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  • Shark Week is on Netflix. Now every week can be Shark Week.
    Are the host's parts on there too? I missed this year and wanted to see how Phillip Defranco did.
  • Pet peeve: straight men who say that vaginas are "gross" or "scary." All I'm saying is, if a girl I wanted to date said that penises gross her out, that would make me pretty uncomfortable.
  • Pet peeve: straight men who say that vaginas are "gross" or "scary." All I'm saying is, if a girl I wanted to date said that penises gross her out, that would make me pretty uncomfortable.
    This. So much this.

    Body parts are body parts. If you look at them as pieces of meat, of course they are gross. Maybe more people (of either gender) need to stop reducing each other to hunks of flesh and started seeing the forest and the trees.

  • Vaginas on their own are not gross. Fucking unwashed, unshaven, and/or yeast-infected vaginas are disgusting.
  • edited December 2012
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2012
    Vaginas on their own are not gross. Fucking unwashed, unshaven, and/or yeast-infected vaginas are disgusting.
    That statement is unnecessary as anyone with very poor hygiene could be considered gross regardless of the body part. Inversely someone with an unshaving, unwashed, and/or infected penis could be considered disgusting but that is not why they are disgusting, it just happens to product of poor hygiene.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Body parts are body parts. If you look at them as pieces of meat, of course they are gross. Maybe more people (of either gender) need to stop reducing each other to hunks of flesh and started seeing the forest and the trees.
    But meat is tasty :(
  • Vaginas on their own are not gross. Fucking unwashed, unshaven, and/or yeast-infected vaginas are disgusting.
    That statement is unnecessary as anyone with very poor hygiene could be considered gross regardless of the body part. Inversely someone with an unshaving, unwashed, and/or infected penis could be considered disgusting but that is not why they are disgusting, it just happens to product of poor hygiene.
    1) Yeast infections are not necessarily a sign of poor hygiene.
    2) Genitals of both genders, throats, blood, mouths, and skin are all susceptible to yeast infections, not just vaginas.
    3) Unshaven? Really? While I get that this is a taste thing, hair is not gross. It is just hair. Also, shaving pubic hair can result in red bumps, cuts, and/or ingrown hairs which could arguably be more gross than just a small tuft of hair.
    Shut up.
  • edited December 2012
    1) Yeast infections are not necessarily a sign of poor hygiene.
    2) Genitals of both genders, throats, blood, mouths, and skin are all susceptible to yeast infections, not just vaginas.
    3) Unshaven? Really? While I get that this is a taste thing, hair is not gross. It is just hair. Also, shaving pubic hair can result in red bumps, cuts, and/or ingrown hairs which could arguably be more gross than just a small tuft of hair.
    Shut up.
    I was really trying to point out that poor hygiene is separate from anything to do with said body part more than say anything about shaving certain parts. I personally pretty shaven or trimmed but I get that some people have different tastes in that department. I just get a little touchy when people believe someone is disgusting due to a part of a person's body rather than poor hygiene. If a person has something like a yeast infection but are otherwise a clean person then they are not disgusting, they just happen to have an infection that they likely could not prevent. On the other hand if they happen to obviously not have bathed in days and an odor is emitting from them do not blame their genitals if that area is unclean, blame the person's lack of hygiene.

    I probably should have explained myself better earlier or waited until I had thought out my comment more.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • @ Canine

    My comment was primarily directed at Nine. As for shaving, it is an aesthetic thing but hair (in and of itself) is not gross.
  • @ Canine

    My comment was primarily directed at Nine. As for shaving, it is an aesthetic thing but hair (in and of itself) is not gross.
    Jack. But your point is made.
  • It's probably best to call him Jack to avoid confusion with the real Nine. On the other hand, they might all be second-order simulacra ^_~
  • It's probably best to call him Jack to avoid confusion with the real Nine. On the other hand, they might all be second-order simulacra ^_~
    I haven't been on the forum in a long time. I thought that was Nine. My apologies Nine and Jack.

  • I need better technology than Skype to do these MST sessions...
  • With most people getting SR3 with the humble bundle, who wants to co-op?
  • I'm going to Fucking Austria.
  • edited December 2012
    I'm going to Fucking Austria.
    This place?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I'm going to Fucking Austria.
    This place?
    You know it.
  • I apparently have fans, its kinda weird when they meet me in person.
    I didn't think I had fans prior to this weekend. Remember TDC? The Disney podcast that did a guest episode of Geeknights? Yeah, turns out people actually listen to that. Just white people, but people none the less. Felt weird. One woman even told us to keep "fight[ing] the good fight." I felt like Three Dog.
  • This weekend was really fucking strange and emotionally/physically/psychically exhausting. It was an important weekend in many ways (and a ton of fun), but I am so tired I feel like I could sleep for a week.
  • The other day my professor told me that I should start a college for criminals. Nor sure what to think...
  • I think you have yourself at least three faculty members already: Me, Churba, and your professor.
  • Would that be a college to provide education to rehabilitated criminals, or a college to educate students in how to be criminals?
  • Would that be a college to provide education to rehabilitated criminals, or a college to educate students in how to be criminals?
    Both, so that you can double-dip on the profits.
  • I think you have yourself at least three faculty members already: Me, Churba, and your professor.
    I could get you two more. That's five and we've been in planning for less than 12 hours.
  • Can we go back to talking about people having fan clubs? I wonder if there's an official Chase Gordon fan club, based on his OKCupid profile alone.
  • I'm pretty sure she meant a college to educate students in how to be criminals. We were talking about drug dealers and such, and I remarked how I found it funny that people often say how crime doesn't pay, but we generally only have the ones that get caught as examples.

    Hmm, I wonder if we could become create a podcast series and get it on Itunes U as "college courses."
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