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  • This is adorable. :3
    One of my cats in England, Mao, used to do something similar, she'd sit on my shoulder when I was messing around on the computer.

  • Mine fight over my lap when I am on the computer. The little one curls up and sleeps but the big one wants belly rubs and face scratches. When he is on my lap I can't use my computer because he will grab my mouse hand and force me to scratch his head and neck.
  • If I pick up my cat at all he goes right for the shoulders.
  • If I were Beatrix Kiddo I'd have bought two Uzis. Being in an action movie I wouldn't run out of ammo and at least O-Ren Ishii would have been dead a lot sooner.
  • Havn't slept. Running RPG setting in 2 hours. Coffee.
  • Today was good day. Today was bad day. Today was confusing day.
  • It all depends on whether you had to use your AK.
  • edited March 2013
    I just got called an Anti-semite and a Racist by a holocaust Denier, because I refused to either believe in or take their crazy bullshit seriously.

    I can't help but feel like this is some sort of an achievement.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Congrajewlations
  • Sick real life achievements list powers activate?
  • edited March 2013
    It only gets funnier to me - he went through "Typical holocaust denier being doubted" to "typical person trying too hard to troll, and thus failing" the moment he was questioned. He even threw in a "U mad bro?" There's even a "Typical pseudo-intellectual (group of internet users)" and "you use to many fancy words!" This bloke is a fuckin' comedy goldmine.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • How exactly do they explain that it didn't happen anyway? I mean I've seen the things that saying certain pictures were miss-labeled or doctored, and that some numbers were inconsistent but nothing that ever would ever show that it never happened even if those things were true.
  • How exactly do they explain that it didn't happen anyway? I mean I've seen the things that saying certain pictures were miss-labeled or doctored, and that some numbers were inconsistent but nothing that ever would ever show that it never happened even if those things were true.
    Yeah... the most that one can say is that the numbers were off, but outright denying that there was any sort of Holocaust at all? Sheesh...
  • I discovered Jubeat yesterday and it is definitely my new favorite Bemani game. I wanna get stupidly good at that game.
  • I discovered Jubeat yesterday and it is definitely my new favorite Bemani game. I wanna get stupidly good at that game.
    No, you don't.

  • edited March 2013
    I watched all those videos last night. Not intimidated. I had a lot of fun with that game. I actually wasn't too embarrassingly beginner at it either. I was clearing level 4 songs, so if I was able to work that up two or three more levels I'd be satisfied.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • How exactly do they explain that it didn't happen anyway? I mean I've seen the things that saying certain pictures were miss-labeled or doctored, and that some numbers were inconsistent but nothing that ever would ever show that it never happened even if those things were true.
    Nah, this bloke was one of the type 2 holocaust deniers - doesn't deny the existence of camps, or that a lot of people died, but only accepts the people that died from the shitty camp conditions, or starvation, not that people were shot, gassed, or that medical experiments were performed on them.

    Which really isn't that different, there's still mountains of evidence and documentation that they're too cowardly to look at, but it's just easier to defend for them, because they don't have to explain away the camps, the abysmal conditions, people being dragged from their homes, etc, etc, they just have to special plead their way out of all the evidence that indicates how many people died.
    Yeah... the most that one can say is that the numbers were off, but outright denying that there was any sort of Holocaust at all? Sheesh...
    The numbers are not perfectly accurate, this is true, but they're not off by that much. We'll never know precisely how many died, but we do have plenty of evidence that gives us a pretty decent rough idea.
  • edited March 2013
    Yeah... the most that one can say is that the numbers were off, but outright denying that there was any sort of Holocaust at all? Sheesh...
    The numbers are not perfectly accurate, this is true, but they're not off by that much. We'll never know precisely how many died, but we do have plenty of evidence that gives us a pretty decent rough idea.
    Oh, definitely. The number I'm most familiar with is 6 million, which I think is the typical number people usually mention when describing the Holocaust. However, even if the real numbers were only something like 5.5 million or 5 million, that's still some extreme genocide. I'll buy that the real numbers may be off by a few hundred thousand either way, but even if that's the case, the numbers are still frighteningly large.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Oh, definitely. The number I'm most familiar with is 6 million, which I think is the typical number people usually mention when describing the Holocaust. However, even if the real numbers were only something like 5.5 million or 5 million, that's still some extreme genocide. I'll buy that the real numbers may be off by a few hundred thousand either way, but even if that's the case, the numbers are still frighteningly large.
    To be absolutely fair, the most often quoted 6 Million dead figure for the holocaust IS way, way off. The figure of 5-6 million is JUST for the Jews. On top of that, there's also about 3 million Soviets, 2 million Polish, about a million Romani, a few hundred thousand disabled, a few hundred thousand Freemasons, and many thousand homosexuals, Slovenes, and Jehova's witnesses.

