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  • I would help you with that so hard.
  • Man I really want to now, but I don't have shit for audio equipment and I don't want to be anymore watchlists than I probably already am (or most of us on this forum, for that matter).
  • It's actually fairly difficult to get on watchlists. If you're just saying things, you have to get on TV or form organizations to do it, and even then the step between that and warrant for arrest is huge. Debs wasn't arrested until 1917 (he still ran for President in 1920). The man was almost dead by then. If you're doing things rather than saying things, it's a lot easier. Getting your picture taken with the wrong person can do you in (see Inga Arvad), but if you don't have any direct connections with people deemed "very bad" by the FBI, it's still fairly hard.

    This all, of course, assumes that you don't have a criminal record.
  • Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think most of Jane Austin's works might fail the Bechdel test.
  • edited December 2012
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think most of Jane Austin's works might fail the Bechdel test.
    This question came up in my Jane Austen class. I cannot post another student's work online, but I can definitively tell you that they pass the Bechdel test (the majority of films - excepting a very old version of Pride and Prejudice - as well as the novels).

    So many people look at Jane Austen's works as "just" romances. Please keep in mind that, for their time, they were fairly revolutionary feminist prose. While women today may pine for a Mr. Darcy of their own, the novels show just how subjugated and repressed women were and bemoan that marriage and motherhood was the be all and end all of a woman's accomplishments.

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think most of Jane Austin's works might fail the Bechdel test.
    This question came up in my Jane Austen class. I cannot post another student's work online, but I can definitively tell you that they pass the Bechdel test (the majority of films - excepting a very old version of Pride and Prejudice - as well as the novels).

    So many people look at Jane Austen's works as "just" romances. Please keep in mind that, for their time, they were fairly revolutionary feminist prose. While women today may pine for a Mr. Darcy of their own, the novels show just how subjugated and repressed women were and bemoan that marriage and motherhood was the be all and end all of a woman's accomplishments.

    Fair enough :)
  • 'Sides, the Bechdel test is not an indicator of an individual work's quality or feminist-ness. It's more an overall thing. It doesn't particularly matter one way or another if a single piece of media passes; the important part is how many works pass or fail overall, as a barometer for the way women are treated in media in general.
  • 'Sides, the Bechdel test is not an indicator of an individual work's quality or feminist-ness. It's more an overall thing. It doesn't particularly matter one way or another if a single piece of media passes; the important part is how many works pass or fail overall, as a barometer for the way women are treated in media in general.
    Which still seems to be terrible overall but it was just a thought.
  • Well yeah, like half of all movies still fail it.
  • I'd also like to propose a corollary to the Bechdel test, in that if there is a female lead she must be one of the women having the conversation for the work to pass. That way we prevent people from including just such a conversation between two random women (even if they follow the other corollary that they be named characters) purely to satisfy the test.
  • All I know about Austen is that when she's praised as "a classic of British literature" or "the grandmother of feminism" in the presence of my father, he tells me "but don't hold that against her, she's actually funny."
  • I'm pretty sure she meant a college to educate students in how to be criminals. We were talking about drug dealers and such, and I remarked how I found it funny that people often say how crime doesn't pay, but we generally only have the ones that get caught as examples.

    Hmm, I wonder if we could become create a podcast series and get it on Itunes U as "college courses."
    If you want to go all "clean" with that idea, you could probably cover a lot of educational material just putting it into the criminal perspective. Economics and business management with drug dealing, anatomy with murder, engineering and terrorism, uhhhmm finance vs. money laundering.

    But, you know, you "dogs" may thing that's "whack".
  • I'm pretty sure she meant a college to educate students in how to be criminals. We were talking about drug dealers and such, and I remarked how I found it funny that people often say how crime doesn't pay, but we generally only have the ones that get caught as examples.

    Hmm, I wonder if we could become create a podcast series and get it on Itunes U as "college courses."
    If you want to go all "clean" with that idea, you could probably cover a lot of educational material just putting it into the criminal perspective. Economics and business management with drug dealing, anatomy with murder, engineering and terrorism, uhhhmm finance vs. money laundering.

    But, you know, you "dogs" may thing that's "whack".
    Much like Sonic, I'd be happy to lend my expertise.

  • image

    This model is terrible and I am so proud of it.
  • I suppose If we just said "this is all for informational purposes only" at the beginning then we could say whatever we wanted. That's what they did on videos on how to make suppressors and whatnot.
  • edited December 2012
    I suppose If we just said "this is all for informational purposes only" at the beginning then we could say whatever we wanted. That's what they did on videos on how to make suppressors and whatnot.
    That, or we examined both sides of the coin - a lot of computer security podcasts and books discuss how to breach security, in the interests of protecting one's self against those kinds of attacks. Fuck, Mitnick's books are practically a how-to for the aspiring hacker and social engineer, while at the same time being a how-to fuck those aspiring sorts up for security professionals. Practically every book about con games and other deception-based crime is about how to avoid being caught short by such tricks, while explaining in detail how the game is played.

