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  • I'm all for Mr. Smith filibusters. Was then still am now.
  • My news sources back then were biased so my recollection is that the filibustering of judges and such was started by Democrats under Bush.
    Yes, they did filibuster some of the judges, but not all of them. Also, they eventually did come to a compromise where they would let the judges go to a confirmation vote. The Republicans now are basically filibustering everything.
  • edited November 2012

    Not that IQ was ever that useful of a metric, but whatevs.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Man, I really wish IQ meant something. I'd be doing so much better right now.
  • Man, I really wish IQ meant something. I'd be doing so much better right now.
    I hear ya, bro.
  • It is getting harder and harder to avoid paying the applebloom tax on XCOM.
  • edited November 2012
    Psychedelics can be extremely eye-opening or extremely scary. Sometimes both at the same time.

    It's like you can think 8 things at once and then keep them going for hours on end, switching topics, debating in your head, etc, but you can't really glean any information from it, more an overall idea or impression that you are left with post-trip.

    You certainly seem to able to pick up on people trying to "fit in", or just people that say things they don't mean to fit in. "Clicks" tend to fall by the way side if everyone is hard into the trip, and people are just people. For someone like me, I've always felt that way, but I've personally seen super preppy people, or just people who believe things about social status that aren't true, turn into someone who will have an honest conversation with everyone.

    Anyway, after a decent amount of psychedelic use over the last 4 years, (LSD and Mushrooms), I can say that I still am surprised by things every time that I do trip, and that it will probably never be something describable.

    I think the main issue I have with psychedelics is that a lot of people put them in a position of higher merit than they deserve. I hear people I know talk about "spiritual" experiences on LSD, and see people do or say things while tripping that make me want to quit doing it altogether, but I never do, say, or think any of those things while tripping, so maybe it's similar to alcohol? Some people respond like they "think they should", and people like me just do it and have that experience.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Do you ever get flashbacks or hallucinations while sober? I have a couple friends who do, and that shit makes me very nervous.
  • edited November 2012
    My friends and I did a punk rock cover of Fuck You for one of our classes.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • This might just be the voice from my childhood self that played damn near nothing but Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, but I feel like it needs a horns section.
  • I saw mild Indian curry at the grocery and immediately thought "That's like nonalcoholic beer, why even bother?"
  • edited November 2012
    This might just be the voice from my childhood self that played damn near nothing but Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, but I feel like it needs a horns section.
    Dude, we were actually thinking the same thing. If we had more time it would have happened.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Bring back Ska, Rob. You can make it happen.
  • Also, pick up some milk and eggs and bring them back too. We're almost out.
  • For those of you who love the Australian census crew, The Queensland police facebook page is a similar mix of serious and amusing.
  • I really like that they have to make a specific mention to not use it as a way to report a crime.
  • If I win the powerball lottery, I would probably end up giving a lot of the money to various charities. I honestly don't know what I would do with that money, aside from make it so I don't have to work ever again.

    Although I probably would still work, because fuck boredom.
    This has long been my take on it. What would I do with more than 4 or 5 million dollars? Give as much of it away as possible, although I'm a control freak, so I'd probably establish my own charities rather than hand it over.
  • Bring back Ska, Rob. You can make it happen.
    Ska never left, dude. T_T
  • I guess this would be an appropriate question for the users of psychedelics, but I had one of the creepiest, haunting dreams about drugs ever today. And it was incredibly bizarre because I never had taken a drug like that before in my life.

    A bunch of friends of mine were an a circle, taking hits of LSD with water. I didn't take mine with water, and had two hits, lying to the supplier I had never had it before. After immediately taking it, and confessed the truth and was immediately commanded to drink a mixing bowl filled with water. It felt like the worst headache I can imagine with a fiery throat. Then I blacked out...but in that time of blacking out for 10 minutes, I somehow managed to ruin my life and had a dependency for drugs at that moment. Just ruined my chances to get a job and my family didn't want to connect with me anymore, and I would be in legal-hell because I was taken to the hospital to cure my hyper-reaction to the drug.

    What was really odd about this, is that this happened over the course of four dreams total. A dream following an odd sense of story and continuity, because 3 times in the middle of the night I woke up and thought "What the hell am I thinking?" It even happened enough times, it made me question "...did I actually take that drug and living in my world now? Or is this a daydream within a dream?"

