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  • I think Kate is about to break bad.
  • edited August 2013
    I think Kate is about to break bad.
    I wonder what crimes she'll do to build a criminal empire and get a monstrous amount of money?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Or she'll just pee on people.
  • Nice white carpet you got there..
  • Valve needs to make it so that you have to have a license or something to use Flashbangs in CS.
  • edited September 2013
    ignore this
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Y'know what noone tells you about making AMVs? How much time is spent on loading screens. I spent all of yesterday just trying to render and upload mine, and it's still got 10+ hours to go on the latter. Figure I'll spend this time to get a head start on my next one, when I realize that Utena didn't make the jump from the last computer to this one (I guess I thought the DVDs would suffice), so now I spent last night torrenting that and now I'm batch converting it, which is going to take an estimated 11 hours. In the ammount of time I'm spending on these loading screens, I could rewatch all of Utena.
  • edited September 2013
    It's the apocalypse. Google search (in Canada) isn't working.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • It's the apocalypse. Google search (in Canada) isn't working.
    Weirdly, Gmail was down here yesterday(as in, we could access the site, but it was throwing up a "Our shit's fucked up" page), and we've lost search briefly in the last few weeks.

  • edited September 2013
    I've lost a great measure of social grace over the past few months. Small talk makes me impatient and distracted, then I either say something awkward and unrelated or I say nothing and wander off. Starting real conversations is like climbing a security fence, and on the other side one or both parties have nothing interesting to say on a given subject. There's plenty to discuss, of course, but something about life has got me closed off to all but a few people. It's disturbingly comfortable.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I've lost a great measure of social grace over the past few months. Small talk makes me impatient and distracted, then I either say something awkward and unrelated or I say nothing and wander off. Starting real conversations is like climbing a security fence, and on the other side one or both parties have nothing interesting to say on a given subject. There's plenty to discuss, of course, but something about life has got me closed off to all but a few people. It's disturbingly comfortable.
    Yeah, I did that. With school starting tomorrow, I'm not sure if I'll keep it up, but lord knows it's tempting.

  • Found out that there is an opt in access to online health record for Australians in which you control who can access records down to each individual document.

    I like that this advancement is present but the Government is shitty in its ability to disseminate information about online advancements like this.
  • I'd love to do study abroad, but it's hella expensive.
  • I'd love to do study abroad, but it's hella expensive.
    You live in America dude, so's studying locally.

  • I'd love to do study abroad, but it's hella expensive.
    You live in America dude, so's studying locally.
    I lol'ed.

    40% of my University class was from North America because the course was less than half the price to do.
  • edited September 2013
    Worth it for that bottle alone.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Tentacle rape. Now in a bottle.
  • Thanks for the /r/lovecraft karma :P
  • image
    Speaking of which, I got my copy of Awoken today.
  • edited September 2013
    XD I'm not super interested in buying that, but I supported their initial effort in making it and I found it hilarious. The excerpts read by Oancitizen were wonderful.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Axel, every time I see your username, I think of Axel Foley.
  • I seeeeeeee.
  • Google image search for a Security camera mounted on a cod piece yields nothing.
  • The K row of Hiragana is killing me.
  • かきくけこ, that's an easy one.
  • かきくけこ, that's an easy one.
    I know, and it's not getting any EASIER from here!
  • I think one of the best things about Democracy in this country is that when you vote, instead of a sticker, they give you a sausage in bread.
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