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  • edited January 2013
    I decided to look up that article about Jonathan Blow that was talked about on Fast Karate a few months back.

    Jesus dick, they did not exaggerate. What a terrible person, terrible article, I'm going to go drown myself now.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited January 2013
    Still can't believe The Atlantic wasted time profiling him (read: slobbing his knob for five pages) instead of profiling any number of Average Joe indie devs who are putting out phenomenal, groundbreaking games.

    You know who I want profiled by a major news source? Cactus. Notch. Ed McMillen. Jason Rohrer. The incredibly gifted, quirky, yet ultimately very relatable devs producing consistent works that are fun to play and thought-provoking in that sort of deep Csíkszentmihályian Flow way. As opposed to, say, the pseudo-intellectual "commentary" of Jonathan Blow's output.

    Also, anyone who thinks that money is just "numbers in a computer" is a fucking idiot. I mean, yeah, that's how we track that shit. However, let us ponder for a moment that if those magic computer numbers are just "$0.00," you'll die cold and hungry on the street.

    TL;DR: Jon Blow can blow me.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The guy has a fucking Telsa Roadster and an oceanside condo, but, you know, it's just a number. It's not real, man.

    Gaaaah that shit is infuriating.
  • Just started reading Drops of God. First chapter, this lass is trying to become a trained sommelier, but she can't cut the foil right. I need to stop reading manga in my area of expertise.
  • Stick with it that shit is gold. Also fuck that shit all I can drink is wine and ponse around talking about it.
  • Stick with it that shit is gold. Also fuck that shit all I can drink is wine and ponse around talking about it.
    Oh, I'm not going to quit reading it, it's just funny little mistakes that amuse me. The way she was cutting the foil, it would have been very hard to remove, she would have had to pull it up and over the collar.

  • [Edit: Not mad at you, Sketch. You were just following orders. I'm disgruntled about the general state of bio education worldwide.]
    Hey, the world doesn't end at US borders (and whatever country's borders they're invading). We don't fucking wash meat. I've never even fucking heard or seen anyone ever wash fucking meat. What the fuck is wrong with those idiots, what do they want to accomplish? Clean it? WELL BETTER USE SOME FUCKING SOAP THEN AS WELL MORONS. THAT WOULD PROBABLY BE MORE EFFECTIVE.
  • Is it me, or has there been a lot of crazy anti-GMO food propaganda surfacing lately?

    It's been a long time (in internet time) since I've really seen anything about it, I feel like I've been encountering it all over the place in social media the last few weeks
  • Stick with it that shit is gold. Also fuck that shit all I can drink is wine and ponse around talking about it.
    Oh, I'm not going to quit reading it, it's just funny little mistakes that amuse me. The way she was cutting the foil, it would have been very hard to remove, she would have had to pull it up and over the collar.

    People cut the foil? Shit I just smash the glass and down it.
  • edited January 2013
    Is it me, or has there been a lot of crazy anti-GMO food propaganda surfacing lately?

    It's been a long time (in internet time) since I've really seen anything about it, I feel like I've been encountering it all over the place in social media the last few weeks
    About the only legitimate anti-GMO food issues have less to do with food safety and more with the notion that large companies like Monsanto can get patents on GMO food that is incapable of reproducing on its own, thereby forcing farmers to purchase more GMO seed instead of allowing them to build up their own seed from the previous season's harvest. Similarly, if a farmer not using GMO seed is somehow cross-pollinated with GMO pollen, Monsanto often sues them for patent infringement and the like. However, these are purely legal issues and have nothing to do with safety or health concerns. Just about all the safety/health concerns I've seen about GMO has been utter crap.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • WTF. AVGN's entire youtube channel just got shut down for copyright violation. Holy Fuck.
  • WTF. AVGN's entire youtube channel just got shut down for copyright violation. Holy Fuck.
    It will be back once he clicks the buttons to fight it. Also, he definitely has backups of everything. This is a guy who still has the VHS copies of videos he made as a kid.
  • RymRym
    edited January 2013
    WTF. AVGN's entire youtube channel just got shut down for copyright violation. Holy Fuck.
    It will be back once he clicks the buttons to fight it. Also, he definitely has backups of everything. This is a guy who still has the VHS copies of videos he made as a kid.
    No, that's a final takedown notice, not an initial one. Initial takedowns affect individual videos. Final ones take down entire channels. This means he already lost whatever he appealed, and it was egregious enough to warrant the entire channel going down rather than the individual video(s) in question.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • You can come back from the total channel takedown, Littlekuriboh has many times, but it takes a lot of fighting and isn't always worth it.
  • You can come back from the total channel takedown, Littlekuriboh has many times, but it takes a lot of fighting and isn't always worth it.
    It's not likely though. The vast majority of copyright claims don't cause the videos to be unavailable. Whoever issued the takedowns in this case must have taken the next step.

