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  • "I want to start Cosplay, only sexy cosplay. The stuff that gets me laid"

    Also over hearing a conversation between two of my house mates "Top'o the morning is not posh"
    "It is post you know doff the hat do the jig, thats posh"
    "Thats not posh thats Irish"
    "Irish is posh isn't it?"
    "No no its not"

  • I just really dawned on me that most of my current life came from a happy accident. I needed another class sophomore year and got a random email from the honors college about one that sounded interesting. From that one class I've got most of my current friends, my job, and my present career path.
  • You know someone is a really good friend when you text them "Go fuck yourself" and it makes their day.
  • There needs to be an "Unfriend and also punch in the dick" button on Facebook.
  • Petition to declassify Tesla's notes. Everyone sign this shit now.
    The federal government has "classified notes" from Tesla? /dubious

  • It would be hilarious if it was repeated scribblings of "Edison is a douche.", with drawings of Tesla Coils.
  • edited December 2012
    I wonder how many people you could kill with home-built Tesla designs. Let me rephrase that: how many people could you kill with home-built Tesla designs?
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited December 2012
    Petition to declassify Tesla's notes. Everyone sign this shit now.
    The federal government has "classified notes" from Tesla? /dubious
    The FBI seized his notes after his death. This is according to Wikiped with the source of, but I've heard it from multiple sources before. Looking for a primary now.

    EDIT: Here's a published book verifying the claim. Is that enough?
    In unrelated news -- reading the We the People petitions just reinforces the strength of this song:

    Post edited by Greg on
  • I'm just dubious due to the sheer amount of ridiculous fooey that seems to be associated with Tesla. I'm still not confident there is anything interesting to be found, if the notes are even actually classified or available.
  • I'm just dubious due to the sheer amount of ridiculous fooey that seems to be associated with Tesla. I'm still not confident there is anything interesting to be found, if the notes are even actually classified or available.
    I think that by the nature of it being the last thing he wrote it is inherently interesting. That being said, I don't think there's any groundbreaking or revolutionary in there, I just want to know what he was doing/thinking.
  • Crayola should totally make a "fuckweasel" crayon now.
  • War on Christmas compromise proposal: you can call your parades whatever the fuck you want, but grocery store radio systems are restricted to playing George & Jonathan's The Best Christmas and Twisted Sister's A Twisted Christmas.
  • Crayola should totally make a "fuckweasel" crayon now.
    ...and what color is that exactly?
  • Crayola should totally make a "fuckweasel" crayon now.
    ...and what color is that exactly?
    I wanna say it's a shade of brown.
  • Crayola should totally make a "fuckweasel" crayon now.
    ...and what color is that exactly?
    I wanna say it's a shade of brown.
    Are you speaking from experience ?
  • edited December 2012
    Crayola should totally make a "fuckweasel" crayon now.
    ...and what color is that exactly?
    I wanna say it's a shade of brown.
    Are you speaking from experience ?
    I'm colorblind man. To me, It's all brown.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Man, when you watch cartoons from your childhood its kind of amazing how many are Gay that you never realized at the time.
  • Crayola should totally make a "fuckweasel" crayon now.
    ...and what color is that exactly?
    I wanna say it's a shade of brown.
    More closer to fuchsia.
  • edited December 2012
    Maccas in Australia VS Mcdonalds in the US.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • What are the prices for those sizes?
  • @Churba Read the comments in that Reddit post, it seems like this image is a bit exaggerated. The sizes are still significantly different, but not that different.
  • edited December 2012
    @Churba Read the comments in that Reddit post, it seems like this image is a bit exaggerated. The sizes are still significantly different, but not that different.
    I got that from twitter, so I didn't see the reddit thread, sadly. Looks pretty close, in my experience, then again, it's been a while since I've seen the inside(or outside, really) US maccas.

    Edit - I hunted down the thread, and to save others digging up the numbers, according to reddit they are currently:

    US drink sizes:
    Small - 150 Cal, 16 fl oz, ~473ml
    Medium - 210 Cal, 21 fl oz, ~621ml
    Large - 310 Cal, 32 fl oz, ~946ml

    Aus drink sizes:
    Small - 101 Cal, ~306ml
    Medium - 148 Cal, ~ 411ml
    Large - 224 Cal, ~589ml

    Therefore the difference in sizes
    Small - 55% more
    Medium - 51% more
    Large - 61% more
    What are the prices for those sizes?
    It varies from franchise to franchise, but not much. Usually around two bucks for the small, and three for the large.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I remember when I went down to the states for PAX and we stopped in at a fast food joint for a late supper after the flight. I just remember looking at my "small" soft drink with shocked disbelief.
  • Man, old episodes of Futurama are always made of win!
  • edited December 2012
    Maccas in Australia VS Mcdonalds in the US.
    Hungry Jacks. I still can't get over that shit.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited December 2012
    I want to see a Christmas movie where the parents all know that Santa exists, and when the kids find out he's real, the parents are all like "well duh". Because really, I think if anyone were to know that the parents weren't the ones putting presents under the tree, it would be the parents. That's what always bothers me about these Christmas movies.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • There is something viserally satifying about using smoothing groups to make something look like it has even less polygons than it really does.
  • There is something viserally satifying about using smoothing groups to make something look like it has even less polygons than it really does.
    I find the idea intriguing. Pictures?
  • edited December 2012

    Right is before, Left is After.

    The effect is rather subtle, especially on these already super-low poly liefeldian dudes, but it ends up both making the model more visually pleasing as well as seemingly lowering the complexity. Plus it's rather fun to hit the "Clear All" button in strategic places to make the polies really jump out!
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
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