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Random Comments



  • I change the background of my work computer to be a nice wallpaper of whatever game I am currently playing.

    It is now showing Minish Cap. (Playing it on the GBA Micro)

    Chipping away at that backlog.

  • I don't know about all that. I think the sample size is pretty large. So, sure, it's a self-selecting group, but I've heard the same in other places. Facebook, etc.

    Not exactly a scientifically rigorous survey, but I wouldn't use the word "confused".
    Don't you see that you are self-selecting yourself into that group? I never encounter any of these things on your list:

    "Everything must be shaved, everywhere. Hair is gross. If you love me you'll let me ejaculate on your face. Oral sex isn't really sex. Anal penetration is the holy grail and all the cool kids are doing it."

    I literally can't recall the last time I encountered any of these sentiments in any of my interactions, online or off. I know I watched a Jimmy Carr DVD, and he jokes about these things all the time, but his obsession with anal sex is a comic act, and it's his act of taking it to the extreme that makes it so funny.

    It's not as if I make an effort to avoid such sentiments. I don't actively avoid Reddit, I've just never once found anything there interesting enough to overwhelm the confusing navigation and the... well, I don't even know, as I've never been able to understand anything about it. How many of those sentiments show on this forum? Again, I don't think I've seen anything like that in the many years I've been chatting here.

    How do I find these things so rare, or at least so easy to avoid I do so without trying, and you find them so common it sickens you?
  • As far as the hair is gross angle goes, where I've seen that the most is in the context of someone saying that and then being mocked for it. One was a recent SMBC comic and another was the final or second-to-final episode of The Office. Also some reality television show dating thing where I think the comments were something like: "Oh, your arms have hair." "Yeah... um... most peoples arms have hair..."

    I always took it as an absurd statement. That said, there's also nothing wrong with shaving or trimming if you like to either. I'm not mocking some guy for his "manscaping" or having his back waxed. I kinda want my shoulders waxed.
  • edited March 2013
    Luke: Do you typically go into places where people are likely to openly critique the opposite sex without worrying about how they'll be interpretted? It's not like I hear this at work, or at the grocery store, or on gaming forums. It's when the topic comes up, which is not that often. But I also go into forums that you would probably consider uninteresting, where conversations like that are more likely to take place.

    You're comparing your social bubble to my social bubble and then calling me incompetent over my interpretation, which isn't relevant to your situation. It's clear that you consider yourself more worldly and widely exposed than I am, but I'm not sure that's the case.

    Cream: Arm hair is a pretty absurd example, so yeah people will get mocked. I'm talking about areas that are "traditionally" shaved: legs, armpits, genital area.

    And it's one thing to say "I happen to prefer it when women shave these areas" and quite another to say "Women who don't shave these areas are disgusting, filthy trash" which seems to be the case way too often in my opinion.

    And all of that aside, since when is the "Random Comments" thread expected to be scientifically rigorous or properly cited? Good grief, calm your tits.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Muppet, I'm not trying to argue with you or seem superior. I just don't think you understand how bizarre your previous outburst came across, nor how your language since then negates your original point. If it was just a joke to begin with, I didn't see it at the time, but that's now the only way it makes any sense at all.

    You said:
    Thwarting your change of subject slightly, it's official, I now understand why ubiquitous 24/7 availability of internet porn is damaging to society. Holy shitballs, the younger generations have got a seriously warped sense of physical beauty, intimacy, and aesthetics.

    Everything must be shaved, everywhere. Hair is gross. If you love me you'll let me ejaculate on your face. Oral sex isn't really sex. Anal penetration is the holy grail and all the cool kids are doing it.

    Ugh. I really don't want my daughter growing up in this sea of fucked-uppedness.
    I clarified that, while mainstream, Reddit doesn't represent any younger generation, let alone multiple generations. Nor does it represent any generation, scene, or anything I regularly encounter, nor do these same sentiments arise in any situation I find myself in.

    This is a good thing!

    Now you are saying you live in a bubble, and so do I. That's good news! Really!

    If you don't want your daughter to grow up in a "sea of fucked-uppedness", that Reddit is just a bubble means your wish is trivially easy to grant. Simply don't bring your daughter up as someone who visits Reddit. Job done. Problem solved.

