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  • I'd hardly consider anti-vaccine conspiracy illuminati ideas to be "progressive." Are you sure you don't mean "fringe?"
  • I'd hardly consider anti-vaccine conspiracy illuminati ideas to be "progressive." Are you sure you don't mean "fringe?"
    Exactly my point. Why do people who generally self identify as progressive hold such anti-progressive views?

  • Crazy exists across the entire political spectrum. So does stupid.
  • Is there a form of government based on science?
  • Is there a form of government based on science?

  • Is there a form of government based on science?
    That would be bad.
    "Should we raise or lower these taxes?"
    "Let's do an experiment. Let's take these three cities and increase that tax in city A, lower it in city B and use city C as a control group. After a two years let's look at the results and make decisions based on those."

  • Is there a form of government based on science?

    Even Vulcans have some racism in their government. Look at how they treated young Spock because he was half human!
  • Exactly my point. Why do people who generally self identify as progressive hold such anti-progressive views?
    Show me any conspiracy nutjob who specifically identifies as "progressive."

  • Is there a form of government based on science?
    That would be bad.
    "Should we raise or lower these taxes?"
    "Let's do an experiment. Let's take these three cities and increase that tax in city A, lower it in city B and use city C as a control group. After a two years let's look at the results and make decisions based on those."

    At least they'd have empirical data of the effects of taxes.
  • Is there a form of government based on science?
    That would be bad.
    "Should we raise or lower these taxes?"
    "Let's do an experiment. Let's take these three cities and increase that tax in city A, lower it in city B and use city C as a control group. After a two years let's look at the results and make decisions based on those."

    Why would that be bad? That might actually work, and give us useful information.

    Though they'd probably have to pick 3 mostly identical cities and use some meta-analytical controls.

  • Is there a form of government based on science?
    That would be bad.
    "Should we raise or lower these taxes?"
    "Let's do an experiment. Let's take these three cities and increase that tax in city A, lower it in city B and use city C as a control group. After a two years let's look at the results and make decisions based on those."

    Why would that be bad? That might actually work, and give us useful information.

    Though they'd probably have to pick 3 mostly identical cities and use some meta-analytical controls.
    There are too many additional variables. What the excess is spent on and what is cut, for example.
  • Meta-analyses can be done to try to control for that. It's hard, and the results are generally more ambiguous, but it's possible. That's how a lot of those health studies - the one that said red meat causes you to die sooner, for example - are done. Study other studies, compile data, attempt to control where you can. Not perfect, but it's better than what we've got right now.
  • Something makes me want to say, "They call that the study of history."

    Though I know that someone will pick that apart.
  • Something makes me want to say, "They call that the study of history."

    Though I know that someone will pick that apart.
    You rang.
  • Something makes me want to say, "They call that the study of history."

    Though I know that someone will pick that apart.
    Generally speaking, history lacks temporally relevant control groups.

  • I would vote for Jimmy McMillan and so should you.
  • Have you ever Google Image searched for "forks"? There's, like, no forks. It barely shows you any forks!
  • "The man seemed relatively lucid, Farrell said. He wasn’t served the coffee, however, because he was bleeding from his head."
  • Have you ever Google Image searched for "forks"? There's, like, no forks. It barely shows you any forks!
    For some reason, this sounds like a line out of a Penny Arcade strip.
  • Direct quote from over the weekend:
    "How do you stay so thin?"
    "Cigarettes and stress, mostly."
  • edited January 2013
    Kept me thin through college. I've eliminated a lot of the cigarettes and the stress though and I have a beer belly now. Need to start skiing again and biking in the summertime.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited January 2013
    Looks like it's happening more often, now.

    Time to see if I can shut down 2 threads today!
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I thought calling someone a pin head died out with wind in the willows.
  • Smoke and such nonsense from the front of the house on The Island, which is somewhat aflame.

  • edited January 2013
    The house on The Island is somewhat aflame? Oh dear. What about The Mighty Van?
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • The house on The Island is somewhat aflame? Oh dear. What about The Mighty Van?
    Nah, that's a ways off. At least a kilometer and a half, by my guess. And The Mighty Van is safe down here with me.
  • I dreamnt that was eating the best roast chicken...and that I invented a new ending where Evangelion made sense.
  • The key to making a good roast chicken is making sure that your seasoning penetrates the AT field.
  • One of my Chinese students said that she was from the neck of China (Beijing). I looked at her funny and she said that China's shaped like a chicken, and she was from the neck. Had a laugh when I saw it and told her about how Michiganders say where they're from.
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