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Random Comments



  • Kitty Purry = Katy Perry's cat.
  • No bullying here. I think some people may have tried from time to time, like kids do, but I was never the lowest rung on that totem pole and I always gave as good as I ever got. I also went to a weird school relative to most people. 2500+ students, but relatively rural.
  • edited October 2012
    Kitty Purry = Katy Perry's cat.
    I just saw that when I watched her documentary last night. Cosplay anyone? >_>

    (Edit: talking about the giant purple furry at one of her concerts)
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • edited October 2012
    There is also a difference. Kelsey is way more social than I am but she absolutely hates getting up in front of people to talk and avoids it whenever she can, I'm the exact opposite. I have no problem getting up in front of a large group and talking but I'm not very talkative when I first meet people and not the best conversationalist.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited October 2012
    I was bullied for a while, probably cause I was externally emotional when I was younger. I've since grown a hard, calloused shell of non-emotion for most of my daily interactions. I was left alone mostly once I got into high school, the bullies had to spend a lot more time maintaining their popular image and had no time to harass me. :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited October 2012
    My youngest brother did have some major bullying issues. There was actually a facebook hate group for him at one point. That shit still gives me the rage. He partially brought it on and amplified it with his responses... but that was not acceptable.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • My dad told me to man up. My mom always just backed my dad. This was also way before bullying was really recognized as a social issue. It stopped Junior year when I reached 6' but the damage was done.
  • I've gotta admit, I'm pretty scared of Rym. He's in the financial industry, he could probably ruin my credit rating. Which, for you young'ns, is a Big Deal.
  • I've gotta admit, I'm pretty scared of Rym. He's in the financial industry, he could probably ruin my credit rating. Which, for you young'ns, is a Big Deal.
  • Fear. Fear is the mind killer.
  • edited October 2012
    I was violently bullied early on in elementary school, which probably didn't help when it came to the eventual depression and paranoia in my teens. It wasn't the catalyst but it definitely contributed to the idea that I couldn't trust anyone.

    I look back at high school me and just shake my head. Kid had so much potential, and wasted it because he was fucking terrified of everything.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited October 2012
    I like to assume that anyone who tells me they work in the banking or finance industry is a teller. It makes for some hilarious mental images.

    I also asked a friend who described her job as data mining whether it was harder to remove a 1 or 0 from the mine.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I look back at high school me and just shake my head. Kid had so much potential, and wasted it because he was fucking terrified of everything.
    You've still got potential as long as you're not dead.
  • I've gotta admit, I'm pretty scared of Rym. He's in the financial industry, he could probably ruin my credit rating. Which, for you young'ns, is a Big Deal.
    I say we kill him.
  • I look back at high school me and just shake my head. Kid had so much potential, and wasted it because he was fucking terrified of everything.
    You've still got potential as long as you're not dead.
    For sure. But it sure does feel like I wasted a lot of time.
  • I've gotta admit, I'm pretty scared of Rym. He's in the financial industry, he could probably ruin my credit rating. Which, for you young'ns, is a Big Deal.
    I say we kill him.
    Eat the rich?
  • edited October 2012 fact I once talked about calling the police on a kid who had given me two black eyes the day before and my dad berated me for trying to "act like an adult and solve [my] boy-level problems in adult-level ways."

    That was before an hour long lecture on acting like a victim and inviting beatings.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • May just be me getting old, but using the phrase, or a derivative of "getting feels" sounds so juvenile.
  • May just be me getting old, but using the phrase, or a derivative of "getting feels" sounds so juvenile.
    I think it sounds stupid, too, but slowly it's growing on me just like every other stupid grammar "hack" that becomes ubiquitous online. After awhile it can't help but just sound normal (with a few exceptions.)
  • May just be me getting old, but using the phrase, or a derivative of "getting feels" sounds so juvenile.
    I know that feel. :P
  • edited October 2012
    I remember in ancient times when parents/teachers/principals/peers said things like "Eventually you'll grow up" or "You can't always do that" or "At some point, someone's going to beat your ass for that".

    Grew up, still doing those things, been attacked and still the same person. Fuck you, people who gave up their integrity and self respect, assumed that happened to everyone, and tried to instill that mindset on younger possibly impressionable people.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • May just be me getting old, but using the phrase, or a derivative of "getting feels" sounds so juvenile.
    I feel your feels bro
  • edited October 2012
    Completely off topic, but I am reading the 3rd edition Warhammer Fantasy book from 1987 right now, and it is completely crazy bonkerstown. There are like 200 dense pages of super specific and terribly written rules, as one would expect from a property of the time, but man, warhammer lore used to be weird as balls. It's kind of a neat semi-serious dark fantasy setting with a Reformation-era focus now, but back then it was all about Japanese suicide bomber samurai, ale-powered flamethrowers, swamp croc-men and evil garden gnomes. My brain is filled to capacity with fuck right now.

    Skaven are exactly the same, though. Which is to say, mad scientist ratmen cultist conspiracy theory. Warhammer lore is dangerously awesome.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • This is the Random Comments thread. There are no main topics. :P
  • I like that in 40K there was a place called Birmingham and it was a dark center of the univers. That and the ocasional nerdy UK references that crop up when they still treaded it as a bit of a joke.
  • edited October 2012
    Warhammer 40k constantly swings back and forth between being a joke and being dead serious. 2nd ed was way jokey, 3rd ed was really much too grimdark and monochrome, 4th ed felt way too much like generic sci-fi for some reason. I think that it really clicked in 5th and they've only been getting better since; the Space Marines are much more medieval knightly, but also more unabashedly heroic. The 6th ed rulebook gets really dark, but also has little hints of humour and tempers the gloom and doom with more hope for the future. And god damn, I will never get tired of timelines of events in the 40k universe.

    Fantasy, these days, is at it's best when it plays it with a straight face because it manages to craft a fantasy universe that just plays on the sort of imagery present in reformation-era contemporary myth so well. There is a great piece of 4th ed illustration called the Procession of the Grotesque, with sort of weird mockeries of the human form walking by, that just sorts of grabs it perfectly; this dirty, grimy, strange, sickening and yet completely fantastic world.

    Also wow Zoats are weird.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • 40k had a unit called Spear Chucka. This caused a several page derail the last time it was mentioned on a different forum, for the racist connotations.
  • edited October 2012
    I vaguely recall a rename of the goblin ballista-style artillery pieces between 4th and 5th edition due to that reason. There was also a case in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying game 1st ed where the authors used a very American racial slur under the impression it meant "scab worker".

    I've read a lot of British media, particularly from the 80s and 90s, which seem to stumble into language like that out of what I presume is simply honest ignorance. I mean, yeah, Warhammer 40k does have the whole "in the grim future there is only white people" thing which isn't awesome, but I've never felt it was particularly malicious. I figured it was just the inevitable result of being stuck in Birmingham, where no information can get in from the outside world due to constant torrential rains. They simply don't know that not everybody in the world is a white dude with mutton chops.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • May just be me getting old, but using the phrase, or a derivative of "getting feels" sounds so juvenile.
    I feel your feels bro
    Feels is one of the last memes I actually like.
  • 40k had a unit called Spear Chucka. This caused a several page derail the last time it was mentioned on a different forum, for the racist connotations.
    Were they Dark Eldar units, by chance?
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