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  • Good luck, Churbs. u got dis
  • I like how "gribbly" is the most scientific way to describe some abominations in WH40K
  • Good luck, Churbs. u got dis
    I fucked it up SO bad. But, at least I did so in a hilarious fashion, so I'm still in with a chance, I guess.

  • Well, either way, at least it wasn't an opportunity missed.
  • I dream of a day when I can come home from work and every light isn't on in the house. Will this day ever come? Is it just a fantasy?
  • Well, either way, at least it wasn't an opportunity missed.
    Exactly. Now that it's over, I'm more annoyed that I messed it up so badly, than being bothered about the outcome. If I don't get it, whatever, but failing to do the best I can do, I don't like that so much.

  • Last Christmas is one of the few Christmas songs I can't fucking stand.
  • No call back by now, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the part. No big. Like I said before, it's not rejection - It's just saying that you weren't the right fit for the production they wanted to put on. If a piece of a jigsaw puzzle doesn't fit into another puzzle, that doesn't mean it's a bad piece, it means that it's not the right piece to complete the puzzle, that is all.
  • I just thought: "I wonder what ever happened to that girl from band camp." Seems that I'm 16 going on 35.
  • edited December 2012
    If Josh Brent hadn't had access to alcohol Jerry Brown would still be alive.

    edit: Though I just realized that argument is a lot less specious than the anti-gun argument made about the Belcher murder-suicide and therefore fails.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Starting an argument with "Its not rasist its realistic" does not make it ok. Especially when your talking about fucking Harry Potter!
  • Context? I thought everyone in Harry Potter was white.
  • I think there was a black kid from one of the other schools in book four. I don't really remember, though.
  • There was also a black kid in the movies, Lavender Brown. Well, she was black in her earlier appearances. When she started dating Ron, they made her white.
  • Context? I thought everyone in Harry Potter was white.
    I made a remark that there were an awful lot of white people in Harry Potter, She followed it up by saying that there were lots of white people anyway. It was a back and forth that concluded with "well as someone that doesn't think that skin colour matters in stories". It is interesting when you think about it, awful lot of white folk kicking around.
  • I think there was also a black guy in Harry's class but I'm not sure. I can possibly see
    The angle that they were trying to go with the demographics of the English Isles but the argument she made is a shitload of fuck.
  • Here's something interesting - Apparently, if your video game scores appropriately when tested for british-ness you can get a tax breaks from the UK government.
  • Context? I thought everyone in Harry Potter was white.
    I made a remark that there were an awful lot of white people in Harry Potter, She followed it up by saying that there were lots of white people anyway. It was a back and forth that concluded with "well as someone that doesn't think that skin colour matters in stories". It is interesting when you think about it, awful lot of white folk kicking around.
    Well, given that Harry Potter takes place in the UK, and last I checked the majority of the UK's population was white, that sort of does make sense. There were a few people of other races/ethnicity in the books and movies though, such as Cho Chang and the Patil twins. Presumably magic schools in other parts of the world would reflect their ethnic populations/mixes as well.
  • I always felt like modern books could get a pass for race since there is no visual cue. Any character who never received a drawn out character description may be black, or bald, or have an incredibly deep voice.

    Also, there was that one badass black dude who became Minister of Magic. Totally forgot his name, but he's worth at least 3 black people.
  • You know whenever I hear the lyrics "...A child shivers in the cold, let us bring him silver and gold..." I think about some royal asshole tossing a coin at some poor person saying "Go buy yourself a blanket."
  • Here's something interesting - Apparently, if your video game scores appropriately when tested for british-ness you can get a tax breaks from the UK government.
    I'm sorry, England, the reason you don't export any culture has nothing to do with your lack of vijigame tax breaks. We're talking +1 culture bonus in a future-tech civ focused on food expansion.

  • Fuck your shit I tell my customers to have a Happy Hanukkah. No one gives me shit for not being PC.
  • Fuck your shit I tell my customers to have a Happy Hanukkah. No one gives me shit for not being PC.
    Except for the PC master race, but that's a different case.
  • Fuck your shit I tell my customers to have a Happy Hanukkah. No one gives me shit for not being PC.
    Except for the PC master race, but that's a different case.
    They can fuck their shit too.
  • We shall do so on that pile of money we save from not paying 50 bucks for games.
  • At least on the front of the PC Master race I'm bitter because I have a shitty little laptop that can't run even years-old games all that well.
  • Here's something interesting - Apparently, if your video game scores appropriately when tested for british-ness you can get a tax breaks from the UK government.
    I'm sorry, England, the reason you don't export any culture has nothing to do with your lack of vijigame tax breaks. We're talking +1 culture bonus in a future-tech civ focused on food expansion.

    Eh if I remember the chart is pretty similar to some of the EU stuff for films. Its dumb but what can you do. Personally I want more cockneys to crop up, or at least British people to stop being evil all the time.
  • Also, there was that one badass black dude who became Minister of Magic. Totally forgot his name, but he's worth at least 3 black people.
    Kingsley Shacklebolt.
  • Comforting someone when you can't really directly help them is really hard.
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