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  • edited February 2013
    We should simply have policies that dictate the historical lessons we find morally significant and mandate their inclusion in curriculum. We mandate all sorts of curriculum at a federal level right now.
    We're not trying to teach kids, we're trying to remind adults.
    Mostly you're trying to make the argument that "my proposed holidays are morally superior to your holidays."

    Yes. Yes, they are. But none are worse than Columbus day.

    My #1 holiday complaint are places that let people off for Columbus day, but not MLK day.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • On Columbus Day I agree. It needs to go.

    I haven't gotten it off for years, but neither do I get MLK.
  • We should simply have policies that dictate the historical lessons we find morally significant and mandate their inclusion in curriculum. We mandate all sorts of curriculum at a federal level right now.
    We're not trying to teach kids, we're trying to remind adults.
    Mostly you're trying to make the argument that "my proposed holidays are morally superior to your holidays."

    Yes. Yes, they are. But none are worse than Columbus day.

    My #1 holiday complaint are places that let people off for Columbus day, but not MLK day.
    Now this I can agree with!
  • Veteran's Day isn't US-centric, though it goes by a different name abroad. It's 11/11/1918, the signing of the Armistice for World War I.
    Yep, we call it Remembrance day, and in our case, it's about every soldier, all over the world. ANZAC day - our own Memorial Day equivalent - is about our own soldiers specifically. That's the big difference - one is for yours, one is for everybody's, regardless of whose side they were on at the time.
  • Wait, Valentines day is why people are wearing those flowers? I though we were honoring the Battle of Kealanakekua Bay. I guess you learn something new every day.
    I love snorkeling there. Dammit now I want to go back to the island.
  • 1st Ward Fellowship interview today. Wish me luck.
  • Well, if you thought the the US, Iran, and Russia will never agree to anything, think again:

    U.S., Iran, Russia team up to save wrestling.

    I guess we've all realized that the IOC is our true common enemy.
  • Screw you all. Don't take away my gubment holidays. I'm off early and chillin' at home relaxing and celebrating my 3 day weekend.
  • I hope Rym doesn't wink this much in real life.
  • edited February 2013
    You know, I don't like the movie Equilibrium that much. It's nothing specifically wrong with it technically, it's just that they spend so much time carrying on about how these people are without emotion, and how they take drugs to suppress their emotions completely - Yet, the only people who don't spend 3/4 of the movie emoting constantly are the fucking extras! It just annoys me, even though it's probably something oh-so-clever about how they can't truly repress human emotion no matter what we do.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I watched that for a class and agree with you completely. It pissed me off how many emotions all the characters showed. So ridiculous. Especially the black guy, he BOTHERED ME SO MUCH.
  • I watched that for a class and agree with you completely. It pissed me off how many emotions all the characters showed. So ridiculous. Especially the black guy, he BOTHERED ME SO MUCH.
    Let me show you how completely dispassionate and unfeeling I am with my complete lack of emotions and THIS BIG SHIT EATING GRIN AND IMPASSIONED SPEECH ABOUT SENSECRIME, SOCIETY AND WORMS IN APPLES, TO THIS CROWD OF RANDOM PEOPLE.

  • edited February 2013

    Also, they avoid all the legitimate and interesting tension when the son just had stopped taking the pill a while ago, instead of doing the interesting thing and having him be the way he seemed for the entire rest of the movie.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • "Hey dad? Yeah, I actually do have emotions. It just turns out that I'm a nine year old intelligent and in control of my emotions enough to fool every part of society that I interact with into thinking I have no emotions, despite going to school and training in the place they specifically train you to hunt down people with emotions. Also, I'm kind of an asshole."
  • You are both forgetting that he cuts on someones face and Sean Bean cries over puppies.
  • You are both forgetting that he cuts on someones face and Sean Bean cries over puppies.
    Sean Bean, cryin' over puppies, readin' Yeats, Goin' out like a punk, just another day in the life of Sean Bean.
  • You are both forgetting that he cuts on someones face and Sean Bean cries over puppies.
    Sean Bean, cryin' over puppies, readin' Yeats, Goin' out like a punk, just another day in the life of Sean Bean.
    Unless we are talking about Richard "Dick-kicker" Sharpe, then he recites poetry and shags bitches across the peninsular.

