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  • This is bullshit; and from a judge no less.
    It's Arizona. Enough said. One reason why it's on my do-not-visit list.
    This makes me angry on so many levels.
  • This is bullshit; and from a judge no less.
    It's Arizona. Enough said. One reason why it's on my do-not-visit list.
    This makes me angry on so many levels.
    I hope you're referring to the judge's verdict, and not my adding Arizona to my do-not-visit list. I never intended to make you angry. That judge's decision is utter bullshit, but given all the other bullshit coming out of Arizona the past few years, sadly it didn't surprise me.
  • It would be amazing if Tim Minchin was at PAX Australia. Someone should get on that.
  • edited September 2012
    It would be amazing if Tim Minchin was at PAX Australia. Someone should get on that.
    What a ball-ache. I'll look into it, but I doubt it will be much use. If I get anything worth mentioning, I'll ensure it gets to Yug. That's all I can promise.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I saw a google+ post about him doing something in Sydney and my mind instantly went, "Hey, Tim Minchin does a lot of gigs in/is from Australia... OMG PAX Australia!"
  • I saw a google+ post about him doing something in Sydney and my mind instantly went, "Hey, Tim Minchin does a lot of gigs in/is from Australia... OMG PAX Australia!"
    Yeah, he travels back and fourth between the three eastern cities very regularly for various reasons.
  • I played Crysis less than an hour before I started modding it. Scaled the gun damage up, scaled the suit to match, dicked around with a few other settings.

    If it were up to me I'd make every goddamn game into a tact sim.
  • Cloaks should be the next hipster clothing item. Very functional, especially in inclement weather. Durable. Simple design. Can be patterned in silly hipster ways.
  • I've been eating a lot of black beans lately.
  • image
    Though the FBI wouldn't be THAT blatant.
  • image
    Still less blatant then the suggestion.
  • It rained for ~15 minutes this afternoon, as it is wont to do in Florida. The steam coming off the road once it finished was really cool looking.
  • FBI Surveillance Van is bland compared to some of the SSIDs I've seen.

    "Bill Wi the Science Fi"
    "Abraham Linksys"
    "It Hurts When IP"
    "Hide Yo Kids Hide Yo Wifi"
  • edited September 2012
    One of the hotspots at my community college was Atari 2600.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • My ssid is "Not_Yours"
  • Saw one at RIT called "ritwpa3" (RIT's official secured network is called "ritwpa2").
  • I'm on Graceland right now.
  • There was an SSID last year, "Bring cookies to 15101" (the apartment below me. I just so happened to be baking cookies, so I brought a few down. The guys who answered the door were quite confused, but ultimately grateful.
  • "pretty fly for a wifi"
  • My is "TARDIS" because like the Tardis the internet is so big, also, I am SUCH a nerd.
  • Friend threatened suicide. I called the cops. He fled.
  • Dude. Why did you call the cops?
  • edited September 2012
    Dude. Why did you call the cops?
    In his defense when I tried to die Jed called the cops on me. Unfortunately, they'll still handcuff you and take you to the local emergency psyche ward. It's usually the cheap dirty hospital everyone hates. Well, at least in DC.

    Police deal with stopping suicides a lot. Unfortunately, they are too late a few times too. Well, based on what I learned on the car ride to the crazy house.

    Post edited by Viga on
  • I don't think calling the cops was wrong. In the end, they have the power to do things we can't in that most extreme of situations. But I'm sorry dude.
  • Dude. Why did you call the cops?
    Because you can't fuck around with things like that. If someone you love is seriously at that point, they are beyond all of your amateur therapist goodwill.

    Also, the cops are really the only emergency response we've got.

  • edited September 2012
    The only other suggestion I would say is call an ambulance, but cops are usually more ready on the scene and can call medical assistance more efficiently.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited September 2012
    Dude. Why did you call the cops?
    Because you can't fuck around with things like that. If someone you love is seriously at that point, they are beyond all of your amateur therapist goodwill.

    Also, the cops are really the only emergency response we've got.

    Yeah, but I thought you're supposed to stall for time in an emergency situation like that, purely because of the fact that suicide-risk individuals react to "forced help" (like the police or an ambulance) by fleeing.

    I always heard that you're supposed to stall by talking until you can safely step away for a moment, call secretly, and then engage the person in conversation until the police arrive.

    I guess this really boils down to: did you tell them you called the cops? Or did they run when they saw a squad car? Regardless, you did the right thing; I just wish people had more training in how to deal with situations like this. They should do a course in high school or something.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • He figured it out and fled. Probably not my best moment leaving him alone but he was on the other side of town and I wasn't sure if he was armed (well yes he always has a knife on his person) and cooler heads were telling me not to go.

    He's calmed down by now but is pretty adamant about not getting help. I'm debating if it is worth continuing this friendship.
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