    That's not to say, of course, that you can't cover things like leadership, management, resource allocation and analysis from a criminal perspective, too. After all, there is a reason that Petty crime is one thing, but Organized crime - generally run like a business or corporation - is entirely another, more powerful thing.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • (This post is written with as little and as much thought as humanly possible.) (Also, I'm on mushrooms.)

    We were talking about the effects of psychedelics, specifically psilocybin, a little while ago, and I figured, while under said effects and while in a state most would say to be tripping, I would make a post to show uninhibited mushroom thoughts.

    We are the final boss of our own lives.

    Rather, We are ultimately the ones who decide everything about our fates, where we go, who we meet, literally every aspect of our lives is a result of the things that we do.

    And I know that's a super simple idea, but I think people tend to gloss over that fact and just accept it, instead of actually thinking about what makes us human. That's one of the most important things we can do as humans, we almost have a responsibility to pursue an everlasting quest for knowledge inside and outside of our minds to better understand what it is that makes us tick.

    That's what makes us human.

    Or is it? It seems as though most of America has lost sight of that and the reason that the youth is "Right" is because we haven't become so jaded as to think that the world will never change.

    But it will.

    And it is.

    Every day we see crazy new advances in everything, and yet so many wish to sit and remain as they were before. "Why adapt, everything was fine. I don't need to change."

    Change is inevitable, and you have to move and change with it, or it'll consume you.

    Simple as that.

    (Take nothing and everything I've said here and think about none and all of it.)
  • TL;DR: don't do drugs, kids, they'll make you sound like a philosophy major overusing contradictions.
  • Wow, that was certainly a mess of words. Mushrooms make you sound like an undergrad who is on mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms seem kind of boring, now.
  • A thread of stoned/drunk/tripping rants would be fun.
  • edited December 2012
    I dunno my brief experiences were interesting. During one experience I came up with an idea for a concept album based on a man losing his wife and considering committing suicide only to be stabbed and supposedly killed on an empty subway platform. When he wakes up he is on a train car that stops through various portions of his life to show him what he really missed. I didn't quite finish it but he was going to come to waiting on the subway. I made various changes to it following the initial sketch and created some rough song demos but I mostly just moved on from it following some other inspiration and business. To be fair my notes the next day were really fucking confusing but I put together the pieces into something I thought was pretty neat.

    It was also nice because I was going through a rough patch after losing a friend and it sort of helped me come to better terms with losing him.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • A friend of mine used to do recreational Benadryl. I've got some great stories from him.
  • I plan to be blitzed next Friday so you may expect something from me.
  • edited December 2012
    A friend of mine used to do recreational Benadryl. I've got some great stories from him.
    A couple of my friends had tried that once. One of them said it was terrifying and he got lost in a residential neighborhood. Luckily no one was out and about.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • A friend of mine used to do recreational Benadryl. I've got some great stories from him.
    A couple of my friends had tried that once. One of them said it was terrifying and he got lost in a residential neighborhood. Luckily no one was out and about.
    I also have a story from him of a twelve hour trip to Needham (he lived in Dorchester, you can Google the distance). He wasn't on Benadryl, but he was tweaking.
  • A guy I went to high school with used to do robitussen recreationally quite a bit. A mutual friend of ours did it with him once and it didn't sound fun. Besides any hallucinations, he said he got all of they symptoms that the medicine is supposed to cure.

    As for benadryl, yeah don't do that. From what I remember, it will get you fucked up but they way it works it messes with your dopamine and/or serotonin in a way that makes you really depressed at the same time.
  • I never knew this guy during his "honeymoon" phase with addiction, so to say. My rule of thumb is that if he told me about doing something, I shouldn't do it (in regards to substance abuse).
  • edited December 2012
    Everyone I know who has fucked around with recreational 'drinates has had some weird shit go down as a result. 'Drinates also have such a tight recreational range that you're virtually playing Russian Roulette with your neurochemistry; side effects of an overdose include coma and death. Also, the trip is very, VERY unpleasant.

    I'm a firm believer in there being such a thing as safe, sane, sensible drug use (within limits), even though I'm not super-interested in trying anything beyond weed (and I'm not really interested in that anymore, either). That said, don't fuck with deliriants, guys. You'll either have a really bad time, or just straight-up die.

    EDIT: It occurs to me that I probably know way too much about drugs for someone who doesn't actually do them.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If you fuck with deliriants, you gonna have a bad time

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