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  • edited February 2013
    "Optimum Papa" is my new favorite phrase. Also totally true.
    I originally read it as "Opium Papa" and was going to say something about heroin instead. Good metal band name, though.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I read "Optimus Papa" and imagined how cool it would be to have a transformer for a dad.
  • edited February 2013
    After months of poking at ancient Roman texts in pursuit of brewing knowledge, I'm beginning to be able to read Latin.
    Pete esset facere optimum papa.
    What are you saying about Pete's dad?
    Google translate. I'll just leave it to you to figure out what I originally wrote.
    Technically, what you wrote doesn't quite have the sense of what you wanted to write.

    The verb you used means "to make," but in a very direct sense. That phrasing wasn't really used in Latin, so it'd be more correct to say "Pete would be the best Pope," because that's what you're really saying. Unless you want to say that I would physically create a Pope.

    Pete se optime papa.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Boys, get your adjective-noun agreements right, I mean goddamn. Wait, that's actually the wrong mistake, the mistake was using accusative for the object of esse when it's actually normal to use the nominative there. It's "Pete sit optimus papa."

    Apreche (or Google Translate) gets points for appropriately using the subjunctive though.
  • *Latin high-five*
  • STARTING to learn Latin.
  • It's a good start.
  • Subjunctive is some Latin 3 level shit. It's a really good start.
  • edited February 2013
    Screw all of your Harlem Shakes, GEDDAN!

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • HOLY SHIT! How are there so many people that are so well educated and so enraged about politics but don't even know that non-FPTP systems exist? This is like when I had to explain communism to all my friends, except instead of middle-schoolers I'm talking to the electorate.
  • edited February 2013
    The moment you realize that, not only do you not care about a class, but that it will have no effect on your ability to graduate or even significantly affect your GPA is (even if you completely fail it) is, perhaps, one of the most liberating feelings of your college career.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • So apparently Penny Arcade put a Harlem Shake into today's comic. Still can't really get behind that meme.
  • I like the Harlem Shake cause it was one of the few things on the internet I saw before it was a huge thing. :P
  • I was studying 4chan when Rickroll started appearing there. I watched it evolve from Duckroll.

    I'd like my Internet points now.
  • I was studying 4chan when Rickroll started appearing there. I watched it evolve from Duckroll.

    I'd like my Internet points now.
  • Damn. The only meme I watched evolve was Really Photogenic Guy, save for a few 4chan raids.
  • Bah. It's all about "All Your Base Are Belong to Us."

    On a similar note, has anyone gotten their email accounts yet?
  • I just watched both Stand Alone Complex openings again. Them feels...
  • For the first time in a while, I feel good leaving work on a Friday. Actually got more things done than were piled on top of me for a change.
  • Just puttin' this here. Thanks Fark: now I know about something that I didn't know about before.

    I will not suffer this alone. You're welcome.
  • We hate you so much! -_-
  • My reaction was pretty good, I think. At first stunned silence. Then looking back up to see it's Rym posting it. Then confusion. Then reading the whole thing in detail even to the point of noticing the "we' like! to party!" Then a second of reconcilliation, followed by a big hearty laugh.
  • God damnit... no... GODDAMNIT RYM WHAT HAVE I SEEN?! TELL ME MAN!!
  • Ah, the furry diaper fetishists. It's a level of sexual depravity deeper.
  • The depravity runs deep. I've seen some shit from furries but that's just a whole new level.

    Goddamn you Rym. And you too Scott for associating with him.
  • I don't get freaked out by these things anymore. You need context if you're going to creep me out. A random crazy image on the internet isn't going to get to me.
  • Greg's killed a man before nothing phases him.
  • edited February 2013
    Responding to such an image just validates the poster's intentions.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Shit now I'm hungry.
  • I hope they cooled down the oatmeal first.
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