  • Having backups of the individual video files is one thing, but you lose all the comments and community stuff. It's a real pity, but one content producers should be ready for.
  • Copyright reform isn't even on the radar for anyone in our government either. The BEST possible position any high-level politician in the US has on it is "don't change anything." Most of them have a worse opinion of "make it more restrictive."
  • I am not very familiar with the copyright laws. Is this takedown justified? What made his videos different from every other game review video? Is this a big deal that will set some sort of snowball precedent, or is it just another normal youtube channel takedown that just happened to be with a very popular (400+ million subs) channel?

    Also, he does videos on very random, often old games. If a company had an issue with copyright, wouldn't just the respective video relevant to the company be taken down? For his whole channel to be taken down, does that mean multiple companies had to file a joint complaint?
  • edited January 2013
    Having backups of the individual video files is one thing, but you lose all the comments and community stuff. It's a real pity, but one content producers should be ready for.
    It's a scenario anyone using any sort of cloud service provider should be ready for.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Is it me, or has there been a lot of crazy anti-GMO food propaganda surfacing lately?

    It's been a long time (in internet time) since I've really seen anything about it, I feel like I've been encountering it all over the place in social media the last few weeks
    These things come and go in waves.
  • Naked Juice also recently spoke out against mandatory GMO labeling, which sparked a lot of indignation among dirty anti-science hippies. There were many angry Facebook comments.
  • Why are the anti-science kooks almost always liberals? I understand the crazy religious-cons who think the gubmint is out to steal their bibles but how can "progressives" be so anti-progress?
  • Science is an extension of the establishment, so a lot of anti-establishment progressives are distrustful of it. The same way that a lot of radical right groups are, and for the same reasons.
  • Why are the anti-science kooks almost always liberals? I understand the crazy religious-cons who think the gubmint is out to steal their bibles but how can "progressives" be so anti-progress?
    There are many flavors of anti-science kookiness. I see where you're coming from, but as you touched on, conservatives are more likely to be anti-science when it comes to things like homosexuality (i.e., whether or not it is a choice), evolution, and global climate change, while liberals are more likely to be anti-science when it comes to GMO foods, nuclear energy, and complementary/alternative medicine.
  • Why are the anti-science kooks almost always liberals? I understand the crazy religious-cons who think the gubmint is out to steal their bibles but how can "progressives" be so anti-progress?
    Science usually gives us stuff that Big Companies use to make money.

    And really? Mostly liberals? Did you forget evolution deniers? ID proponents? Climate change denial? Texas?

  • Basically, there are dumbasses of both sorts of political stripes. The main issue is that there are more conservative dumbasses than liberal dumbasses in power right now. Most of the liberals in power, agree or disagree with their political philosophy, tend not to be anti-science (except for maybe Kucinich).
  • I see far more anti-science movement on the right than the left. The former is just so endemic that it's easy to forget the constant march against science from conservatives.
  • Evolution, ID, homosexuality... Those are denied by idiots who think the bible should be the basis of our gubmint. Science has little to nothing to do with their anti-science beliefs.

    On the progressive side it appears (anecdotally) that the anti-science crowd people base their anti-science beliefs on conspiracy theories and Illuminati fears.

    Both are idiots.

    This all anecdotal based on research I did looking at what my friends and acquaintances post on Facebook.
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