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  • Recently, I discovered that some people that have access to cold and warm water do not take showers every day because they feel lazy.
  • Recently, I discovered that some people that have access to cold and warm water do not take showers every day because they feel lazy.
    If I don't have anywhere to be that day I won't take a shower just to save water.
  • So in my company there is another person who has almost the exact same name as I, both first and last except he has an additional vowel in his last name though it's still pronounced the same. And it's not some sort of common name like "Karl Mayr/Mayer" or something like that. It's actually a pretty uncommon name.

    Nevertheless, at least twice a week someone calls me, sends me an e-mail or messages me when it's the other guy that they want. Today was particularly funny because I was messaged by a woman with something that roughly translates to "Hey you. You got a little time? Can I kidnap you for a short while? I need to show you something. You can bring Rene and Edgar along too." which sounded rather ambiguous.
  • [That pie] shall cool on the windowsill that is his face!
  • Use our nuclear weapons to blow the atmosphere off Venus. Because we can.
  • Recently, I discovered that some people that have access to cold and warm water do not take showers every day because they feel lazy.
    There is no excuse for BO in the civilized, industrialized world.

  • Recently, I discovered that some people that have access to cold and warm water do not take showers every day because they feel lazy.
    There is no excuse for BO in the civilized, industrialized world.
    Other than conserving the fresh water that we're running through at a frankly alarming rate. >_>
  • Other than conserving the fresh water that we're running through at a frankly alarming rate. >_>
    Well, people should live en masse in places that don't have a sustainable water cycle. That's actually a big part of why I choose to live on the east coast where I do.

  • Recently, I discovered that some people that have access to cold and warm water do not take showers every day because they feel lazy.
    There is no excuse for BO in the civilized, industrialized world.

    What happens if you've had a long day at work and have gotten all sweaty?
  • Okay, then it should be "there is no excuse for BO in the civilized, industrialized world, unless you are currently on the way to wash off the BO acquired within the past 24 hours."
  • I missed the routers episode, and I'm chipping in now and here because I can't be arsed finding the thread - I still wear watches occasionally. I'll wear one with my suit - because I prefer to use a watch rather than pull out my phone, because every schmuck is pulling out their phone for checking the time, and frankly, it's a nice accessory to go with the rest of the suit.

    Any other time I'm wearing a watch, it's usually a cheap no-brand or a cheap counterfeit, either because I'm doing something where I don't want to have my phone in my pocket because it might get damaged, unless I want to buy one of those ridiculous, almost literally bulletproof cases - which I don't want to do, because fuck that noise. Either that, or when I was working places that don't allow you to carry your phone, or required me to wear a nice-looking watch - For example, when you work behind the bar, it's very poor form to keep your phone on you, and not a great idea besides, ditto that when bouncing.

    When you're a flight attendant, you're really, really not meant to have your phone on you(but everyone does anyway, despite that pulling out your phone can be a disciplinary offense), and most companies require you to wear a watch as part of the uniform, though you do get vague guidelines about what kind of watch, so no go on the big plastic spongebob watch.
  • Just read this article.

    It tries to suggest we should have pity on the kids who sucked ass at Legends of the Hidden Temple because it was unfairly hard.

    Sorry, that is bullshit. Sure, I've obviously never been a contestant myself, but I watched that show every day for many months. After watching the show twice, I knew exactly what to do in each and ever room of that temple. If you had never seen the show before, you had no business being a contestant. If you had seen the show before, you had no excuse to fuck up as badly as the kids in those videos.
  • I always wondered if it was staged somehow because I was like there is no way to fuck that temple up, and I was like 6 at the time.
  • I always wondered if it was staged somehow because I was like there is no way to fuck that temple up, and I was like 6 at the time.
    Nope. Just so many of the kids were dumb and deserved to lose.
  • Someties, shows like that are recorded in their entirety, THEN aired on TV later.
  • Someties, shows like that are recorded in their entirety, THEN aired on TV later.
    Then it's only an excuse for kids in season 1.
  • Someties, shows like that are recorded in their entirety, THEN aired on TV later.
    I was just about to say. If they were part of the first batch of contestants that were taped before any of the shows aired, they had no chance to preview the temple rooms and figure them out. This isn't a case of The Price is Right, where they've had some of the same events for decades.
  • Someties, shows like that are recorded in their entirety, THEN aired on TV later.
    I was just about to say. If they were part of the first batch of contestants that were taped before any of the shows aired, they had no chance to preview the temple rooms and figure them out. This isn't a case of The Price is Right, where they've had some of the same events for decades.
    Even so. If I put you in a similar obstacle course that you have never seen before, how well do you think you could do?

