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Random Comments



  • edited October 2012
    Nah, almost undoubtedly Ork. The Dark Elder are all about the splinter weapons and lasers made of black holes.

    Also, good god they made the Dark Eldar awesome in the recent revamp. I like how in Warhammer 40k, a universe populated with a thousand horrors that will kill you a million ways, the only people who are flat out completely souless evil are a bunch of fucking elves who are also hedonismbot.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • People look way too hard for things to be offended by. Spear Chucka is a stylistic match for every other Ork unit. It's not even a common slur. It's not even SORT OF common.
  • People look way too hard for things to be offended by. Spear Chucka is a stylistic match for every other Ork unit. It's not even a common slur. It's not even SORT OF common.
    It's exactly what they do. They chuck spears.
  • People look way too hard for things to be offended by. Spear Chucka is a stylistic match for every other Ork unit. It's not even a common slur. It's not even SORT OF common.
    It was very common in Victorian era England, during the Zulu wars.
  • Right which isn't relevant to 199X or beyond except for people whose hobby is getting pissed off.
  • Reporting for duty! I specialize in corners of history no one gives a shit about.
  • edited October 2012
    I look back at high school me and just shake my head. Kid had so much potential, and wasted it because he was fucking terrified of everything.
    If it makes you feel any better, I just read your post in the voice of the Bastion narrator.

    As for bullying, to this day I don't know if having a jockish, football-playing older brother helped or hurt me in the long run (he's 4 years older than me, so we were never in the same school). I know being a prankster and social engineer helped, though. In between rigging the class election, being able to pull any friend out of class at any time, and making $200 off of a really bad t-shirt design, most of the school learned I was certainly someone to befriend and not harass.

    Oh, and Rym, as a young sysadmin entering the world of financial technology, would you mind if I harass you for career advice at some point?
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • I don't really care how much Rym makes compared to me, no more than he cared when I made more than he did at the time.
  • edited October 2012
    I care only as far as I'm glad my friend is doing well for himself.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I don't really care. I mean I expect that he'd make more, considering he's had more schooling than me and more experience in a field that requires a lot of training and therefore individuals are more valuable.
  • Huh? US salaries are much higher than I expected. Even by Norway standards, $130k is a bunch of money. It's close to twice the average.
  • Huh? US salaries are much higher than I expected. Even by Norway standards, $130k is a bunch of money. It's close to twice the average.
    Just FYI, the median household income in the US is about $45K. Rym is doing well.
  • I do hats too:

  • edited October 2012
    Keep in mind that Rym's job has moved from being an IT professional to being a manager - the salary is about right for someone in charge of a small product support team. (Take note, engineering kids - if you want to make the bank, move into management.)

    Also, Rym, if your company needs bright-eyed, bushy-tailed software engineers, I'll be graduating in a year and a half. ;P
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I don't really care how much Rym makes compared to me, no more than he cared when I made more than he did at the time.
    This is the proper response. I did realize today that I need to axe a hobby or two due to financial woes, but then I realized it's not because I'm overspending, it's because I'm oversaving.

    Police get wrong man, use inappropriate force, APOLOGIZE instead of planting dope. Wow. We should try this in America, too.
  • edited October 2012
    Earlier today, I watched a man go on for about two hours on how it's common to underestimate "most people", and how most people are actually smart, can make rational judgment, don't have prejudices, etc. Actually, he said most Americans, as it was related to the elections. Looking at news-article-comments (Which I hoped would be a step above YouTube comments), that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Edit: I displayed bad grammar in this post, I do however, consider myself smart. I can argue that I'm tired, but likely, I'm less smart than I think I am =P
    Post edited by Aria on
  • Maybe it's mostly mouthbreathers who have time and inclination to sit around on the internet and post ignorant comments on news articles, so it's self selecting...

    I know I never comment on local news websites. Sometimes I do on their facebook feeds, but that's all, and rarely.
  • edited October 2012
    These kinds of comments are heavily affected by sampling bias (particularly self-selection bias).

    Smarter people already know well enough to keep away from those kinds of comments, so it's a self-reinforcing phenomenon by which such comments get progressively more stupid.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I generally find comments on websites like Slashdot to be informative, and the discussions to be mostly civil. Slashdot mostly has nerds, so it's fair to assume above average intelligence. But since this website doesn't require an account, and it's content of interest to the mainstream, should you not be able to expect average intelligence?
  • edited October 2012
    That would only be valid if everyone was always equally likely to comment, independently of how intelligent they are.

    However, if willingness to comment is anticorrelated with the gap between intelligence and the current level of discourse, then you can expect these kinds of comments to display levels of intelligence that are well below average.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I dunno, Jack seems to feel comfortable commenting here lots.
  • Low blow dude.
  • image

    This picture is fairly popular on the Internet. I though I would share that I actually know everyone in that picture in real life, and also was present when it was taken.
  • You are the scout leader, right?
  • You are the scout leader, right?
    He's the prize.

  • You know what's fucked up? In the process of trying to make really terrible metal to make fun of metal, I ended up really liking metal. Particularly the fucked-up shit I was trying to mock.

  • Metal is awesome what is wrong with you.
  • I realize that now! It just took a while.
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