    Or have I missed something here? Bubbles good, bubbles bad, whatever. Either way, your daughter will probably be fine.
  • Speaking on behalf of "the younger generations," I am not aware of this "seriously warped sense of beauty, intimacy, and aesthetics." In my experience, we're pretty desperate and aren't in much of a position to be picky. If anything, we have lower standards than previous generations. It's really the only explanation for the current trends in generic white girl fashion.

    That being said, never let Greg be your control group.
  • Luke I was commenting from an annoyed place after being steeped in stupidity on Reddit for too long since last night on a never dying thread. I'm sorry for being beligerent and adopting/defending a sort of stupid position. Still, I think it's a depressingly large subculture at the least.
  • Still, I think it's a depressingly large subculture at the least.
    Well, that's the thing - it's less a subculture in and of itself, than a collection of other subcultures. It's why reddit is such a good microcosm of the internet at large - it's not unified under one cause or interest, it's just a big mess of everything.
  • Luke I was commenting from an annoyed place after being steeped in stupidity on Reddit for too long since last night on a never dying thread. I'm sorry for being beligerent and adopting/defending a sort of stupid position. Still, I think it's a depressingly large subculture at the least.
    No problem. Some simply and obvious advice is to just not participate. It's very easy not to.
  • Yep. I'm not stupid, just angry. :-P
  • So, the Arma 3 alpha has some small problems, here and there.

  • I see no problem.
  • edited March 2013
    Okay, America, stop fucking patting Rand Paul on the back. Don't tell me that I'm the only person who remembers that about a month ago, he was repping his immigration reform plans, which included the fucking use of Drones on US soil as a matter of standard border protection procedure.

    Come on, Americans, you know about Ron Paul and his racist, xenophobic craziness. You FUCKING KNOW. You KNOW the apple didn't fall far from the tree, from his previous comments, and his unwavering support of Daddy Paul's Crazy bullshit. How the Fuck could you not notice that his objection wasn't the killing of people with the drones you're so touchy-feely freaked out about(because it's SO different to the Cruise Missiles, missile strikes from manned aircraft performed through a fucking TV screen, and Special Forces squads that you're perfectly fucking comfortable with), as long as they're not White US-born American citizens. Fuck immigrant civilians, just fucking blow them to shit as they cross the border, only white US natives are worth giving a single shit about.

    And now a large section of the US populace(particularly the left-leaning section of the US populace) is patting this fucker on the back, because he agreed with popular opinion a few times in his eleven hour crazy person rant. GRET JERB GUISE.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • At least he led a real filibuster.
  • I don't approve of most of his politics, and I agree that he did it for the wrong reasons, but ultimately I am glad he did it.
  • Which is what most people are saying. The filibuster on the drone issue was appropriate, even if it was by accident. I don't think too many people are saying "Shit, let's get this guy in the oval office."
  • edited March 2013
    Horseshit! Everyone's dancing to the tune he had a go at singing for eleven hours like some fucking nazi Julie Andrews*, just because it shares a few riffs with popular opinion. I'm seeing congratulatory and happy posts everywhere, and plenty of people carrying on about how he's better than Obama because he doesn't support the use of drones, how he's oh-so-consistent and honest, He did the right thing and blah blah blah blah praise him for his libertyburps.

    How the hell is his Filibuster appropriate? The only person seriously suggesting that drones should be used on people located on US soil IS HIM, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Not even in the sense of "Oh I'm worried about the Obama administration using drones on US citizens" sense, but in the sense of advocating it as a method of border control. If anything, he's filibustering himself!

    On top of that, the only part of his entire, mostly-disconnected-from-reality monolog that was even related to the issue was answered in a single sentence with what amounts to "No, It's not possible, and fucking DERRRR, bro do you even government?" The rest was just him carrying on like a nutter about some of the nutty policies and positions he's inherited from his dad and attacking various other politicians for shit that never fucking happened and nobody ever said, as well as displaying an astounding lack of knowledge about the Constitution and the Government of the US - far from the first time and doubtful it'll be the last, either - which is kinda fucking scary considering he's a US Senator. But nobody wants to talk about that, because who the fuck wants to sit for eleven hours listening to this bloke with what looks like a pubic hair toupé fucking drone on for longer than the entire Lord of the Rings movie trilogy?

    Last of all - it didn't achieve anything, other than bumping Rand's popularity a few points, and this was already known before he ever started, without a shadow of a doubt.

