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  • Quotes from Disneyland.

    "A recent survey states that 25% of Americans say they believe the Sun revolves around the Earth. Can you believe that?!"

    "But you learn that (that's not true) in like fourth grade!!!"

    "I know, right?!"
  • Just finished my essay on Princess Mononoke.
  • edited February 2014
    The upcoming weekend will be hell.
    1) Winter Olympics men's hockey tournament comes to an end. Semis on Friday, Bronze medal game on Saturday, Gold medal game on Sunday.
    2) A new edition is being released on Magic Online. I want to get in on that because there is a Grand Prix (a 1,000+ person tournament) coming up in Vienna I plan to attend and it's the same format so I want to get some playtime in while it will be relatively cheap and price payout will be decent in the release queues (release Queues and GP Vienna are both sealed/limited format).
    3) At the same time WOTC saw fit to schedule a Pro Tour on the same weekend and I wanted to watch a little bit of the live stream.
    4) Twitch plays Pokemon...
    5) I probably should write some content for my new hockey blog
    6) At some point I should continue watching House of Cards
    7) Strike Vector
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • It can get depressingly lonely when you wake up at 6:30 every morning naturally and none of your friends get up until noon.
  • Greg said:

    It can get depressingly lonely when you wake up at 6:30 every morning naturally and none of your friends get up until noon.

    You realize this is the only reason I get all my shit done. Morning time is the productive time. Also, it's pretty great when at a party only me and Scojo are awake. Team Scott early morning domination.

  • When I die, I want to be buried with sunglasses on. That way, in a hundred years, I will be a cool skeleton.
  • edited February 2014
    Apreche said:

    It's pretty great when at a party only me and Scojo are awake. Team Scott early morning domination.

    Scott, no answer does not mean consent.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • UncleUlty said:

    When I die, I want to be buried with sunglasses on. That way, in a hundred years, I will be a cool skeleton.

    I also want this, except I don't because it's not cool if I steal the idea.
  • Spring loaded skeleton. Sunglasses, and if it's ever dug up, it suddenly sits up and the skull pops off.
  • You're not thinking big enough. Arduino and piezoelectric motors. Have my skeleton sit up, turn on an NES, and do a flawless playthrough of Mario 2. That'll impress the future people.
  • edited February 2014
    I'm pretty sure that if I'm not buried with my Aviators and boots on with a bottle of rum, someone made a huge mistake.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Churba said:

    I'm pretty sure that if I'm not buried with my Aviators and boots on with a bottle of rum, someone made a huge mistake.

    Or you had a hell of a last day.
  • sK0pe said:

    Churba said:

    I'm pretty sure that if I'm not buried with my Aviators and boots on with a bottle of rum, someone made a huge mistake.

    Or you had a hell of a last day.
    Fair point, I suppose I am assuming there's enough left to bury.
  • Apreche said:

    I also want this, except I don't because it's not cool if I steal the idea.

    By all means take it - I stole it myself from someone one my Facebook feed. :)
  • Churba said:

    I'm pretty sure that if I'm not buried with my Aviators and boots on with a bottle of rum, someone made a huge mistake.

    Here lies Churba, come on down if ya want a drink.
  • Here Lies Rym

    If you dig me up, my skeleton will murder you.
  • My skeleton will throw a knife at you when you open this coffin.
  • MATATAT said:

    My skeleton will throw a knife at you when you open this coffin.

    Stolen and tweeted.

  • edited February 2014
    MATATAT said:

    Churba said:

    I'm pretty sure that if I'm not buried with my Aviators and boots on with a bottle of rum, someone made a huge mistake.

    Here lies Churba, come on down if ya want a drink.
    But it's all a trick, I actually had them bury Rym's Murder-skeleton right above me as a booby-trap.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I never thought that the mere act of getting a computer with a decent graphics card would improve my games so much. Like, I knew I was using low settings, but I never realized HOW low.
  • Have any of you considered donating your body to science when you die? I heard that if you do that your parted out just like a car and your body parts end up all over the country.
  • edited February 2014

    Have any of you considered donating your body to science when you die? I heard that if you do that your parted out just like a car and your body parts end up all over the country.

    That's what I'm doing.

    My Uncle had it done and the ceremony was pretty awesome got messages and visits from all the people that benefited.

    I think it's logical. WTF do you need a stone in the ground where your remains have decomposed and been turned into expensive soil or ashes to spread into the river / ocean / wherever you get sprinkled or if your remains are kept in a pot on someone's mantle.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • I have the organ donor card on my drivers lisence. It's not to scientific research as you had asked but it's close enough.
  • Im kind of stingy with my organs I'd like to chose who gets them, so that it doesn't go to some one who would trash it all over again (like George Best). My Father wants to be cremated and scattered over a field of wheat. On the anniversary of his death we have to eat a loaf of bread made from this wheat...
  • edited February 2014
    Amp said:

    Im kind of stingy with my organs I'd like to chose who gets them, so that it doesn't go to some one who would trash it all over again (like George Best). My Father wants to be cremated and scattered over a field of wheat. On the anniversary of his death we have to eat a loaf of bread made from this wheat...

    So it's kind of like Mufasa and Simba.

    Do you live near 2000 or so wildebeeste?

    My liver won't help anyone because it will be trashed from the anti-epileptics I take on a daily basis probably good for anatomy class.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • edited February 2014
    Got bored and updated the 500 page for my team's version control website (which is currently 500ing).
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Dude on the train looked like he was a construction worker. Had significant BO then took his boots off and the entire train carriage was plunged into the smell of this dude's feet.

    He then put his shitty iPhone earbuds in and plugged it into an iPhone which was clearly damaged. near the headphone jack. He then started playing music which came out of the iPhone's speakers

    He then turned up the volume because he couldn't hear it through the buds which weren't transferring sound.

  • I had never heard of John Campbell, but apparently KC Green is close with John, and was very sad on Twitter. So I looked into a it a little bit. Obviously this person has problems and needs help. But if you look at just the argument being made on its own merits, all I can see is a person who blames the world for all of their own problems and deciding to exact revenge by hurting the people who love them the most. If you can't help but lash out, at the very least you should aim to harm your haters and not your fans.
  • Now that Internet celebrity has reached a sort of ubiquity, I think we'll see more and more of these cases.
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