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  • edited March 2013
    Where in Bog's name do you get your manga? Clearly I am not looking in the right places.
    Originally, it was just a case of going to any reader site, and going to their list of anime by rating, then just going to the arse-end of that list and picking essentially at random, using the thumbnails to see if I'd like the art, or at least, can stand the art.

    Nowdays, it's just more of a random selection, I'll read just about anything. If I see a name, I'll look it up, and I'll read a chapter or two real quick to see if I don't actively dislike it. If it passes that test, I add it to my AMR list, which I draw from essentially by random selection.

    Then, of course, only the finest grade weird shit is strained out of that, and delivered hot and fresh to you guys.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Damn kids these days and their... um... I don't even know.
  • You know the drill. Quality.

  • I managed to dream that I woke up at noon, didn't get out of bed, and fell asleep again. I woke up at 10AM.
  • edited March 2013
    Churba is there like a blog where you get these or are you just reading some weird fucking manga?

    Edit: ah you're right. I didn't look up that far.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I think he said he just reads them. That said, this kind of thing would be perfect for a Tumblr.
  • edited March 2013
    And one time I told Churba about Upotte!
    [What's the tag for spoiler blocks again?]


    "A MANGA ABOUT BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!" - First cover, a 10 year old with a fucking assault rifle.


    Lol Mintendo BS

    Shooting booth, girl that looks like a cat comes in and fucks everything up with the pellet gun. Why does she look like a cat?

    LOOL and disqualified for being from the pro-shooter school thing. Sucks to be you, cat lookin' chick

    And now she's fully crackin' a girlboner from the way he holds his rifle. Paging Dr notsubtleatall, you're wanted in the freud suite. Also, she looks like she's ten, WTF MATE

    whaaaaaaatttt the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
    how is this even a thing

    This manga is definitely something. Something that can be described at a word as "Insane"

    So is the way you're cocking up my brain, manga, fuck.

    OOOOHHHHH and he misses the shot right before she shoots her bolt, so to speak. Poor auld thing, I know that feeling, totally not cool. Insult to injury, he's clocked her with the corks. All of them. I think this is some sort of subtle hint at something. I'm really not sure I want to know what this is.

    LOL just drops the main point of the manga in the dialog like it's nothin'. We're guns. Yep. No, not a metaphor.

    Not even the first chapter, and we already have an implied panty shot, from a ten year old to a teacher. There is a panel where he has a T over his face, lit up, I'm not sure what that implies. I am sure that I DO NOT WANT TO FUCKING KNOW GODDAMNIT UPOTTE Y U DO DIS

    And then his thought bubble has a little picture of a teabag. Dude looks like a lady kinda thing going on here? Does this chick have a little more in the magazine than her uniform implies? I DON'T WANT TO FIND OUT BUT I'M GOING TO WHY GOD WHY

    Her name is FNC, and she's just straight up announcing she's a belgian made assault rifle. I have no idea what the fuck is fuck shit i don't even know.

    Also, looks like a cat again. Last I saw an FNC, I don't think they looked like cats. Then again, they didn't look like little girls that may or may not have testicles, either, so fair enough, I suppose.



    Oh now they're implying she didn't have panties on, either.

    Fuck this gay earth why am i even doing this i have lost control of my life

    Beautiful detail on the M16, there. Random thought - I wonder if one of them is an m60, and if she's fat and loud.

    7 Cm target at 100 yards? That's 91m - not an easy shot, but not a hard one, either. I could manage that with an assault rifle, definitely with a proper bolt-action.

    This brother been told twice now that the girls are assault rifles, and he still isn't quite picking up on the subtlety of "THESE GIRLS ARE ASSAULT RIFLES, BEE TEE DUBS"

    Also, she apparently doesn't like being called t-back girl. Which means she instantly has a gun, but she is a gun, and now she's flipped the selector to three shot burst. Shit is about to go DOWN, son.

    No idea what is going down, but someone is screaming die, and I think there is some gunfire going on. It seems to be obscured by a hedge.

    "Your new teacher will be absent for a while" No shit, YOU TINY LITTLE BITCHES SHOT HIM FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU JESUS.


    Fuck me, the art on this FNC chick just gets stranger and stranger.

    Oh, he's been in hospital a week...BECAUSE YOU FUCKING FUCKS SHOT THE POOR BASTARD

    LITERALLY the first text box on the second page, "By the Way, we're all guns." I think, quite sensibly, that they assume the first chapter has literally brain damaged you to the point you needed to be reminded after being told three times in the last chapter.

