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  • I'll provide realism: this project will remain pure shit-talk.
  • I'll provide realism: this project will remain pure shit-talk.
  • edited February 2013
    Maybe. But that doesn't matter, even if there is no end result, the journey will be fun enough. Something comes out at the end, bonus.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • >watching an old speech Chomsky gave at a Uni in the 90s on Youtube
    >inb4 "Greg, you're posting nothing but greentext stories lately"
    >guy is introducing him
    >guy says "let me introduce to you..."
    >I say "the act you've known for all these years/Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band!"
    >he says "Dr. Richard Epstein"
    >mfw dude double downed on my Beatles reference 20 years before I even made it.
  • Noir noir noir noir BLANC!
  • Potentially creepy/stalkery comment of the day:

    Churba, dude, you are a god damned role model. Seriously man, you are wise and balanced beyond your years and you make me a little ashamed of myself that I'm ten years or so older and don't have my shit together like you seem to.

    Keep on keeping on. Damn.
  • edited February 2013
    Potentially creepy/stalkery comment of the day:

    Churba, dude, you are a god damned role model. Seriously man, you are wise and balanced beyond your years and you make me a little ashamed of myself that I'm ten years or so older and don't have my shit together like you seem to.

    Keep on keeping on. Damn.
    Hey man, don't be even a little ashamed. Sure, you're a bit older, but I've got plenty of city miles on me, and I don't know I'll be doing as well as you are in ten years time. And there's stuff you've done and can do, that I haven't and propably can't. For example, You have some good kids, you're doing a good job raising them by my assessment of what you've said about them, I couldn't do that. I'm the cool uncle type, but I don't think I'd be able to raise good kids like you have. And sure, I know a lot of stuff, and I've seen a lot of things, but so have you, dude. Everybody has their story, where they've been good, and bad, strong and weak. Nobody's story is lesser than any other.

    All I do is just be me as hard as I can. Comparing yourself like that is just gonna cause stress, because you're not me, you're you. I can't be you any more than you can be me. The individual achievements that result from our paths are no lesser for others having different achievements in different quantities. You are who you are, I am who I am, and when you burn it all down to basics, we're nothing more than equal, just like everybody else here.

    I do appreciate the good thoughts, though. It's nice of you to say, thank you. You've sure as hell improved what has been a long day.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • A Valentine's Day thought from the Plantagenets:
  • Still the best valentine, and probably unbeatable. Feel free to repost it every year to save me the trouble.

    Also, do not celebrate fake holidays.
  • What holidays do you consider fake?
  • What holidays do you consider fake?
    Any that exist only for the profit of card companies and days that celebrate things not worth celebrating.

    Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthdays, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, etc.
  • Birthdays most certainly should not be in that list.
  • It's a shame that you actually believe that it's a bad thing to have a specific day set aside for parents to be honored.

    I don't know about you, but I don't buy cards for almost any holiday. I make most of what I give.
  • Birthdays most certainly should not be in that list.
    Just for a start, they're not a holiday, unless it's the holiday of a public figure - for example, The Queen's birthday is a holiday here - but that's a different story.

  • Still the best valentine, and probably unbeatable. Feel free to repost it every year to save me the trouble.
    Also my favorite.
  • To be fair, Mother's Day has been co-opted by the greeting card companies. It actually predates the existence of Hallmark and such. Its own founder has actually regretted creating it because of it morphing into a Hallmark holiday.
  • I think the greeting card companies can only be blamed so far. American consumer culture comes primarily from us, not them.
  • I think the greeting card companies can only be blamed so far. American consumer culture comes primarily from us, not them.
    True. They only do it because we're willing to fork over our money to them.

    Personally, when I celebrate Valentine's Day with my wife, I never do it on Valentine's Day. I'll often wait a few days afterwards (as much as a week if it falls on a weekend) and just take her out to a nice dinner or something. It's more a "convenient excuse for a date night" than an actual holiday in our case.
  • It's a shame that you actually believe that it's a bad thing to have a specific day set aside for parents to be honored.

    I don't know about you, but I don't buy cards for almost any holiday. I make most of what I give.
    If you are not honoring your own parents every day (assuming you have them, and they aren't horrible people), that's a problem. Making a random and special day for that is a problem.
  • It's a shame that you actually believe that it's a bad thing to have a specific day set aside for parents to be honored.

    I don't know about you, but I don't buy cards for almost any holiday. I make most of what I give.
    If you are not honoring your own parents every day (assuming you have them, and they aren't horrible people), that's a problem. Making a random and special day for that is a problem.
    So then we shouldn't have Veteran's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day... etc, because setting aside a national, mutually recognized day of particular attention is somehow subversive or undermining to the celebrated concept on all other days...?
  • Wait, Valentines day is why people are wearing those flowers? I though we were honoring the Battle of Kealanakekua Bay. I guess you learn something new every day.
  • edited February 2013
    It's a shame that you actually believe that it's a bad thing to have a specific day set aside for parents to be honored.

