. It is basically built into the program to teach you how to use it. Sometimes it does a shit job of explaining but a simple internet search fixes than and most of the time that is for something more complicated anyway. I think maybe the thing with why that is so difficult for some people is the same reason some people think basic programming is too complicated, they see something that looks complicated and do not try to simplify it or use tools available to understand it.
  • edited May 2012
    Now, if you're using Excel to create complicated financial models, then you may have an issue.
    The thing is that Excel is really simple. It is basically built into the program to teach you how to use it. Sometimes it does a shit job of explaining but a simple internet search fixes than and most of the time that is for something more complicated anyway. I think maybe the thing with why that is so difficult for some people is the same reason some people think basic programming is too complicated, they see something that looks complicated and do not try to simplify it or use tools available to understand it.
    Oh yeah, I didn't say Excel wasn't that simple... I just picked something that seemed fairly complicated to do and a complicated financial model in Excel came to mind. This wasn't because of the difficulty in using Excel per se, but more along the lines of the amount of knowledge of Excel one needs to assemble all its different features to create said complex model. While I agree with you that a simple help menu/internet search often can help you figure out what you need to do (and it's something I use quite frequently as I don't use Excel frequently or extensively enough to know all its features), many people don't seem to understand how to use this knowledge base either.

    A similar comparison in Word may be creating a multicolumn document with captioned tables and figures and a table of contents. Heck, I think I'm pretty good at Word and I don't know how to do that off the top of my head. However, I'm also pretty good at using help screens and the internet to figure out how to do so quickly. I'm also not afraid to just dig around the menus/ribbons/etc. for the feature I'm looking for. This may also contribute as many less-skilled computer users seem to have a fear of doing things they've never done before and/or exploring the UI of their software to figure out how to do something.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Tomorrow is national margarita day. ^_^
  • Facebook keeps DC'ing me when I try to send an IM or post a comment. But then I look, and I usually decide said comment or message was kind of derpy anyway, and I edit it. I feel like I have a Facebook guardian angel.
  • @Rym & Scott.

    I am listening to Gifts for Nerds episode. I can totally give so much good advice on this. I am pro on this topic.
  • @Rym & Scott.

    I am listening to Gifts for Nerds episode. I can totally give so much good advice on this. I am pro on this topic.
  • @Rym & Scott.

    I am listening to Gifts for Nerds episode. I can totally give so much good advice on this. I am pro on this topic.
    I also had motive to get in your good graces back in the day. I only solidified our current friendship by being awesome when we first hung out at PAX 2008. :P

    (Yes, I know I'm totally sounding like an ass that's full of myself, but it worked.)

    Also, I'm glad to hear that Rym liked that bottle of wine. :D
  • edited May 2012
    Guide to being in Scott's good graces:

    1) Be a living human being.
    2) Don't have an annoying scary/creepy/fanboy type personality that makes it painful to be in your presence.
    3) Have something to say that is worth listening to.
    4) Never do anything that is really bad and drama-creating.

    Bonus points for geekery.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I will also say that I enjoy making presents. I have a few that have been partially made but never completed for a few people on this forum. I'm very sorry people, but I may one day get back to them. However, my Rainbow Dash socks and Pinkie Pie hat take precedence.
  • I'm pondering buying one of those we-love-fine polos. Can't decide on which though.
  • If you're using Excel for financial modeling, there's a decent chance you're doing something wrong. Mostly because Excel is really, really shitty at doing anything harder than grade-level statistics.

    If you're using it to track finances and do accounting-type things, well, that's what it was made for.
  • Eyup. That's why I use Excel for my budgeting. I can set up the exact layout I want.

    I also have been burned a few times by the programs like Quicken that have auto-imports of your transactions and auto-bill entry, so now I do it all by hand. It's good practice to manually go over where your money is coming in and going out anyway.
  • A significant portion of my job so-far has involved building and maintaining custom telecommunications accounting software. I hate taxes for an entirely different reason than most people hate taxes. And I can't really talk about it... so fie!
  • edited May 2012
    If you're using Excel for financial modeling, there's a decent chance you're doing something wrong. Mostly because Excel is really, really shitty at doing anything harder than grade-level statistics.

    If you're using it to track finances and do accounting-type things, well, that's what it was made for.
    I'm not a financial modeler, so I don't know the nuances of what Excel is good at with respect to financial modeling vs. something more sophisticated. Excel is far more powerful than just the "big table of text" that people tend to use it for. I just haven't used it for anything particularly sophisticated since college and even then it was mostly to generate graphs and process relatively large datasets from engineering lab reports. I do remember having to use its non-linear Solver once or twice, but I forget what for and what it does...
    I also have been burned a few times by the programs like Quicken that have auto-imports of your transactions and auto-bill entry, so now I do it all by hand. It's good practice to manually go over where your money is coming in and going out anyway.
    I actually only recently switched from manual to auto-import of transactions mostly because it was taking me way too long to auto-import them. That said, I still review the auto-imported stuff to make sure it's legit.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • So I've been listening to a lot of the older episodes lately since I need to update my music and I need something to listen to at work. I was listening to the Collectible Games episode and might I just say the back and forth about April Fools pranks was hilarious. Rym comes up with a mischievous prank then Scott turns it upside down. Mostly I think it was Rym's reactions to Scott's suggestions that was so funny.
  • edited May 2012
    I just realize that the iPredator VPN from the makers of Pirate Bay is really inexpensive! I might get it. It will at least be very useful when I am using public Internet. I also think I can get my iPhone to use it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited May 2012
    Signed up for IPredator. $22 for 3 months. It's fast, and it works. Highly recommend.

    Have to remember to turn it off when gaming.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Excel is far more powerful than just the "big table of text" that people tend to use it for.
    This, so much this.
  • In the US at least, you don't need a license to own a black powder weapon.
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