    Oh, apparently the teachers are guns, too, the headmaster is a Springfield, and the gunny is presumably a Garand, but they've misspelt it Garland, propably because the scans group used regular spellecheck without thinking. If you're gonna translate a manga about little girls who don't wear panties and are also guns or some shit, have someone who knows about guns on staff. He does not nessissarily have to know about little girls with no panties.

    I know they're meant to be assault rifles, but that assault rifle is a ten year old girl, for christ's sake. what the fuck am I even saying.

    Oh hey, it's not-at-all-an-assualt-rifle-sensei, reading a book in hospital. IT'S AN FNC FIELD STRIPPING GUIDE HOLY SHIT THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU MANGA WRITING GUY WHO WROTE THIS.

    "But your outward appearance is so adult like" I hope you're being sarcastic, 16 lass, because THERE IS NO WAY IN FUCK SHE DOES.

    FNC apparently has a skeleton stock. Does that mean she has a skinny arse? Or is it the testicle thing again? Which would make odd sense, if it's a folding stock.

    AW SHIT teacher bro is outside smoking in such a way that you can tell he's totally seen some shit, man, you don't even KNOW because you wern't there, man, so now he's going to a school to handle little girls. I mean assault rifles. Somefuckin' thing. I feel like I'm going to be arrested for reading this shit.

    "I'm not a hooligan!" no, you only SHOT THE FUCKERY OUT OF HIM. You're not a hooligan, you're an attempted murderess. So, technically accurate, I guess?

    OH GOD

    Ahem. Okay, one smoke later, I can go back WATHA (OHA SHDTFGIABNSIDFGAI WRG

    Okay, another smoke and a cuppa, and I can tell you he's just told a ten year old girl slash assault rifle that she takes good care of her body, and she starts blushing, talking about the touch of a mans hand, and pushing her hands onto her crotch for fuck's sake this shit is going to end with me in prison.

    "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me talking about a girl's lower body."
    *Thumbs up*
    "Yeah! No Sexual Harassment here!"
    I find myself entirely unconvinced.

    Wat she just instantly has a gun again

    Does this crazy chick just put the poor fucker in hospital at the end of every chapter?


    Actually, that's pretty cool - Their lunchboxes are Metal ammo boxes, full of their respective calibers.

    One of the ammo boxes looks like it's full of grenades, though

    Oh, shit, No! they actually ARE lunchboxes, full of lunch! Ace!

    "They need to get ten shots into the target's lethal zone from 500 meters" Not bad. I could still make that shot, but propably not with an assault rifle.

    Turns out they might not be 10 after all, there is a bikini shot of this chick and somehow, she has HUGE TITS.
    Fucked if I know where she's hiding them in that uniform.

    "We study hard every day to realise our dream of becoming assault rifles" wat I thought you already were assault rifles. Also, maybe you ARE ten? I really want to know now.

    Aww, one wants to become a bride. But she's really a SIG SG550, and wants to be issued to a family.

    "Sig-chan is always Nueteral in these matters. Because she's swiss." Lol.

    "If we don't get caught, we'll be fine!" lady, you just uttered the magic words that make you get caught.

    "16-chan, why do you keep stopping?" "Because I only use 3 shot burst mode!" I actually lol'ed

    Aww, they waited around. WHY DIDN'T YOU BITCHES HELP

    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Cont..

    Chapter 4

    First panel "Do you like girls with guns?" Picture - Cat lookin' chick. Not girls that look like that, no thank you. Also, SHE IS TEN.

    Fred: "I wonder how long they can use this gun thing before they resort to feelings?"

    Nope, they are definitely ten, there are high schoolers here, and they are normal looking. At least for chicks who are literally guns.

    Ah, the upperclassmen are the FAL and the M14.

    Chapter 5
  • So the real question is it worth reading?
  • So the real question is it worth reading?
    I don't even know.

  • AmpAmp
    edited March 2013
    So the real question is it worth reading?
    I don't even know.

    I mean it certainly sounds like something. What that is I don't know. But it's defiantly something.

    Edit came across it by accident following of wiki links. What the shit is this? Are they guns? Gun people? People guns?
    Post edited by Amp on
  • One thing that bugs me about Chrome is that if you open a lot of tabs, instead of having a limit of how small a tab can be and letting you scroll through them, the tabs just scrunch smaller indefinitely to the point where it's really hard to click on them without accidentally closing them. You also can't read any useful portion of their page titles. If anyone has a fix for this I'd appreciate it.
  • Edit came across it by accident following of wiki links. What the shit is this? Are they guns? Gun people? People guns?
    I'm pretty sure my thoughts on that issue were previously made abundantly clear.

