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Random Comments



  • Just noticed ash trays in the halls of an office building in an episode of Rugrats. Oh, how times have changed.
  • edited January 2013
    I hope DMX-Sempai Notices me...

    No seriously, I'm fucking crying with laughter over here.

    (Also, Wiz Khalifa Vs Hidamari Sketch - Black and Desu)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2013
    This is hilarious Churba. Another:

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • You've got Asnabel to thank for these, he mentioned Anime/rap mashups, and I went and looked for a bunch of them.
  • You've got Asnabel to thank for these, he mentioned Anime/rap mashups, and I went and looked for a bunch of them.
    It's hilariously popular to make anime/rap mashups, or anything/SPACE JAM mashups.
  • But most of them are crap. Unlike this one.
  • My favorite
  • edited January 2013
    I win
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I've started listening listening to Fukkireta 10 hours for no real reason. I'm at the 42 minute mark right now. This song just loops so perfectly.
  • edited January 2013
    A friend of mine, who is white, wants to get dreads, but the internet says that it's shitty and culturally appropriating. I'm not sure I have the right to have an opinion on this, so I'm kind of just confused. Bleh.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Dreds work for some whities.
  • edited January 2013
    Dreds work for some whities.
    It's not really a case of looks; this guy could probably get away with pretty much anything. (He had pigtails for a while, no joke.) It's a "yo this might be kinda racist" sort of thing.

    Oh hey, I should ask Yo Is This Racist about this.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited January 2013
    It's a "yo this might be kinda racist" sort of thing.
    If you look at a guy or girl with dreads and have to wonder if it's racist, you're overthinking it. Besides, there are numerous countercultures that have adopted dreadlocks over the years, it's not just Rastafarians. Not to mention all the world cultures it's been a part of historically.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Is cultural appropriation a bad thing?
  • I have never met a white person on whom dreads look good.
  • There are a tiny minority of white folk who it looks good on. The vast majority do not and look god aweful.
  • Dude wants to get dreads then let him. If you have to ask if its racist you're probably racist.
  • Yeah it's not racist, it's just generally a bad idea if you're white. (Oh no am I racist against white people? :P)
  • I have known two white people with dreads. One of them looked alright. The other looked like Knuckles the Echidna overdosing on hair gel.
  • image
    Yeah, I know I still have a copy to giveaway, calm your ho--

  • The thing is, I think most people here have listened to all of Scrym's anti-MOBA rants...
  • Getting dreads as a white man will mean everyone assumes you don't bathe and you smoke a lot of weed. And lets be honest, dreads fucking smell bad.
  • I just realized that I asked for an invite here a few days ago, but I've already been invited and realized it's absolutely 100% unforgiving for new players.
  • Also, Jonne Järvelä rocks the dreadlocks pretty well.
  • I just realized that I asked for an invite here a few days ago, but I've already been invited and realized it's absolutely 100% unforgiving for new players.
    My best introduction was playing with someone who didn't care about me sucking and someone who's knowledgable. I myself have now become such an individual and I don't mind playing some shitty games with shitty players if it helps you get settled in.

    There's also a tutorial in the works, and I would love for a mentor system like in TF2 to come out. If you want to play, play with cool friends. Otherwise, wait for the game to be finished so they'll make a proper an introduction for new players.
    The thing is, I think most people here have listened to all of Scrym's anti-MOBA rants...
    Hey, some of them are justified and I have no qualms about that. The game does grow on you though, and you'll find out which of Scrym's rants against it are bullshit.
  • Otherwise, wait for the game to be finished so they'll make a proper an introduction for new players.
    Yeah, this is basically my plan. Until then, lots and lots of Awesomenauts with ProfPangloss.
  • Aren't most of the rants about how the players are assholes rather than the game itself?
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