    I don't know about you, but I don't buy cards for almost any holiday. I make most of what I give.
    If you are not honoring your own parents every day (assuming you have them, and they aren't horrible people), that's a problem. Making a random and special day for that is a problem.
    So then we shouldn't have Veteran's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day... etc, because setting aside a national, mutually recognized day of particular attention is somehow subversive or undermining to the celebrated concept on all other days...?
    My major problem with those holidays is that they are US-centric, though I do ascribe to some of their values. I do not believe in patriotism or countries. I believe in people on Earth. If I were to decide the holidays, this is how they would be set out.

    Instead of having an independence day for each separate country, there would be a universal freedom day. Maybe you could set it on the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, or destruction of the Berlin Wall? Fourth of July is also acceptable. Whatever we can decide is the anniversary of the creation of individual liberty. The holiday would celebrate and remind everyone that the world was once ruled entirely by autocrats and individuals had no rights. Let's get rid of the few remaining autocrats. Let us not forget the horribleness of the olden times, and how hard it was to get what we have, lest we accidentally undo that hard work.

    Memorial Day and Veteran's Day are sort of redundant. I know one honors living veterans and the other remembers the dead, but they are celebrated almost exactly the same way. I also dislike how they are portrayed in the media. Just because someone chose, or was forced to, follow a military course of life we should celebrate them? I do not like that at all.

    Instead of these holidays I would create a separate individual holiday for the anniversary of every great military travesty. It would be a nearly constant reminder "don't fuck up again assholes!"

    Today is the anniversary of Normandy, don't fuck it up again!
    Today is the anniversary of the Mail Lai Massacre, don't fuck it up again!
    Today is the anniversary of the dropping of atomic bombs, don't fuck it up again!

    The holidays should make all humanity feel guilt, not pride, for their militaristic ways.

    We should not only say thanks to those in the military for doing the work they do, but even more we should say we are sorry that we are such a shitty species that their work is even necessary.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Why should we have a universal freedom day, or days that remind us of historical fuck-ups? Shouldn't we be vigilant ALL THE TIME? You're just splitting hairs.
  • edited February 2013
    Why should we have a universal freedom day, or days that remind us of historical fuck-ups? Shouldn't we be vigilant ALL THE TIME? You're just splitting hairs.
    People who have mothers and fathers are reminded of them every time they see them. Someone who is born today does not know anything about history. Most adults do not know what they should about history. Thus, we can, and should, create holidays that will cause the media to produce content that teaches and reminds them.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • We should simply have policies that dictate the historical lessons we find morally significant and mandate their inclusion in curriculum. We mandate all sorts of curriculum at a federal level right now.

    You're out on a wire here.
  • Veteran's Day isn't US-centric, though it goes by a different name abroad. It's 11/11/1918, the signing of the Armistice for World War I. It's actually the only holiday on the Federal calendar that I adamantly defend (which isn't to say that all others are bad, just that I don't actively support them like I do for Vet's day). I do strongly support abolishing Memorial Day, though, because it is both redundant and based in nothing.
    Instead of these holidays I would create a separate individual holiday for the anniversary of every great military travesty. It would be a nearly constant reminder "don't fuck up again assholes!"

    Today is the anniversary of Normandy, don't fuck it up again!
    Today is the anniversary of the My Lai Massacre, don't fuck it up again!
    Today is the anniversary of the dropping of atomic bombs, don't fuck it up again!

    The holidays should make all humanity feel guilt, not pride, for their militaristic ways.

    We should not only say thanks to those in the military for doing the work they do, but even more we should say we are sorry that we are such a shitty species that their work is even necessary.
    This. Though, I want to know, which Normandy are you referring to (1066 or 1944)? They'd both be valid. Starter list for military things we should have holidays around:

    --New Orleans (1813)
    --Dien Bien Phu (this one's debatable, since it was a French battle, but we picked up their fight)
    --Tet Offensive
    --Somme (both of them)
  • We should simply have policies that dictate the historical lessons we find morally significant and mandate their inclusion in curriculum. We mandate all sorts of curriculum at a federal level right now.
    We're not trying to teach kids, we're trying to remind adults.
  • We should simply have policies that dictate the historical lessons we find morally significant and mandate their inclusion in curriculum. We mandate all sorts of curriculum at a federal level right now.
    We're not trying to teach kids, we're trying to remind adults.
    Mostly you're trying to make the argument that "my proposed holidays are morally superior to your holidays."

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