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  • Churba said:

    Good to know that hatred of different parts of your own country is a global phenomenon. :)

    Honestly, I really like hearing about and investigating that sort of thing, because the way that different parts of different countries hate other parts of the same country(mostly in a friendly way) is always similar, but the dynamics of each and why it's the case are always different and distinct.
    Actually, yeah, that is a pretty interesting thing to investigate, now that you mention it.
  • Albert Einstein's birthday is Pi Day.
  • Churba said:

    Well, that's the way it always goes. Sydney and melbourne hate each other, Brisbane doesn't care that much but talks shit back to Sydney and Melbourne (they hate Brisbane even more than each other) because they're talking shit and you can't just leave that lie, Perth...I actually don't know what Perth thinks. Tasmania's irrelevant, Adelaide has taken a massive leap forward and is now only stuck in 1989, and everybody hates Canberra, including Canberra.

    I wish they'd shut the fuck up about thongs, though. Christ.

    Perth doesn't give a shit, it's the weekend, grabbing a beer.

    When I was in Sydney people seemed indifferent yet superior to all other cities except when State of Origin was on.

    Melbournians were completely focused on what Sydney thought of them and the assumption was that there was a rivalry. For some reason they felt like Perth was a comrade.

    I was too young to remember what people thought in Brisbane and I haven't lived in any other city.
  • Live action Space Bros. is pretty good.
  • edited March 2014
    Getting an immunization form filled out for college is more annoying for me than it should be. A big part may be due to me not having a general practitioner though.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • canine224 said:

    Getting an immunization form filled out for college is more annoying for me than it should be. A big part may be due to me not having a general practitioner though.

    Another possible argument a secure online shared medical record (for practitioners eyes only).
  • edited March 2014
    I could get behind that, especially considering the only place to have a record of my immunizations was a paper my mother had which was written in some archaic language I shall call medical-ese. I had assumed that since almost all of my immunization were done at a single public health department I could get the records from them but that was very naive of me apparently.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I found a weird intersection between hockey and anime/manga. There is a thread on a hockey board where I occasionally lurk which calls for the firing of Pittsburgh Penguins head coach Dan Bylsma, and by extend their general manager Ray Shero. The only guy actually defending the two has Fuura Kafuka from Sayonara Zetsubous Sensei as his avatar.

    I hope I'm not the only one who finds this funny.
  • A record I ordered that was listed in Very Good + condition skips twice on Side 2 track 1. That being said, I paid eighty eight cents for it, and bought it in combination with another record so the money on shipping wasn't wasted, so at that pricepoint I'm okay with getting some supplies for my TBD scratched records art project.
  • edited March 2014
    canine224 said:

    I could get behind that, especially considering the only place to have a record of my immunizations was a paper my mother had which was written in some archaic language I shall call medical-ese. I had assumed that since almost all of my immunization were done at a single public health department I could get the records from them but that was very naive of me apparently.

    I think that my parents have paper copies (scattered between them) of my medical records, but it worries me a bit that this information would probably take a week to track down if I needed it. Then again, I had to phone in and pay money to get a copy of my birth certificate so I could prove I was a US citizen, and my dad had to have relatives in Italy drive to the ufficio comune and mail him a copy of his birth certificate to prove he was an Italian citizen, so I'm not surprised.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I'm convinced that it's impossible to have a discussion about OSes near Linux-types without at least one trying to mock you for being a PC gamer.
  • I just mock them right back for not being a PC gamer. "Oooh, I'm all Linuxy. I've only got five games and three of them are from Valve. I can't play a single decent racing sim. Hooooo~!".
  • My PC gaming went back and forth based on what the console market looked like. Part of the reason I got a Mac years ago was because I wasn't doing any real PC gaming and I figured I'd just do all my gaming on consoles. Now, it seems like the games I want to play appear more and more on PC and the consoles just don't interest me so much. The fact that I don't need to tie up the TV when my wife/kid (when he's older)/etc. want to watch something to play on the PC also plays into the decision.

    So yeah, I'm not quite ready to upgrade yet, but when I do, I'll get a PC desktop. I'll probably get a Mac laptop, though, just to have something I can use to putz around with iOS development.
  • This is a beautiful coin.
  • How will that coin work in machines? Shouldn't it have an odd number of sides with the correct curves to always have the same width?
  • How will that coin work in machines? Shouldn't it have an odd number of sides with the correct curves to always have the same width?

    I don't know about that, but in other renders, it does look a bit rounder.

    Apparently, vending machine makers/operators will be able to refit their machines with electromagnetic signature detectors to accommodate the new iSIS security measures, and use that to differentiate coins, and supposedly in a more secure fashion than the previous pound coin. But, of course, that will remember refits(for older machines) and reprogramming(for newer machines that already use EMS detectors).

  • I don't really trust the competence of any organization named ISIS.
  • I just discovered that I still have one of these Compaq Portables in my house.
  • UncleUlty said:

    I just discovered that I still have one of these Compaq Portables in my house.

    I used to have one of those, we called it a "lugable" computer.

  • There's an Utena musical...
  • Greg said:

    There's an Utena musical...

    Yes, there is.

    Pretend there isn't.

  • I saw actual elevator attendants today! Twice!
  • I learned that even sriracha cannot unbland mcdonalds.
  • edited March 2014

    I learned that even sriracha cannot unbland mcdonalds.

    That's something I honestly can't understand - America, home of McDonalds, yet it's also home to the shitty, bland Mcdonalds. It tastes a hell of a lot better in practically every other place I've eaten Mcdonalds, but in the US, sweetened cardboard.

    Though, this may be out of date, it's been a while. Maybe it's just cardboard now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • A sizeable number of Americans have killed their tastes. They eat sugary salt coated bland grease. Mcdonalds is mass consumer food. It's meant to taste the same across the country, and it's a big country. I mean, I don't begrudge them for making their food the way it is, but it was as if the food itself was protected by a barrier that prevented other flavors from even touching the food.
  • A sizeable number of Americans have killed their tastes. They eat sugary salt coated bland grease.

    You need to travel, mate. The only difference between the US and the rest of the world on that front is that the rest of the world doesn't go for bland. And frankly, I don't think most of the US goes for bland, either, on the whole I like American Food, except for the bread.

  • Kinda want this.
  • That is the most extreme reverse tricycle in most of existence.
  • I REALLY want that.
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