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  • You mean the second to last play? Intentional safety to run out the clock? Pure genius.
    Sorry the last play that could have pulled it out for the 9ers AKA the closest thing to the Chargers on the field.
    I was hoping the fair catch kick was going to come into play since the game was ending on a safety kick.
  • Google keeps telling me my favorite sites have malware. Might be the advertising going on.
  • Google keeps telling me my favorite sites have malware. Might be the advertising going on.
    It's because certain image serving sites have been marked as malware servers by Chrome. If someone hotlinks an image from them, the hotlinking site now gets marked as malware as well.
  • Google keeps telling me my favorite sites have malware. Might be the advertising going on.
    It's because certain image serving sites have been marked as malware servers by Chrome. If someone hotlinks an image from them, the hotlinking site now gets marked as malware as well.
    Okay. Seems to be all over wikimedia then.
  • NBC using the blackout as a milestone for the rest of the game stats was both annoying and hilarious.
    CBS, but yeah.
  • Does Fark still do the slash thing at the end of posts?

    /i don't think i actually remember how they used them
    //am i doing this right
  • Spent an hour and a half preparing for tomorrow's "who has the shiniest boots contest", the lucky winner gets a 20 dollar lunch.

    Having read what I just typed I can't help but think that sounds the slightest bit lame.
  • edited February 2013
    Not if you win and provide pictures, as is the custom on the internets.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2013
    I'll have my camera ready, and now I have to go put on another layer of wax.
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • edited February 2013
    Coat your boots in reflective foil.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Nah, not foil. Oil. Some manner of clear lubricant.
  • If you spend more than $20 on shining the boots, it was a waste of time, since you could have just bought the lunch.
  • Does that take into account time? Also you can shine other peoples boots to balance out. I used to make a killing at pony club by being able to clean tack properly.
  • intense debate has arose on the rules for the shiny boot contest.
  • Mirrorboots sound like something that Link needs.
  • intense debate has arose on the rules for the shiny boot contest.
    As it should be! The qualiy of ones boots are not something to be taken lightly.

  • I lost, but the winner is buying everyone pizza with the spoils. pictures to follow.
  • I just randomly applied for a job I am only vaguely qualified for, in a field I have no meaningful experience in. Lets see what happens.
  • edited February 2013
    Turns out we all won today :)
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • Ahhhh, military... That explains a shiniest boot competition.
  • edited February 2013
    Military? OH! no no this is the uniform and office for my anime club, we're VERY dedicated ;^)
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • edited February 2013
    Some might say a little too dedicated. Some, but not me.

    ...Okay it was me who said it.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited February 2013
    Turns out we all won today :)
    Air Force or Navy? Just guessing by the color of the unis there, as I know both services use blue-tinged camo, but I'm not sure on the exact shade.

    N/M... :P Anime club. :P
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Navy for sure. AF uses a tiger strip variant for their ABU and it's significantly less blue.
  • Navy for sure. AF uses a tiger strip variant for their ABU and it's significantly less blue.
    I was leaning on Navy myself (my sister-in-law's husband is in the reserves and I've seen his uniform), but I wasn't 100% sure as I haven't had a good look at the AF equivalent for comparison purposes. Of course, one may argue what the hell the point of leafy camouflage is on the ocean, though. :)
  • edited February 2013
    Air Force is green tiger stripe navy is blue digital. I hear we're thinking about going over from blue digital to woodland digital or expeditionarys.

    And yes I was shitting you about the anime club thing, most of those guys wouldn't be caught dead watching anime.
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • Greentext, dude. Military geeks (that is, geeks who geek out over military) exist.
  • Sadomasopedorobonecrobestiality.
  • Greentext, dude. Military geeks (that is, geeks who geek out over military) exist.
    I'm just a geek who's in the military. I'll keep the text thing in mind next time I'm bull shitting online.
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