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  • edited October 2012
    Florida is laughing at your northerners and your hurricane worry.
    Yep. Same here. Bunch of wusses, the lot of you.
    Yeah the federally declared disaster area we were living in the last time was sure a hoot. :-)

    My generator starts and runs well! Now to remember what grade oil I'm supposed to put in there...
    For a fucking cat 1? Government are wusses, too. Y'all are soft.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited October 2012
    For a fucking cat 1? Government are wusses, too. Y'all are soft.
    Much like the wussy quake we had a year ago, this is dangerous for us cause our shit isn't built for it.
    My generator starts and runs well! Now to remember what grade oil I'm supposed to put in there...
    When in doubt, 5W-30. ~_^

    I reshuffled the crap in the garage and my car is now safely stored out of the elements.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • For a fucking cat 1? Government are wusses, too. Y'all are soft.
    Much like the wussy quake we had a year ago, this is dangerous for us cause our shit isn't built for it.
    Why? That's silly. We had Cyclone Larry, it dealt us a pretty good kicking, but we were prepared for when Cyclone Yasi came through, even though it did a lot of damage, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Both were cat fives, but it was a bit different - for a start, Yasi is cat five, because there are no higher categories to put it in.

    Man, I lived through Cyclone Justin as a kid, and it was stronger than this - and I lived through it while we were living right next to the beach in a kinda flimsy little place not built for cyclones. You'll be fine, George.
  • In all seriousness though, we're having hurricane parties because we don't know how to handle a hurricane not coming to visit us.
  • For a fucking cat 1? Government are wusses, too. Y'all are soft.
    Much like the wussy quake we had a year ago, this is dangerous for us cause our shit isn't built for it.
    My generator starts and runs well! Now to remember what grade oil I'm supposed to put in there...
    When in doubt, 5W-30. ~_^

    I reshuffled the crap in the garage and my car is now safely stored out of the elements.
    Dad said SAE 30 and he's a machinist so... hopefully that's right. :-)

    I only wish I had a garage. All I have is a toolshed with a hole in the roof from Albert that I still haven't fixed...
  • They're saying it may reach as far as the Appalachians. Good thing I'm nowhere near that.
  • edited October 2012
    For a fucking cat 1? Government are wusses, too. Y'all are soft.
    Much like the wussy quake we had a year ago, this is dangerous for us cause our shit isn't built for it.
    My generator starts and runs well! Now to remember what grade oil I'm supposed to put in there...
    When in doubt, 5W-30. ~_^

    I reshuffled the crap in the garage and my car is now safely stored out of the elements.
    Dad said SAE 30 and he's a machinist so... hopefully that's right. :-)

    I only wish I had a garage. All I have is a toolshed with a hole in the roof from Albert that I still haven't fixed...
    SAE 30 is the same as 5W-30. 30 is the operative number. SAE 30 can be a little tricky to find sometimes, so 5W-30 or 10W-30 is a fine substitute.

    But really the operative word is oil. Just make sure it has some and you'll be fine.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I got the last two quarts of SAE 30 at Wally World. Sadly D batteries are already totally gone.
  • edited October 2012
    Florida is laughing at your northerners and your hurricane worry.
    Yep. Same here. Bunch of wusses, the lot of you.
    Yeah, even as a Northerner I'm surprised how many people are freaking out. It seems as extreme as the way people south of I-90 react to snow.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • My apartment-mates from California are scared. I'm...Not.
  • Not scared. Not thrilled either. No power for two weeks is no fun.
  • My apartment-mates from California are scared. I'm...Not.
    Oh man, Are they from Southern California? Southern Californians have no concept of inclement weather, much less a full fledged hurricane. Seriously. If it so much as sprinkles down here everyone suddenly forgets how to drive.

    You know what? I would LOVE to see a hurricane hit the around here. I would just giggle from the bedlam.
  • I am so glad feminism comes in waves, because if Galaga taught me anything, it's that after wave three is the bonus round.
  • If it so much as sprinkles down here everyone suddenly forgets how to drive.
  • My apartment-mates from California are scared. I'm...Not.
    Oh man, Are they from Southern California? Southern Californians have no concept of inclement weather, much less a full fledged hurricane. Seriously. If it so much as sprinkles down here everyone suddenly forgets how to drive.

    You know what? I would LOVE to see a hurricane hit the around here. I would just giggle from the bedlam.
    They live right outside LA. They constantly one-up everything about Rochester. It's annoying, because we all actively dislike someone who we all hate for "one-upping" everything, and they are giant hypocrites about it.
  • To be fair, Rochester kinda sucks. But yeah, it is annoying. Have they gotten the comeuppance of having to survive the winter yet?
  • Yeah, they did first year. They just talk about how "I'd take Rochester winter over California any day."

    And when they one-up me, I mean they complain that everything in LA is worse.
  • edited October 2012

    Seriously, I want to call Gladstone up personally and ask if I can make copies of this article and hand them to every dumbass who comes into my Autozone wondering if they should buy this car from the skeezy lot up the street.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Oh. Then they're idiots. LA's worse only in terms of traffic, smog, and earthquakes.
  • I mean, the heat is dangerous, the wildfires are dangerous, gas is more expensive...But shit is bad in Rochester too.
  • I want to stencil the Imperial Aquila on my car. I need a large-ass stencil.
  • I want to stencil the Imperial Aquila on my car. I need a large-ass stencil.
    I heartily approve of this endeavor.
  • I want to stencil the Imperial Aquila on my car. I need a large-ass stencil.
    I heartily approve of this endeavor.
    If you don't do it now, it's definitely heresy.

  • edited October 2012
    I think that is probably fine as long as you're cool with everyone thinking it's a Nazi symbol.

    'coz serious, people are going to interpret this:


    as this:

    Post edited by Dave on
  • edited October 2012
    oops! double post!
    Post edited by Dave on
  • There is a giant Aquila in front of the GW headquarters in Nottingham.

    If you ask a cabbie to take you to the nazi building, they'll drive you there.
  • I think eagles are used enough in flags and coats of arms that it isn't just a Nazi symbol. Two headed eagles are certainly more Russian to me than Nazi. Germany still uses an eagle as a national symbol. As does the USA, I believe.
  • Yeah, but the Warhammer one has a lot of visual similarity with an iron eagle, and basically no similarity (despite having two heads) with this:


    and literally no similarity with this:

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