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  • edited February 2013
    Everybody, throw any ideas you have out there. The hardest part for me is starting, but once I do I will actually write something.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I tried reading all the previous comments on this thread, but I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

    Can I get a tl;dr version?
  • Everybody, throw any ideas you have out there. The hardest part for me is starting, but once I do I will actually write something.
    Do you have a particular setting or genre you want to aim for?
  • edited February 2013
    Can I get a tl;dr version?
    Viga said there's a lot of talented people around these parts, and we should get together and try and make something, a cartoon was figured to be the best bet, and a bunch of people said "Okay! Here's what I can do." Now we're looking for ideas to start from, for the writers to kick off.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited February 2013
    Anyway, everyone in this forum is so talented. ... We need to crossover.
    I can write shit and make music. We also have audio engineers, cartoonists, and animators. We should make a cartoon.
    [Edit] Ninja'd
    Post edited by Sail on
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    Everybody, throw any ideas you have out there. The hardest part for me is starting, but once I do I will actually write something.
    I have had an idea that I've been toying with for a little while, I don't know if it will suit the needs of what we want to go for, but I'll give it a shot.

    I've had this idea of doing a noir story wherein the main character is a private investigator...except that he has schizophrenia and is subject to lucid dreaming and hallucinations on a regular basis. Somehow, he uses these mental deficiencies to his advantage as they somehow give him insight to things that would be unfathomable or impossible to see to anyone who was of sound mind. Fittingly enough, he is named Nemo McKay (bonus points if you can guess the reference). He isn't the best investigator and oftentimes, during a case, his methods are questionable; both ethically and legally. He oftentimes gets around these snafus that would otherwise land anyone else in his career in deep shit thanks to a very close friend who is Captain of the police force in the city of Ivy City: known as Graham Lang (and the police force is known as, appropriately enough, the Ivy Squad).

    The world he lives in is an alternate history that diverges with President Truman deciding against dropping the two bombs on either Hiroshima or Nagasaki...and the Japanese just never there is a continuing war with them and neither side wants to give an inch to the other. I'd have more, but this is still the area I'm thinking about the most and is very rough and underdeveloped as a result.

    The main concept that is active, both aesthetically and storytelling-wise is ambiguity. Constantly throughout the story, you will see things that will really unnerve you and/or give you the feeling that something is very off (e.g. furniture rearranging itself with no explanation; either subtly or glaringly, . However, the question you'll always be asking is whether or not the strange things that you witness is due to Nemo's mental deficiencies or if there is something sinister or weird going on that you are not privy to. Also, the city itself is like a third character of the story itself (the first two being Nemo and Graham) in that you get the feeling that it has sentience because of how many hidden layers there are to the city and that if you strip away one layer, you've introduced the entire possibility of there being many more after it.

    As for an actual storyline, I'm still fleshing the world out more and more, yet I designed it to where many different kinds of stories could possibly be told. If any of you have any ideas for a story, I'd like to see them so we can work on it together.

    Tell me what you guys think about it.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • If you guys come up with anything, I extend my art, 3d, writing and design abilities for forum use.
  • I like the schizophrenia angle I don't think it's been done (at least notably). How that particular condition could help a detective could be hard to work out unless it manifests in a particular way.

    Maybe it makes him immune to something that effects everyone ells and the fact that he's schizophrenic makes it so no one takes him seriously, especially the people behind whatever he's investigating.
  • My friend introduced me to people he met through LoL. I have stared into the abyss and the abyss stared into me.
  • Let's make a show about Space Pirates. And the antagonists are Space Marines.
  • Let's make a show about Space Pirates. And the antagonists are Space Marines.
  • ...
    Dammit that's a good premise for a game. Wish I'd thought of it first.
  • Let's make a show about Space Pirates. And the antagonists are Space Marines.
    Dark Eldar?
  • ...
    Dammit that's a good premise for a game. Wish I'd thought of it first.
    What is this in reference to?

  • ...
    Dammit that's a good premise for a game. Wish I'd thought of it first.
    What is this in reference to?

    Let's make a show about Space Pirates. And the antagonists are Space Marines.

  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    Dammit that's a good premise for a game. Wish I'd thought of it first.
    What is this in reference to?

    Let's make a show about Space Pirates. And the antagonists are Space Marines.

    Ah. How far can we take that concept though?

    Post edited by Geo on
  • ...
    Dammit that's a good premise for a game. Wish I'd thought of it first.
    What is this in reference to?
    Let's make a show about Space Pirates. And the antagonists are Space Marines.
    Ah. How far can we take that concept though?
    Trust me, I could carry this.

  • I mean One Piece took it to 68 volumes and is still chugging. And that isn't even with the space part. I'm sure we can think of something.
  • I remember that, a long time ago, when Emily and Katsu were on just about every day, there was an idea floating around to make a game featuring all of the OS-Tans.
  • So, to change the subject, something wonderful has come out of Tumblr:

    It's received so much attention over the last two days that the creator is now creating an ask blog for it.
  • YES! Though, if it was anthropomorphized as a guy, they could have had Wanda look at the Frizz and say "Did you wish REALLY HARD?"
  • Its so adorable and all my mind can think of next is that they had a sloppy makeout session.

    Lets divert all conversation on the potential project to this thread.
    The things that can get started on one sentence. O-O

    I like! <3
  • "Hey look, Bill Gates is doing an AMA."
    "Click through. I want to see if he would rather fight a hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck."

    And then no one asked that question. Reddit, I am disappoint.
  • I wouldn't want to fight one duck-sized duck.
  • "Hey look, Bill Gates is doing an AMA."
    "Click through. I want to see if he would rather fight a hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck."

    And then no one asked that question. Reddit, I am disappoint.
    Someone didn't read the OP...

  • I'm pretty sure I saw a car with a leather exterior when I was driving back from my parents' house on Sunday.
  • This years flu was evil. I spent my entire weekend delirious with a 104 temp. I was going to spend the weekend packing for my big move but instead I spent it in an uncomfortable haze of snot and delerium.
  • My friend and I now refer to Miss Frizz as The Teacher.
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