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  • Some guys from my recording class last quarter couldn't decide what to do for their project, so they made a hip-hop song about cupcakes. It's kind of the pinnacle of music.

    Yellow Cupcake Party by Miyagi's SoundCloud
  • That's pretty damn good.
  • You cannot permanently pit an absurd human convention, such as the spontaneous increment of debt, against the natural law of the spontaneous decrement of wealth.
  • That's pretty damn good.
  • Yo dawg. I just accidentally made a shortcut to the recycle bin and put it in the recycle bin.
  • ...This is going to sound REALLY stupid, but I totally forgot the recycle bin existed.
  • Yellow cupcake party, yawls.
  • My friend's roommate just made the Reddit front page with a video of him skiing down a hill while playing the trombone.
  • edited January 2013
    My friend's roommate just made the Reddit front page with a video of him skiing down a hill while playing the trombone.
    And the things of your day thread, too.

    Clearly, the next step - Form a skiing band. Only play (clearly short) gigs while skiing. I mean, fuck, if you can have a marching band, it can't be that huge of a step to get to a skiing band.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • My friend's roommate just made the Reddit front page with a video of him skiing down a hill while playing the trombone.
    And the things of your day thread, too.

    Clearly, the next step - Form a skiing band. Only play (clearly short) gigs while skiing. I mean, fuck, if you can have a marching band, it can't be that huge of a step to get to a skiing band.

    Marching bands usually play on straight and level roads with no obstacles. Imagine trying to ski around trees while playing something.
  • Clearly, the next step - Form a skiing band.
    There is apparently discussion of that.
  • More of my super-high quality manga:

  • You have the best taste.

    Anyway, #OVERLYHONESTMETHODS is hilarious.

  • Nope I use that same tactic.

  • Nope. I only connect with people I know on Linkedin.
  • I'll make an exception for recruiters, but otherwise, yeah, I only connect on LinkedIn with people I know.
  • I get spam from linkedin quite often but I've never worked out how to stop it coming.
  • I'll make an exception for recruiters, but otherwise, yeah, I only connect on LinkedIn with people I know.
  • I'll make an exception for recruiters, but otherwise, yeah, I only connect on LinkedIn with people I know.
  • I hate fucking callers who leave a cryptic message. But nobody in Jamaica has a reason to call me so screw em.
  • Saw this on my way home from work today:

  • Based on my sample size of 2, I have concluded that all employees of ASCAP are surprisingly young and decently attractive.
  • edited January 2013
    If you need help expanding that sample size, let me know. Such endeavors are a worthwhile pursuit. For Science!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Vacuuming at 3AM listening to random podcasts, I wonder if my neighbors hate me yet...
  • I can't wait to fuck with my PC's* later.

    *Burning Wheel game.
  • I was linked to an article titled "Fear and Loathing in Bruce Springsteen." It was about his struggle with depression. Dear people: Fear and Loathing did not refer to actual anxiety or hatred Hunter harbored. If you don't go gonzo, don't call it "Fear and Loathing."
  • Happy Master Chief Day.
  • %70 of my facebook newsfeed just turned into one guy posting about Nic Cage and it wasn't Geo.
  • This dog... /______\ Why, Densuke, Why...
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