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  • I get that it doesn't fall over on its own, but it seems to me that you're just adding an unnecessary amount of weight there.
  • That looks pointless and unruly.
  • That bike would be dangerous in the hands of someone who is experienced in mountain biking but not experienced with that particular design of bike.

    There is a real danger of coming down on an obstacle that lodges between the two tires, something that is not a danger with a traditional mountain bike. This unexpected behavior could prove catastrophic.
  • Well, the bike is designed for riding on snow and sand, hence the third wheel and large soft tires. Seems more like a vacation plaything than anything else.
  • I, apparently, am a power-abusing asshole for telling people on Reddit they should tell the truth on International Lying for Fun Day.
  • Neito said:

    I, apparently, am a power-abusing asshole for telling people on Reddit they should tell the truth on International Lying for Fun Day.

    It's ok if you actually attempt to fool someone with something believable. It's not OK to post something ridiculous and obviously false. It's not OK to just change your web site to something silly that's not actually an attempt to fool someone into believing false.

  • Didn't you hear? You're just a nazi for not letting these people be not as funny as they think they are.
  • It's Reddit. I was once a nazi for saying that loli porn had no place in /r/anime. I'm used to it by now. I just find it funny that people think I'm going to mod to popular comments.

    Especially when the announcement post has something like 80 net upvotes. Ahh, the comment/vote disparity, how I love you.
  • Today Juliane and I recorded an episode of the SFBRP, reviewing a book that doesn't exist. It was a lot of fun! I'm not sure how many people will notice we made it all up as we went along. It's something I've wanted to do for years now, and April 1st seemed like a good time to actually do it.
  • Trying to plan a memorial gathering for a paramedic friend of mine who was killed in a car accident this past weekend. Not easy working around schedules of friends and the fact that I have to work this Saturday.
  • This is why we built New Zealand.

  • Am I the only one who thinks this pink ribbon stuff is just a big circle jerk at this point? "Hey guys, I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I have to say it: I think cancer is bad."
  • Ikatono said:

    Am I the only one who thinks this pink ribbon stuff is just a big circle jerk at this point? "Hey guys, I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I have to say it: I think cancer is bad."

    My mother, who is a survivor, has expressed similar sentiments. A lot of the public support and awareness stuff feels empty and meaningless.
  • People like to pretend they give a shit. That's why they stupid things like ribbons and toms shoes.
  • If they weren't already ubiquitous, and if a larger percentage of the money actually went towards cancer research, it wouldn't be so bad. There's nothing theoretically wrong with donating money and buying / wearing social currency to draw attention to issues, even if it isn't individually very effective.
  • My grandmother, who is also a survivor, also has shared these views.
  • I play The Secret World quite a bit, and honestly, I enjoy the hell out of it. So here's a video that explains part of why:

    Things they don't mention in that video:

    - That quest he explains in detail is in insmouth, in the first area. It's one of the very first quests in the game, when you're still just a wee little nublet. It's also one of the shorter, easier investigation quests, despite the weird difficulty ramping.

    - EVERY quest involves exploring and lore in some fashion. I've never seen a quest that didn't have some form of both world-level and self-contained story attached to it, even the multiplayer PVE dungeons. Sometimes, it's just little clues and tidbits about how something changed the area you're in, and the story of the people caught up in it, and sometimes it's a big, big event that changes the way you perceive the game-world and the events that are occurring within it. This is all from mid-level quests, too - your really big story quest is another large, lore-filled and deep storyline that ties your entire experience together, and has you traveling all over the world and the agartha for many of it's quests.

    - Fuck ghosts they are assholes.
  • "This, too, shall pass" takes on a whole new meaning when applied to kidney stones.
  • Banta said:

    "This, too, shall pass" takes on a whole new meaning when applied to kidney stones.

    Bonus ghillie woodwind and brass section.

  • I've figured out where I have to go to buy ingredients for Mexican food. It's a liquor store.
  • Is the implication that Mexicans are drunks on the level of Germans, such that they add alcohol to every dish, or that no other store in your area gives enough of a damn to properly stock a Mexican cuisine section?
  • edited April 2014
    It's Japan. Refried beans and tortillas aren't a big part of Japanese food. I figure since it's an import liquor store, they import non-liquors too.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • A little late in the game, but if you really want to do something to help out cancer patients, there are better options than just donating money to your favorite pink ribbon campaign or whatever (and figuring a good chunk of that cash may go to overhead or to support politics you may be personally against).

    If you live in the US, try calling up your local chapter of the American Cancer Society. They have a program called the "Road to Recovery" where you can volunteer to drive cancer patients who lack other forms of transportation to their treatment appointments.
  • There's a new borderlands game coming, and I was mildly interested since they said Gearbox isn't really involved, and It's developed by 2K Australia, who have a pretty wicked team. But then I found out that Anthony Birch is still involved as a writer, and my interest just instantly dropped to zero.
  • Churba said:

    There's a new borderlands game coming, and I was mildly interested since they said Gearbox isn't really involved, and It's developed by 2K Australia, who have a pretty wicked team. But then I found out that Anthony Birch is still involved as a writer, and my interest just instantly dropped to zero.

    Was his contribution a writer for the game what you didn't like about BL2? Or was it his later comments he made that he was criticized for? I vaguely remember him saying something stupid, but I can't recall.

  • edited April 2014
    Rochelle said:

    Was his contribution a writer for the game what you didn't like about BL2? Or was it his later comments he made that he was criticized for? I vaguely remember him saying something stupid, but I can't recall.

    The former, not the latter. I thought his writing had the occasional high points, but was mostly just beating you around the head with giant fists of ham, and the humor was definitely more miss than hit, with every joke being childish, telegraphed and overused. Now, I'm no stranger to childish jokes and telegraphing my punchlines, but the difference is that I have other tools in my toolbox, and I don't pretend that it's some grand commentary on the state of the player or the industry.

    As for his later comments, there's only two I can think of - when he was criticised for Tiny Tina being a racist character because of Cultural appropriation, as the first one. Which is dumb to begin with, but was hilarious because they used to often give people shit for that sort of thing on the HAWPcast, in exactly the same manner that shit was given to him, but when given his own medicine, he lashed out.

    The other is that that New-U stations were not canon, after being asked why Handsome Jack didn't just turn them off to stop you re-spawning, which a lot of people weren't very satisfied with, since in BL2, by having them talk and having Handsome Jack talk about them in-universe, and having a quest where handsome Jack asks you to kill yourself despite knowing you'll come back at a new-u station, he made them pretty explicitly canon.

    But, that's all just funny, I don't really care much about it beyond having a laugh. I've no deep passion for Borderlands lore and having the games stay true to it, nor if Tiny Tina is racist because of some vague understanding of cultural appropriation that probably isn't actually correct in the first place.

    It's mostly just funny because Anthony Birch, while I'm sure he's a perfectly normal and nice chap, simply can't deal with criticism - and judging by the older episodes of the HAWPcast before I stopped listening, never has been able to - and either lashes out or says dumb shit to try and make it not his problem whenever people criticize his work.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • New-U stations are a major plot hole in BL2. EVERYTHING reapawns in that game yet we are expected to believe that a main character can be permanently dead?
  • Instead of ice cream trucks, Japan has baked potato and ramen trucks.
  • Ruffas said:

    Instead of ice cream trucks, Japan has baked potato and ramen trucks.

    I could totally go for a potato at the moment.

  • I'm gonna get one next time it comes by. I was just so flabbergasted I didn't have time to get out to the truck.
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