  • One thing that bugs me about Chrome is that if you open a lot of tabs, instead of having a limit of how small a tab can be and letting you scroll through them, the tabs just scrunch smaller indefinitely to the point where it's really hard to click on them without accidentally closing them. You also can't read any useful portion of their page titles. If anyone has a fix for this I'd appreciate it.
    Solution: Don't open so many tabs. WTF is wrong with you?
  • Open another window? That what I do if I have more than a dozen or so tabs open.Then again, having to sort through three different windows to find the tab you want is a potential problem as well.
  • edited March 2013
    One thing that bugs me about Chrome is that if you open a lot of tabs, instead of having a limit of how small a tab can be and letting you scroll through them, the tabs just scrunch smaller indefinitely to the point where it's really hard to click on them without accidentally closing them. You also can't read any useful portion of their page titles. If anyone has a fix for this I'd appreciate it.
    Solution: Don't open so many tabs. WTF is wrong with you?
    Bullshit, I should be able to browse any way I want. For example, I like opening up all the unread forum threads in tabs in the morning to quickly skim through them.

    Firefox had no issue with this.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • One thing that bugs me about Chrome is that if you open a lot of tabs, instead of having a limit of how small a tab can be and letting you scroll through them, the tabs just scrunch smaller indefinitely to the point where it's really hard to click on them without accidentally closing them. You also can't read any useful portion of their page titles. If anyone has a fix for this I'd appreciate it.
    Solution: Don't open so many tabs. WTF is wrong with you?
    Bullshit, I should be able to browse any way I want. For example, I like opening up all the unread forum threads in tabs in the morning to quickly skim through them.

    Firefox had no issue with this.
    I do the same thing. I can still see all the tabs. How many threads you have unread?
  • There's probably some keyboard shortcut to page through your tabs?
  • Waiting for Joe Boomer to post a screenshot of his browser to show us how it's done.
  • There's probably some keyboard shortcut to page through your tabs?
    Going by them in order? What are you, a peasant?
  • I do not know these things, but it seems like a feature that may exist. Or even something like "go to tab 8".
  • edited March 2013
    I have a friend who saves things for later by opening them in Firefox tabs and forgetting about them. He has been known to have over two thousand tabs open simultaneously.
    There's probably some keyboard shortcut to page through your tabs?
    If you start typing the page title in the "awesome bar" it will take you to the relevant tab.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I do not know these things, but it seems like a feature that may exist. Or even something like "go to tab 8".
    You mean Ctrl+tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to go linearly, or Ctrl+[1-9] to go to tab 1 through 9?
  • edited March 2013
    I do not know these things, but it seems like a feature that may exist. Or even something like "go to tab 8".
    You mean Ctrl+tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to go linearly, or Ctrl+[1-9] to go to tab 1 through 9?
    Yes, perhaps a system of this sort of thing, though perhaps with other options for escalating beyond just the first ten tabs. Some sort of fanciful bizarro magic.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I do not know these things, but it seems like a feature that may exist. Or even something like "go to tab 8".
    You mean Ctrl+tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to go linearly, or Ctrl+[1-9] to go to tab 1 through 9?
    Yes, perhaps a system of this sort of thing, though perhaps with other options for escalating beyond just the first ten tabs. Some sort of fanciful bizarro magic.
    ... get a longer number row?
  • One thing that bugs me about Chrome is that if you open a lot of tabs, instead of having a limit of how small a tab can be and letting you scroll through them, the tabs just scrunch smaller indefinitely to the point where it's really hard to click on them without accidentally closing them. You also can't read any useful portion of their page titles. If anyone has a fix for this I'd appreciate it.
    Solution: Don't open so many tabs. WTF is wrong with you?
    Bullshit, I should be able to browse any way I want. For example, I like opening up all the unread forum threads in tabs in the morning to quickly skim through them.

    Firefox had no issue with this.
    I do the same thing. I can still see all the tabs. How many threads you have unread?
    However many updated in the last 10 or so hours I was sleeping/not at the computer, which today was about 3/4 the front page.
  • For switching tabs my preferred way is to hold down right mouse button and use scroll wheel to scroll through tabs.
  • I do not know these things, but it seems like a feature that may exist. Or even something like "go to tab 8".
    You mean Ctrl+tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to go linearly, or Ctrl+[1-9] to go to tab 1 through 9?
    Yes, perhaps a system of this sort of thing, though perhaps with other options for escalating beyond just the first ten tabs. Some sort of fanciful bizarro magic.
    ... get a longer number row?
    Shit, now I want an 11 key.
  • edited March 2013
    You kidding? I'd need a 30 key. Opening imgur images in new tabs accounts for, like, half of them.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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