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Random Comments



  • Last one of these I promise.

    Removed the ammo bumps to streamline the UI. Your weapon ammo is now down in the ammo area, and includes information so you know how much ammo you have relative to how much you can carry. Also, all the number's colours have been changed. They now are the same colour as their corresponding pick-ups; white health, grey armour, purple grenades, yellow shells, blue bullets, red rockets and green slime. Not sure what I'm going to do colourwise with the kill counter. The damage indicator has been toned down as well.

  • It's clean and obtrusive in a suitably old-school kind of way. I like it.
  • I just discovered that I could build a pro-grade hexcopter with camera mount and top of the line gopro for about a thousand bucks. Sorely tempted, I must admit.
  • edited March 2013
    I find it interesting that on my work computer (running Ubuntu), no matter what order I open my applications in, they are always in the same, fixed order in the task bar. I wonder how the OS comes up with the order because it certainly isn't based on how long the application has been running for.
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • A ditzy girl in my reachback English class wants me to snapchat with her. Should I be worried?
  • Snapchat a picture of your dick.

  • edited March 2013
    "I sent this girl a picture of my dick."

    Post edited by Sail on
  • A ditzy girl in my reachback English class wants me to snapchat with her. Should I be worried?
    No need to worry, so long as you only send the highest-of-caliber Snapchats. Example:

  • Got called a "white knight" on Reddit. I feel like there should be a merit badge for this.
  • Man, I shouldn't drive when I'm this tired. I sat at a set of lights for a good two minutes, just staring at the lights, without the fact they changed even registering. Would have been there longer if some dude hadn't honked at me.
    Got called a "white knight" on Reddit. I feel like there should be a merit badge for this.
    I get called an asshole, mostly. I think that's because I tell off the MRA nutters for being nutters, but in the same breath will tell off Feminists(and the other opposition) when they're being equally unreasonable. Though, I do give both groups a little more leeway before I start something than I would around here, because let's face it, it's Reddit. The quality of comments is far and away lower than on this forum, despite this place being one tarnished motherfucker of an ivory tower.
  • edited March 2013
    depending on where in reddit that compliment came from is directly proportionate to how much merit it carries. Some of those pages are a slightly tamer version of /b/
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Well, I think MRAs get a bad rap in general. I think there's some culturally shared cognitive bias that flags misogyny much more readily than misandry. Yes, though, there are some real whackjobs on both ends of the spectrum.

    The label was applied to me because a photo was posted of a topless girl on a bike festooned with equations written on her skin in marker. She was quite attractive but apparently armpit hair is a dealbreaker. When I lamented that each new American generation seems to get more uptight about vanity instead of less.... white knight.
  • Oh no white knight is never intended to be complimentary on Reddit.
  • "MRAs get a bad rap in general"
    "Some dickbags throw a shitfit about armpit hair"

  • One really has nothing to do with the other.
  • Well, I think MRAs get a bad rap in general.
    True, but mostly because the vocal majority of the movement - at least on the internet - are idiotic, knee-jerking mysognistic fuckwits who act like women's rights is a coded expression meaning "enslave and kill all the men."

    Yes, there are legitimate issues regarding Men's rights. Yes, there are reasonable people in the Men's rights movement. But both are completely drowned out for the vast majority of people by the fuckwits.

    It's like MRAs are trying to go through a period that mirrors the aggressive, out-there fight-for-your-rights-and-punch-out-anyone-who-disagrees sort of attitude of second wave feminism, but without the need for it, and without the figureheads that mirror the figureheads of that period of feminism. So, it tends to end up not as a movement to fix legit problems, but as a hyper-aggressive, unfocused mess.
  • I think it's a big assumption to call it a majority.
  • You take that back. Chip tunes are a god damned artform. Vocaloids... ugh.
  • edited March 2013
    I think it's a big assumption to call it a majority.
    Yeah, I used to think that. Then, I started lurking some MRA forums around, and it's sure as hell not a long row to hoe. It's barely even a stretch, at best. It's certainly more believable than the idea that the majority are reasonable, but for some reason, almost entirely silent.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Its that the vocal jackasses are truly prolific, I think.

    As an aside, I think ready access to virtually any and all genres and "severities" of porn from a young age really messes a lot of guys up.
  • edited March 2013
    I think it's a big assumption to call it a majority.
    Yeah, I used to think that. Then, I started lurking some MRA forums around, and it's sure as hell not a long row to hoe. It's barely even a stretch, at best. It's certainly more believable than the idea that the majority are reasonable, but for some reason, almost entirely silent.
    I think it depends on what constitutes a men's rights advocate.

    Given the reputation that MRAs have, the result is that reasonable people are unwilling to self-identify as MRAs, leaving only the crazies. As such, MRAs having the reputation that they do is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on

  • Bullshit.
    Damn, Sail, I did not expect that troll to work.
  • Actually I just stumbled on the article and was looking for an opportunity to post it. Thanks Rob <3
  • I think it depends on what constitutes a men's rights advocate.

    Given the reputation that MRAs have, the result is that reasonable people are unwilling to self-identify as MRAs, leaving only the crazies. As such, MRAs having the reputation that they do is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    I think that's a fair call, though I would point out that most reasonable and rational (self-identifying or not)MRAs tend to be egalitarians in all but name, if they don't already outright call themselves as such.

  • Bullshit.
    Damn, Sail, I did not expect that troll to work.
    It wasn't even supposed to be a troll, it's a spoof on an image that states "Real music is made with this [instrument] not this [computer]".
  • Real music is made wih a jew harp.

  • Real music made with anything.
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