  • edited February 2013
    You are both forgetting that he cuts on someones face and Sean Bean cries over puppies.
    Sean Bean, cryin' over puppies, readin' Yeats, Goin' out like a punk, just another day in the life of Sean Bean.
    Unless we are talking about Richard "Dick-kicker" Sharpe, then he recites poetry and shags bitches across the peninsular.
    Or Alec "Janus" Trevelyan, fakin' his death, makin' Pierce Brosnan look like a jackass, blowin' shit up with the Goldeneye. The only reason they dropped half of Arecibo Observatory on him is because he couldn't be killed by a mere Pierce Brosnan bond. I mean, he dropped the dude 500 feet onto a giant metal dish, and instead of popping like a hefty bag full of soup, he's just layin' there, a bit dizzy, figuring out how he's gonna get up there and kick Bond's wimpy ass up between his ears.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited February 2013
    Viga, your tumblr is filled with great stuff; it is by a vast margin my favorite.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • What holidays do you consider fake?
    "Holiday" = "holy day" = days designated by religions = made up bullshit.

    All holidays are fake. Celebrate the ones that involve good food, alcohol, and exchange of good will (and gift-giving). Ignore the crappy ones.

  • So just St. Patrick's day.
  • edited February 2013

    I made this for my brother's facebook banner at his request. It is actually a picture of him (He's a champion whitewater kayaker) but he came to me to have "The Lazor face" added to it. I think I might have gone overboard...
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Pebble watch can control iPhone music (track forward, backwards, play/pause).

    iPhone has remote app which allows controlling iTunes on another computer.

    iTunes has music sharing on local network.

    iTunes on HTPC accesses music from library on my main PC and plays it through the home theater system. I can see what song it is and control it via the remote app on iPhone via the watch.

    Pebble watch is a home theater remote control.
  • Damnit! It actually doesn't work because the Remote app doesn't use the audio playing API. It's theoretically possible to remote on iTunes while playing a different song on the phone itself, so the watch would only control music on the phone.
  • Well, I figure there's going to be two ways to do this. The stupid and convoluted way, and the smart way. And since I don't have a pebble watch, we've nobody to sort out the former, therefore I've full confidence that you'll figure out the smart way to do it.
  • edited February 2013
    I made this for my brother's facebook banner at his request. It is actually a picture of him (He's a champion whitewater kayaker) but he came to me to have "The Lazor face" added to it. I think I might have gone overboard...
    Ahahahaha, oh god, I love how the laser on the shark's back is just an oversized laser pointer.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Desteny looks pretty interesting. Will hold judgement till more is anounced but it looks pretty so that is something.
  • edited February 2013
    I just flipped through some pages of Underground 2021, which finally arrived yesterday, and holy shit is it awesome. The rules are typical fare of the era, way too complex and muddled, but the writing is hilarious, the setting is cool and the artwork is absolute gold!

    I'm increasingly agreeing with my friend Sandro's assessment that the ratio of totally sweet to completely insane in popular culture peaked in the early to mid-90s.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Fix the rules.
  • edited February 2013
    These rules are fucking broken, man. It's one of those systems that tries to use one resolution system for everything, but it predates the days where people actually did that well, so instead its got about ten pages of "rules" and then two hundred pages of elaboration and exceptions (to the point where absolutely everything gets converted to "units" to resolve against in a headache-inducing fashion), and tries to have an extremely basic system that then tacks on lots of detail stuff throughout the book. There is some absolutely amazing stuff, like rules for having long-term effects on the setting and the idea of building your character as a story, but I can't figure out how to salvage it as it is. It hurts my heart.

    If I do anything with it, it'll be to port the setting over the Hardboiled's system. In some ways they are very similar, resolving challenges in similar ways, issuing points, having gun-focused combat, but Underground's combat suffers from the lack of abstraction common to games of the era and bogs down with lots of rolling to resolve shit like armour and special effects.

    What is kind of awesome is that both games have a similar focus on your character in the long term, tracking what they do outside of gameplay and even having a concept of "stress" to prevent your characters from just being murder hobos (or, in Underground's case, to accurately model what is happening to your murder hobo). Their concept involves lots more charts and math, though, and I say that as a many who fucking loves charts.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
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