    But unlike you or I, when we're talking conspiracy theories, that's not the kind of "the oft-quoted figures are inaccurate" that they're talking about.
  • edited March 2013
    I should've specified that yeah, I knew that the 6 million figure was only for the Jews. For whatever reason, probably because they were the single ethnic group (to my knowledge) that had the biggest individual losses, their numbers seem to always be the first that come up when the Holocaust is discussed. I knew there were a few million members of other ethnic/minority/etc. groups that also were wiped out in addition to the 6 million Jews.

    However, you are right in that these aren't what the conspiracy nutbags claim are the disputed numbers. Some of them even go so far as to admit that not a single Jew died as a result of Nazi Germany and it's all part of the evil Zionist cabal ruling the world behind the scenes.

    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • And now it is a race; will my lazy Homestuck cosplay shirt arrive before I leave for PAX East? Go, little package, go!
  • I should've specified that yeah, I knew that the 6 million figure was only for the Jews. For whatever reason, probably because they were single ethnic group (to my knowledge) that had the biggest individual losses, their numbers seem to always be the first that come up when the Holocaust is discussed.
    That's correct, and it's partially because there was such a large amount of Jews in Germany at the time, anywhere from 9-11 million, and partially because the Jews were the primary focus of the genocidal campaign. The others were generally found further afield, or were not the primary focus.
    However, you are right in that these aren't what the conspiracy nutbags claim are the disputed numbers. Some of them even go so far as to admit that not a single Jew died as a result of Nazi Germany and it's all part of the evil Zionist cabal ruling the world behind the scenes.
    My reaction to every holocaust conspiracy theory in that thread - image

  • So I'm leaving for Shanghai later this week, dabbling in a little news here and there before I go, and wham...

    Get ready for some rump roast.
  • I actually enjoy Holocaust denial theories. They're so completely baseless that it's enjoyable. It's not like Kennedy assassination assholes who actually have a foundation if you don't read too much about it. The Holocaust was probably the best documented event in human history. There's so little for them to make a theory out of that it's hilarious.
  • edited March 2013
    I actually enjoy Holocaust denial theories. They're so completely baseless that it's enjoyable. It's not like Kennedy assassination assholes who actually have a foundation if you don't read too much about it. The Holocaust was probably the best documented event in human history. There's so little for them to make a theory out of that it's hilarious.
    Never underestimate the power of special pleading combined with delusion. I've seen one claiming - in a thread about a photoset from the Auschwitz museum - that they clearly didn't use Zyklon-b at all, because it leaves Prussian Blue stains on things where it's used, and in this photo of the wall, there's no stains. Sure, there were fucking scratchmarks left by human fingernails but no Prussian blue stains.

    Of course, three photos later, there's a picture of the ceiling featuring said stains, but of course THOSE stains could be ANYTHING, and when they finally admit they're Prussian blue stains, then they were planted by the conspirators to make you believe, and you've been fooled by it, how simple and gullible you are!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My dad just had a great idea: A golf tournament for all the world leaders.
  • Via Jalopnik - SpaceX invents a giant, hovering, flame-spewing penis.

  • That's really cool and it's some really difficult engineering, for sure - What's the practical use for SpaceX? What's the end goal?
  • edited March 2013
    That's really cool and it's some really difficult engineering, for sure - What's the practical use for SpaceX? What's the end goal?
    Not to put too fine a point on it, but fucked if I know. Not really my area of expertise. Presumably something to do with vectored and pulsed thrust, or some such thing. Looks cool, though, and I prefer to think that it's apparently powered not by fuel, but by Johnny Cash music.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just googled it. According to this HuffPo article, Elon Musk is trying to reduce the cost of space travel by making the rocket reusable.
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