    I never had taken that drug nor had the adverse fear of the physical effects of drugs ruining my life. Nor have a nightmare continue after awaking from it several times.

    Really bizarre, tough night.
  • Do you ever get flashbacks or hallucinations while sober? I have a couple friends who do, and that shit makes me very nervous.
    Not necessarily hallucinations, but every now and then, like maybe once a month at the most, I will look at something trippy and get the "weirdies", which is what I and most people I know call that weird feeling when you start to trip. I also tend to get goosebumps/hair prickling on the back of my neck. It doesn't last long, and sometimes small little visual things will come with it, but nothing too intense and it only lasts less than a minute. It's nothing that would be dangerous while driving though, or anything like that.

    Just for reference, I've done about 30-40 hits of LSD and only around a half oz of shrooms over the last 4-ish years. The most LSD at one time was 4 hits.
  • That's not so bad. I'm keenly interested in psychedelic drugs from a scientific standpoint, but I'm unwilling to risk HPPD to sate my own curiosity. There's also the chance that they just won't work on me due to Lexapro, but as I understand it, that's more of a problem with high doses and stronger antidepressants (lithium and fluoxetine).

    I'm really glad that the government is easing up on psychedelic research lately, because I think that a lot of this stuff can do some real good. Psilocybin is proven as a potent long-term antidepressant, and in sub-hallucinogenic doses has been found to be one of the very few things that can stop a cluster headache dead. MDMA is being investigated as a pre-therapy "preparatory medication" to allow PTSD sufferers to interface normally with their therapists, and to alleviate the unbearable anxiety and isolation a lot of terminal cancer patients experience.
  • Do you ever get flashbacks or hallucinations while sober? I have a couple friends who do, and that shit makes me very nervous.
    That happens to a good friend of mine every so often. He calls it "getting his money's worth."
  • edited November 2012
    One of my friends who was a social recluse and never even wanted to voice chat on Skype has pulled a full 180, is in a metal band now going around and playing shows, chats on Skype freely, and just comes and hangs out now, all from doing a medium dose of MDMA. He said he just feels totally different, it was the best experience of his life, and sometimes in the semi-distant future he wants to do it again.

    Also, remember you can do small doses and still get mild psychedelic effects. I ate only 0.2 grams of mushrooms, and no caps just a stem, and felt decent "weirdies" and a bit more, but it only lasted about 3 hours. Super mild. No hearing things you shouldn't, hallucinations, etc.

    To compare that, taking 0.6 of mushrooms like I did the other day, you get the "weirdies", and then you start to feel energized, and then you move into this state where is feels like the sun is setting for a long time (IDK how else to describe it). Lasts about 5 hours.

    And of course, 1.3-1.75 grams is where you start to see and hear things, and you're in it (at least with the quality mushrooms I have) for around 6-8 hours.

    It's really amazing the difference in experience.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • You all should talk to PhilBuni ( video guy) he also has videos giving advice on this stuff and has live stream stories about illicit drug use with other online people.
  • I'm trying to decide whether running for president or vice-president would give me better odds of eventually becoming president of the Judo club. If I run against a 2nd+ year, I'm almost certain to lose. If I don't get at least the vice-presidency, I'll have to contend with the vice-president for the position after he retires. This could be tough. However, not many people have applied for positions. I don't think many people want the responsibility of the presidency. So maybe I can go straight for president and hold office for like 3-4 years.

    TL;DR Political intrigue in Judo club makes my head hurt.
  • edited November 2012
    And I can breathe again. Cold is finally releasing me.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited November 2012
    This picture accurately describes my relationship with the end of the semester (Hint: I'm not drogo).

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I did a search for new Luke Burrages on Facebook, and found someone who has pretty blatantly created a new profile based on my own life.

    check it out

    He was born the same year as me, went to the same school and college, graduating in the same year as me in each. He's self employed. He liked two things: a school I once worked at and a pub in the same town. He is even friends with people I went to school with, though we have only one friend in common. Do these people think this profile is mine?

    I know this person is not me, and is not real.

    I think this is interesting and pretty cool.
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