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  • I could write a history of it, thats about it. Oh I could do some wonderful illustrations for words.
  • I could be the producer, but I don't have much in the way of creative ability. Just editing.
  • From what I hear most producers don't contribute much anyway.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    I can write stuff along with Walker if need be.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I doubt I could help with an animation but I can do practical effects, although people like Churba would likely be better at that than me.
  • Do we have anybody that can actually act?
  • Do we have anybody that can actually act?
    Churbs & I.
  • I just want a week without having to see a single human being right now.
  • edited February 2013
    I treasure any time I get to spend completely isolated. That's usually why my sleep schedule gets outta whack; nobody is around to bother me late at night.
    I can write stuff along with Walker if need be.
    The first step is a script. I'll be in touch.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I can be the idea guy. I'll take full credit if it's awesome, and categorically deny I had any involvement if it sucks.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    Since it sounds like some of us are fairly serious about actually doing this, I would like to know how this could be managed? Are we going to use some sort of project management website, some kind of project management software, etc?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Do we have anybody that can actually act?
    Churbs & I.
  • Do we have anybody that can actually act?
    Churbs & I.
    I'm a storyteller. My narrator voice is godly.

  • Sonic's radio voice is also, well...

    I can do... Shit, what can I do?
  • edited February 2013
    I...Can accomplish nothing special...
    I can do code. And semi-good game design...
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Since it sounds like some of us are fairly serious about actually doing this, I would like to know how this could be managed? Are we going to use some sort of project management website, some kind of project management software?
    Don't get ahead of yourself. The first step is a script. If the next artists in line like the script then they/we can build a pipeline from there.
    I can be the idea guy. I'll take full credit if it's awesome, and categorically deny I had any involvement if it sucks.
    Alright, we need ideas for characters, settings, and themes. Do your job.
  • Do we have anybody that can actually act?
    Churbs & I.
    I'm a storyteller. My narrator voice is godly.

    I can vouch for that.
  • edited February 2013
    I can sound menacing if that can be useful, they always cast me for that type of role in drama. Also, I do a really good evangelists preacher, but I am not sure if that it is useful.

    I need more skills to help out with stuff like this. I can write some but that seems to be covered.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I can act passably with some direction. I may not have the voice for anything substantial, but I can emote pretty well and have been itching to be creative for a while.
  • I'll work with Anrild in wardrobe ^-^
  • Hrm. Not sure what my role would be.
  • edited February 2013
    I treasure any time I get to spend completely isolated. That's usually why my sleep schedule gets outta whack; nobody is around to bother me late at night.
    I know that feel. Over the summer, I tried to go nocturnal. Played shitty MMOs with my friends via Google Hangouts. Parents didn't like it. Force fed me caffeine one day to get me back on their schedule. The whole experience was very blurgh.

    EDIT: Derp, second page.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    If Andrew would like help, I can also come up with ideas, characters, et alia.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • This is a good idea. It'll be the biggest shit-talk this forum has yet ever managed ;)

    Call me when you need sound stuff.
  • Pokemon is where you play a ten year old girl and in your headcannon she acts like a rampaging nordic warrior.
  • headcannon
    I know you mean "canon," but this phrase conjures up a much more awesome mental picture.
  • That one. That exact image.
  • edited February 2013
    Do we have anybody that can actually act?
    Churbs & I.
    That's news to many. Especially anyone who has seen me act.
    Post edited by Churba on
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