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  • edited December 2012
    In an attempt to compliment me on how much I've improved at work, my boss said, "I can't believe you're still here." (I can't believe you didn't get fired). Stay classy, boss. Love you too.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Random fact about me: I attended two high schools concurrently, posses both a High School Diploma and a G.E.D., and attended a university in California for a year before ever stepping foot in the state.
  • Random fact about me: I attended two high schools concurrently, posses both a High School Diploma and a G.E.D., and attended a university in California for a year before ever stepping foot in the state.
    How the hell did that work?
  • edited December 2012
    I lived in Rhode Island before I moved to California for college. After middle school, my parents took my sister and I out of public school and enrolled us in the distance learning program of an actual accredited high school in Florida. After two years of hating home schooling (me hating it, my parents still fine with it), because they were paying taxes that funded the school district, I was allowed to take a few classes at the local high school that counted towards requirements in the Florida school. Stuff like Phys Ed. I also took drama, robotics, carpentry, mechanics, and was part of the school football team for a while. In addition, because I was sort of a psuedo student in the school district and nothing they could do could affect me academically, I was just about immune to any sort of discipline they could give me, which rocked.
    Because I could take my high school classes as fast as I wanted, I ended up graduating a year early and got my high school diploma from the Florida high school.

    After that, my parents knew we were going to move out west but they didn't know where. Maybe Las Vegas? Maybe California? Not knowin exactly where we were going, I wanted to apply to DeVry because you can easily transfer enrollment from one location to another and they are everywhere. When I went to apply, they didn't recognize my High School diploma as legit. Apparently they were the ONLY school that didn't and my high school had been trying to clear that up with them for a while. But they would accept a G.E.D. . So I went and got a G.E.D., despite having a valid high school diploma, after explaining the situation to... whoever it was that's in charge of GEDs in Rhode Island (it's been a long time give me a break).

    Once my folks settled on California, though, I ditched Devry (they're still calling me to see if I still want to enroll) and we started taking distance classes at California Coast University, figuring we could transfer them to a CSU once we figured out exactly where we would be. I majored in Business Administration there for one year before we found out that their classes can't transfer to CSUs. So I registered at CSU Northridge and abandoned those credits. And I'm still at CSUN.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Looking at new jobs recently. Not really satisfied by my current job so I'm looking at a couple in the area. Two that I'm really looking at are Isilon and Qumulo, which both develop networked storage of several petabytes of data.

    Now I just need to brush up on my C and systems concepts...
  • Looking at new jobs recently. Not really satisfied by my current job so I'm looking at a couple in the area. Two that I'm really looking at are Isilon and Qumulo, which both develop networked storage of several petabytes of data.

    Now I just need to brush up on my C and systems concepts...
    I'm now starting to want another job, but I probably can't get something that is any less menial than I already do, won't pay any better, and then I will STILL have to wait longer for benefits.
  • Running Man 90 is ska-tastic!
  • I love the telescopic stylus on the 3DS. I call the two modes (fully extended and fully retracted) Jaeger Mode and Casual Mode.
  • I just started playing FTL. It runs great on my budget i3 laptop. I'm enjoying it, but the gameplay feels as though it's lacking a few dimensions. If you combined this game with the old Sega game "Star Flight", you'd really have something.
  • edited December 2012
    Just realized the RX-78 Gundam was built in the year UC 0078. RX-93 Nu Gundam was built in UC 0093, etc.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Just realized that the Wii-U has zero online support for Wii games. Thank you Nintendo for not allowing me to pick and choose which game saves to move over with the data move to Wii-U utility. Now my Animal Crossing town is stuck in an offline only mode.
  • Off to Maine to spend time with my grandfather and uncle, both of whom knew HST. Naturally, I'm packing this shirt:
  • I don't want to save the polar bears, polar bears are mean sons of bitches.
  • Fuck you. Polar bears are adorable.

  • Fuck you. Polar bears are adorable.

    Yeah when they're young! A lot of things are cute when they're young. Next thing you know they're eating your face off!
  • That polar bear is stained in the blood of its victim.
  • Wondering if going back on Prozac would help with my OCD/organizational/spartan living problem (since ocd=anxiety disorder, prozac>anxiety/depression). I still have lingering depression too, which it could help also, so looks like a trip to the doctor is in order.
  • Wondering if going back on Prozac would help with my OCD/organizational/spartan living problem (since ocd=anxiety disorder, prozac>anxiety/depression). I still have lingering depression too, which it could help also, so looks like a trip to the doctor is in order.
    This is one of those times where I'll say you really need to have a heartfelt discussion with your doctor/whichever professional they recommend because this is not a decision to be made lightly.
  • This post is from the year 2013, but also from the past.
  • Huh, I tried to go to the Today, let's talk about... topic and got a malware warning from Chrome. What is up with that, who is trying to infect my computer?
  • edited December 2012
    Huh, I tried to go to the Today, let's talk about... topic and got a malware warning from Chrome. What is up with that, who is trying to infect my computer?
    What thread?

    EDIT: Found it

    Someone hotlinked an image from, which Chrome thinks is a malware site. It seems to be a WordPress blog that wasn't properly updated, and got infected. I removed the hotlinked image. This is why you should always use imgur.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Huh, I tried to go to the Today, let's talk about... topic and got a malware warning from Chrome. What is up with that, who is trying to infect my computer?
    What thread?

    EDIT: Found it

    Someone hotlinked an image from, which Chrome thinks is a malware site. It seems to be a WordPress blog that wasn't properly updated, and got infected. I removed the hotlinked image. This is why you should always use imgur.
    Thanks, I figured it was something stupid like that. Always, always, always, always rehost images on imgur or something similar.
  • It would be pretty easy to make the forum software automatically do so, I think.
  • Scott can't be bothered.
  • I misspelled Detroit as Detroid and now I want someone to do a Detroit Super Metroid Rom hack.
  • edited January 2013
    I misspelled Detroit as Detroid and now I want someone to do a Detroit Super Metroid Rom hack.
    The reason you start out with no powerups or missiles is because you got mugged. The reason you can't just shoot that guy and take your shit back is because as soon as he mugged you, he got mugged.

    Also, Since it's the first of the year, Australia's R18+ rating for video games has now officially come into effect.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I misspelled Detroit as Detroid and now I want someone to do a Detroit Super Metroid Rom hack.
    The reason you start out with no powerups or missiles is because you got mugged. The reason you can't just shoot that guy and take your shit back is because as soon as he mugged you, he got mugged.

    Also, Since it's the first of the year, Australia's R18+ rating for video games has now officially come into effect.
    But each boss down the line has one piece of your equipment so by the time you get to Ridley there's this long chain of muggers and mugging victims.
  • It's almost easier to write my own forum software that does those things than to learn Vanilla with its extremely over-engineered object oriented PHP.
  • edited January 2013
    And she's 15.
    Not long ago I was fifteen. You all saw that I could spell. Also not an excuse.
    Opening this thread to the page about a fifteen year old not being able to spell is horrifying. That, or just more evidence about my magnificence. I could spell IN SEVERAL LANGUAGES BEYOND MY NATIVE TONGUE AND ENGLISH at the age of fifteen. I couldn't speak all that much in said languages, but I could still fucking spell in them. Bow down before my pwnzorness.

    EDIT: Oh, the reason why I opened this thread in the first place. PROMOTIONS!
    Should probably go in that anime screenshot thread though.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • "I wish I could have sex with mom, like you did sis."
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