  • Even so. If I put you in a similar obstacle course that you have never seen before, how well do you think you could do?
    Okay, I went to look at the article you linked (as opposed to relying on my very hazy memory of the show) to see some of the obstacles in question in order to get some idea as to what the contestants were dealing with. I'll say this much -- some of the ease we may claim to see there is probably related to having a relatively wide-angle, from-the-side viewpoint of the obstacles. If we were actually in the obstacles, it might have been trickier to see just what needed to be done. There was also one valid argument in the article that the Silver Monkey puzzle was not scaled properly to be kid-sized and was in fact too large, making it more difficult than necessary.

    However, the bigger issue I saw is a lack of any sense of urgency among the contestants. I don't know if they were actually physically tired or not when trying to solve the puzzles, but if they were just a bit quicker they may have been able to solve them even by pure trial-and-error in time. A lot of them just kind of meandered from room to room as if there wasn't any sort of time limit. Even the first one, with the girl trying to solve that torch puzzle, took her own sweet time trying to solve it. If it were me, even if I had no clue how to solve the puzzle, I would've been at least hustling to get a trial-and-error solution done as quickly as possible.

    Anyway, if I were to face those obstacles without ever seeing them, I think I probably would've at least come close to beating the temple run if not outright winning it unless I was too physically tired to complete the physical aspects of the run within the time limit.
  • I'm okay with the Sequestration.
  • I'm okay with the Sequestration.
    Why? It might do a couple of things right, but it's doing a lot wrong, and for the wrong reasons.
  • I'm okay with the Sequestration.
    Why? It might do a couple of things right, but it's doing a lot wrong, and for the wrong reasons.
    Because its hilarious to see everyone point fingers when at the end of the day, everyone's hand has ink on it. Also they're not nearly as deep as they should be, but its the closest thing to real cuts we're gonna get.

    That's just me though.
  • Well, I think you're wrong.
  • Also they're not nearly as deep as they should be, but its the closest thing to real cuts we're gonna get.
    I wonder what justification you have for those comments.
  • California Proposition 13 in 1978
  • edited February 2013
    Even so. If I put you in a similar obstacle course that you have never seen before, how well do you think you could do?
    Okay, I went to look at the article you linked (as opposed to relying on my very hazy memory of the show) to see some of the obstacles in question in order to get some idea as to what the contestants were dealing with. I'll say this much -- some of the ease we may claim to see there is probably related to having a relatively wide-angle, from-the-side viewpoint of the obstacles. If we were actually in the obstacles, it might have been trickier to see just what needed to be done. There was also one valid argument in the article that the Silver Monkey puzzle was not scaled properly to be kid-sized and was in fact too large, making it more difficult than necessary.

    However, the bigger issue I saw is a lack of any sense of urgency among the contestants. I don't know if they were actually physically tired or not when trying to solve the puzzles, but if they were just a bit quicker they may have been able to solve them even by pure trial-and-error in time. A lot of them just kind of meandered from room to room as if there wasn't any sort of time limit. Even the first one, with the girl trying to solve that torch puzzle, took her own sweet time trying to solve it. If it were me, even if I had no clue how to solve the puzzle, I would've been at least hustling to get a trial-and-error solution done as quickly as possible.

    Anyway, if I were to face those obstacles without ever seeing them, I think I probably would've at least come close to beating the temple run if not outright winning it unless I was too physically tired to complete the physical aspects of the run within the time limit.
    I think a lot of it stems from confusion of the announcer barking orders, the crowd chanting, and what could be stage fright. If you were smart about it you would just stop and think, but I assume there was no criteria for being a contestant. They could have just found the most clueless kids they could find. I do agree there seems to be no sense of urgency at least with those examples. I do clearly remember some of the contestants hustling through the trials. Those were often the kids that either completed the temple or came very close to completing it.

    The sympathy that writer is displaying is a bit melodramatic though.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • It was possible to kick ass at the temple. Many kids succeeded. Here's one who clearly knew what they were doing.

  • Also its not so much about fully completing the temple, they still get a prize for trying. If it was too easy they would be giving away a cruise every week.
  • Ah man, I used to get so frustrated with this show.

    What was that show with the video games... Nick Arcade? I always wondered if those green screen challenges at the end were very disorienting in-person, because so many kids flopped.

    Woohoo - Space Camp!
  • Ah man, I used to get so frustrated with this show.

    What was that show with the video games... Nick Arcade? I always wondered if those green screen challenges at the end were very disorienting in-person, because so many kids flopped.

    Woohoo - Space Camp!
    Space Camp was one of those places I always wanted to go as a kid. I mean, how awesome would it have been to go through some basic astronaut training and fly a space shuttle simulator with real physical switches, etc.? Sadly, I never got the chance.

    As far as Nick Arcade, the look on the contestants' faces really gave the impression that whatever display they were using for the green screen wasn't all that good. It also looked like there was some really bad lag time that really threw off their timing.
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