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  • Real music is made when a mummy composer and a daddy composer love each other very much and have special hugs.

  • Bullshit.
    Damn, Sail, I did not expect that troll to work.
    It wasn't even supposed to be a troll, it's a spoof on an image that states "Real music is made with this [instrument] not this [computer]".
    Was the instrument a Korg? Please tell me the instrument was a Korg. That would be deliciously ironic.
  • Naw it was like a guitar or something.
  • real music is made with a butt
  • Real music is made with bagpipes.
  • No true music is made without bagpipes.
  • edited March 2013
    Getting buried in angry comments/messages from guys who can't admit that their obsession with how much hair girls have and where is culturally programmed, and weird.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • The real lesson to take from this is that Reddit is a fucking cesspool. If it weren't for r/gamedev, r/rpg, and r/Unity3d, I wouldn't give it a second glance at this point.
  • Cheese's description loosely describes how I feel about MRAs. I'm not totally sure what they're even fighting about and the noise I hear instead of any real message is enough to just irritate me to the point that I at least know I don't want to be associated with them.
  • edited March 2013
    My chief argument against MRAs is that the issue I've ever seen them actually protest is feminism.

    There is a difference between the Men's Movement, which actually is about the shit MRAs say they are about, and MRAs themselves, which sits at the terrifying nexus between insane misogynists, evopsych idiots, and PUAs. It's especially amusing because, as a fairly well-read profeminist, I have seen every one of the half-decent points raised by MRA's in feminist literature that is decades old. If they really, actually cared about men, they are picking on the wrong people.

    Like the guy a few weeks ago who tried to use the whole "expendable male" thing as an argument against feminism, and I got an awesome excuse to bring up Jeannette Rankin, the post-WW1 pacifist movements, and the role of feminists in anti-Vietnam War culture. That was fun.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Real music is made with balloons.

  • Mostly I'm disappointed because it's /r/geek and I expected better. The massive volume of mouth breathers on that sub is appalling.
  • edited March 2013
    If it is a reddit sub with lots of subscribers and the common redditor misunderstanding of what "free speech" means (AKA, zero moderation), then it is probably a shithole.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Free speech does essentially mean zero moderation. There's always voting.

    Anyway now I'm linked on subredditdrama. Banner day.
  • Nah, free speech means the government can't regulate your speech. Moderation of a privately owned site is more like the owner of a house kicking you out because you can't keep your stupid bigotry to yourself. Besides, we know for a fact that the voting system actually prevents quality content from entering the discussion on reddit in favour of pandering, memes, and "edgy" shit that the majority of the users agree with.
  • Yes I know its a private site, but so is basically every socially relevant channel. That argument only carries so much weight.
  • /r/geek's existence is kind of redundant. Reddit is a geeky site already, why do we need a subreddit for geek stuff? That's called all of reddit.
  • /r/geek's existence is kind of redundant. Reddit is a geeky site already, why do we need a subreddit for geek stuff? That's called all of reddit.
    I dunno, Reddit's gotten pretty mainstream.
  • When the president of the USA does a scheduled appearance on your website, it's probably mainstream.
  • When the president of the USA does a scheduled appearance on your website, it's probably mainstream.
    Not to mention semi-frequent coverage in mainstream broadcast news, and lots of coverage on mainstream online news(well, on slow news days at least.)

  • My chief argument against MRAs is that the issue I've ever seen them actually protest is feminism.

    There is a difference between the Men's Movement, which actually is about the shit MRAs say they are about, and MRAs themselves, which sits at the terrifying nexus between insane misogynists, evopsych idiots, and PUAs. It's especially amusing because, as a fairly well-read profeminist, I have seen every one of the half-decent points raised by MRA's in feminist literature that is decades old. If they really, actually cared about men, they are picking on the wrong people.

    Like the guy a few weeks ago who tried to use the whole "expendable male" thing as an argument against feminism, and I got an awesome excuse to bring up Jeannette Rankin, the post-WW1 pacifist movements, and the role of feminists in anti-Vietnam War culture. That was fun.
    Basically, I think a good way to know if you're dealing with an insane MRA or an insane feminist is to see what happens if you put them into the same room with each other and see how much they agree.

    For example, I remember reading a blog post by an MRA where he interviewed a British feminist who started up one of the first networks of homes for battered women over in the UK. Basically, they were entirely in agreement during the whole interview and one of the biggest points they agreed on was the stupidity of many homes for battered women not allowing said women's sons to join them in the shelters if those sons were over 12 years old.
  • "Tubs for the tub girl."
  • Thwarting your change of subject slightly, it's official, I now understand why ubiquitous 24/7 availability of internet porn is damaging to society. Holy shitballs, the younger generations have got a seriously warped sense of physical beauty, intimacy, and aesthetics.

    Everything must be shaved, everywhere. Hair is gross. If you love me you'll let me ejaculate on your face. Oral sex isn't really sex. Anal penetration is the holy grail and all the cool kids are doing it.

    Ugh. I really don't want my daughter growing up in this sea of fucked-uppedness.
  • I have no idea what that comment is in response to (not that it's off topic for this thread), but I dare say you're just seeing some extreme of some sort. I actually notice a lot of humor directed at those specific sorts of ideals lately. Satire mostly.
  • Well, in this case it's reddit, which is pretty mainstream, as we've recently covered. The overwhelming majority of current college students have some seriously weird ideas about the role of women in intimacy, and the "rules" that must be followed by both genders (primarily women, it seems) in order to be "right" and "acceptable."

    Not that this generation has the monopoly on that, but fuck, they're so warped.
  • Changing the subject, Australia was originally discovered by the Portuguese.
    A press release from 2007? I wondered why I thought this was old "news".
  • Muppet, you are confused. The claim that Reddit is mainstream does not mean it represents the majority of anyone, only that it is no longer a hidden niche.

    For example, opera shows are mainstream entertainment, but that doesn't mean the typical opera fan represents an entire generation of any age. Reddit is mainstream in the same way, in that its existence and place is acknowledged by other cultural institutions. This doesn't mean the people you find chatting there represent anyone except themselves.
  • Changing the subject, Australia was originally discovered by the Portuguese.
    A press release from 2007? I wondered why I thought this was old "news".
    Yeah it's old news, but I just got an email about it today from a college professor over in Portugal,
  • Muppet, you are confused. The claim that Reddit is mainstream does not mean it represents the majority of anyone, only that it is no longer a hidden niche.

    For example, opera shows are mainstream entertainment, but that doesn't mean the typical opera fan represents an entire generation of any age. Reddit is mainstream in the same way, in that its existence and place is acknowledged by other cultural institutions. This doesn't mean the people you find chatting there represent anyone except themselves.
    I don't know about all that. I think the sample size is pretty large. So, sure, it's a self-selecting group, but I've heard the same in other places. Facebook, etc.

    Not exactly a scientifically rigorous survey, but I wouldn't use the word "confused".
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