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  • My direct supervisor has some family members that make custom machined tractor pull parts. Out of aluminum. They break within one to three pulls usually, but that seems to be the point. And they make thousands and thousands of dollars for these things.
  • North Florida is really just south Georgia. That's okay though, because they've got boiled peanuts there.
    I love cajun nuts.
  • Folding proteins onto tits.
    Not my fetish. But thanks for sharing yours.
    Never thought Sketch was into something that degrading towards women. Man, the things you learn about people...
    The comment did not represent any proclivities of mine but was simply a disgusting and inexcusable failure of self-censorship, the sort of random thoughts that pop into the head of anyone raised in our pornography-saturated culture. It was base, immature, and sexist, and I should have restrained myself. Again, I apologize.
  • Oh grow up. Nothing wrong with the joke, and consenting parties enjoy it across the globe.
  • Oh grow up. Nothing wrong with the joke, and consenting parties enjoy it across the globe.
    Yeah. I actually couldn't tell if WUB was joking or not. "Man, the things you learn about people..." seemed kind of over-the-top, but who knows? Either way, you don't need to be so embarrassed over making a quip like that.
  • I'm quite sure Wub was joking and making fun of sketchbook's own attitude there.
  • I'm quite sure Wub was joking and making fun of sketchbook's own attitude there.
    Man, I was totally kidding.
  • It has nothing to do with embarrassment. I know it doesn't seem like much to you, but that sort of thing is a serious personal failure for me. It makes me even more of a hypocrite and represents a betrayal of the my most important values. It really stings me that I screwed up so badly.
  • It has nothing to do with embarrassment. I know it doesn't seem like much to you, but that sort of thing is a serious personal failure for me. It makes me even more of a hypocrite and represents a betrayal of the my most important values. It really stings me that I screwed up so badly.
    Is it really about that post or is there more going on? I cannot imagine a post, even one like that, making someone feel that bad about themself. Everyone can be juvenile everyone once and a while, it is part of being human.
  • edited May 2012
    What about it exactly betrays your personal values in such a severe way?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Yeah, you said the word tits. It's not even close to something vaguely offensive like an "In the kitchen" joke.
  • It's hard to explain, exactly, but profeminism is supposed to be at the core of me. Those snide comments are a manifestation of a system that I hate with my entire being. It's what I care about more than absolutely anything. That it's so fragile that it disappears the moment I let my guard down... that hurts.
  • Feminists can still talk about tits, you know.
  • Talk about? Sure, if everyone is comfortable with it. Make crass comments? I don't believe I have that right.
  • edited May 2012
    It's only degrading if it's not her choice, yo.

    There is a difference between objectifying women (or any group of people) and recognizing that they are human beings with value, both aesthetic and intellectual. It's just as sexist to put women (or black people or Mexicans or WHOEVER) on a PC pedestal as it is to put them in a social ditch. Just recognize that they're people. Interact with them like they're people. Some like kinky, bizzarro stuff and some don't... just like MAN PEOPLE.

    The key is not crossing that line with someone unless you know it's cool. Find out first if you need to. In a public forum, it's probably best to err on the side of caution, lest ye bear the wrath of Kate.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited May 2012
    Everyone can make crass comments about everyone as long as no one feels objectified. Also, people in general need to learn how to take a joke.

    You go ahead and fold those proteins, Sketch. Fold 'em wherever you want, as long as she's into it.

    EDIT: Ninja'd.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You have the right to make crass remarks about tits as long as they can make them about dicks. We're an equal opportunity forum.
  • edited May 2012
    It's not anything to do with whatever acts. I'm not sex-negative, for gods sake. But it's not about what I said, it's about how easily I betrayed my principles, made one of those little comments that don't seem like much but is just another little cog in the patriarchal mechanisms which I hate with every part of my being.

    It's just frustrating and makes me feel even more useless and guilty about this shit than I usually do.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited May 2012
    It's just frustrating and makes me feel even more useless and guilty about this shit than I usually do.
    Slow your roll, sketch.

    You fucked up, that's fine, we all do. But consider it this way - Your comment, your particular comment, the only one you're responsible for, didn't hurt anybody, nor will it. And while you made the mistake, you're already miles ahead of many, many people, because you actually recognize the fact, and wish to correct it in the future.

    Nobody is perfect, brother, we all fuck up sometimes. Just be pleased that this time, it was minor, and nobody is really hurt or offended, and you recognize and can in future correct the mistake. Not worth the calories to stress about this one tiny instance, rather than just acknowledging it, and learning from it. Or maybe not learning, since you already know, but just trying not to do it again.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • If you live within a 20 minute drive of a shopping mall, GAS STATION, you are not in hick territory.
  • What just happened?
  • If you live within a 20 minute drive of a shopping mall, GAS STATION, you are not in hick territory.
    If you can't set off several small explosives and fire an assualt rifle fully automatic without the cops showing up, you are not in hick country.
  • I really love being able to do that :)
  • If you live within a 20 minute drive of a shopping mall, GAS STATION, you are not in hick territory.
    If you can't set off several small explosives and fire an assualt rifle fully automatic without the cops showing up, you are not in hick country.
    You mean that's not something everyone can do in their yard? Isn't that in the Constitution or something?
  • edited May 2012
    I've never played Master of Orion III, because I've always heard it sucked. But I feel like I need to play it now... to know why it sucked...

    I mean... read this review:
    When Master of Orion 3 came out, I bought it with a friend of mine. We had heard some of the buzz about the game, and we had heard that it wasn't very good, so neither of us were willing to buy it at full price. We split the price, and went back to my place to try it out.
    I remember the manual. It gave a nice backstory for the conflict, and got me enthused to play. i thought to myself, "surely there is some fun to be found here!"
    I was wrong.
    We spent a few hours with it that day. At first, we thought that we just needed to figure out the game's intricacies, and a beautiful experience would open up before us. We could see for ourselves what it means to become a galactic overlord, one conquest at a time! We'd crush empire after empire under our boots!
    We were wrong.
    When we couldn't take anymore, my friend went home, and brought the game with him. I went to visit him a few days later. He had discovered the whole "click End Turn until you win" strategy, and was ready to quit. I took the game back to my place and gave it several more hours of play over the next few days.
    In the end, we faced a dilemma. Neither of us ever wanted to play the game again. We didn't want to throw it away, because someone might dig it out of the trash and try to play it. We couldn't destroy it because we had paid good money for it.
    We made a sacred pact that day.
    We both uninstalled the game. He kept the install disk, and I kept the play disk, so that neither of us would ever have the means to reinstall the game on either of our systems. To this day, I have no idea where he keeps his disk. Mine is sealed away where it can't hurt anyone. From time to time, I'll take it out to remind myself of my ordeal. I do this with the curtains drawn, so that nobody sees it, and a stiff drink in my hand, to dull the pain. This dark legacy will haunt me for the rest of my days.
    Some day, I'll pass the responsibility to my son, and he can become the custodian of MOO3.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • They say that Facebook is a detriment for those getting interviewed for jobs, but it works both ways. I now know some things about the person interviewing me this week!
  • If the things I say and do on facebook were enough to lose me a specific job, that job wasn't ever really a fit for me.
  • edited May 2012
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Buy dead-tree edition of text book two days before final. Do good and immediately return the book.
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