    Oh, it bought drone strikes into the national conversation - except it was already there in force, and once again, the only person suggesting drones should be operated on US soil is Rand Paul. Oh, it took the Obama administration to task for their use of drones - except it didn't, at all, it was in protest of something that's never, ever occurred, never will occur unless the US descends into another Civil War, but some bright spark asked if there were any circumstances at all where Thing A was possible, and he spent the whole time talking about something entirely different, and something that simply is not realistically possible for the US government anyway. It could have delayed or made it harder to appoint the new CIA chap - except it didn't, at all.

    So what, precisely, is appropriate or useful about it? Yeah, he filibustered, and it's nice to see a real one instead of the usual silent ones, but that doesn't mean it was useful, appropriate, or achieved anything of worth.

    *- Purely for comedic effect. Rand Paul is not a Nazi, and is probably not Julie Andrews. He's just a Tea Party Neo-confederate super-far-right-wing Republican/Big-L Libertarian. Though he does see a lot of support from Stormfront, just like his daddy.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm just happy whenever someone actually filibusters. If you want to monopolize the conversation, you shouldn't be able to vote to do so. If that fuckhead from Shelby County tried to filibuster the Voting Rights Act renewal I would be happy, just because we don't get enough of them.
  • Not enough trains, would not read again.
  • I'm just happy whenever someone actually filibusters. If you want to monopolize the conversation, you shouldn't be able to vote to do so. If that fuckhead from Shelby County tried to filibuster the Voting Rights Act renewal I would be happy, just because we don't get enough of them.
    Same here. As far as I'm concerned, they should change Senate rules such that the only filibuster allowed is the old-fashioned talk until your tongue falls off filibuster.

    The funny thing about Rand Paul's filibuster is that he only stopped because he had to go to the bathroom. I'd love to hear a story, just for humor value, about a filibustering senator continuing to chat because he/she had the foresight to wear Depends to the Senate that day.
  • I'm just happy whenever someone actually filibusters. If you want to monopolize the conversation, you shouldn't be able to vote to do so. If that fuckhead from Shelby County tried to filibuster the Voting Rights Act renewal I would be happy, just because we don't get enough of them.
    Same here. As far as I'm concerned, they should change Senate rules such that the only filibuster allowed is the old-fashioned talk until your tongue falls off filibuster.

    The funny thing about Rand Paul's filibuster is that he only stopped because he had to go to the bathroom. I'd love to hear a story, just for humor value, about a filibustering senator continuing to chat because he/she had the foresight to wear Depends to the Senate that day.
    Give me eight years and I'll make it happen.
  • Lol Churba, my friend sent me that gif. My response was "seems legit"
  • edited March 2013
    The funny thing about Rand Paul's filibuster is that he only stopped because he had to go to the bathroom. I'd love to hear a story, just for humor value, about a filibustering senator continuing to chat because he/she had the foresight to wear Depends to the Senate that day.
    Dude, Mike Gravel, Ex-democratic Senator from Alaska. Not only did he have a long history of actual "I'm gonna stand around and talk forever" filibusters, he's known to have used a catheter on more than one of those occasions. He's in second place for the length record - for filibustering, not Catheters - right after Strom Thurmond, who went for 24 hours non stop. Regrettably, he was filibustering against the Civil rights act, but a record is a record.

    Also, Rand openly admits that he's seriously considering running for president.
    Lol Churba, my friend sent me that gif. My response was "seems legit"
    I just love that first, neat flip. Seriously, that needs to be made into a "Deal with it" Gif.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • A condom catheter hooked up to an ankle bag is easy enough to set up and just about invisible. I wouldn't doubt that more than one politician keeps such a setup on hand (so to speak) just in case.
  • Churba, you need to do a podcast on American politics and political media. You should call it "Outside In from Upside Down". Or "Downside Up", 'cause that shit's all relative.
  • I would listen to Churba's Politics and Bullshit podcast. I would listen to it every day.
  • I third that.
  • Fourth.
  • This is adorable. :3

  • As much as I'd love to, I think that more than four listeners would be a bit of a stretch, and I can barely keep up with rego, fuel, rent, and PAX saving without adding hosting on top of that. I'll consider it, but I'm not promising jack shit, and it won't be right away even if it does happen.
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