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  • Apparently, America didn't save the world again enough in the first one, and Pacific Rim 2 has been announced for 2017.
  • edited June 2014
    When the sun rises in a time zone? Lots of factors, but just check out Japan on this map:


    big link
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • If you look at the companion map for sunsets, you'll find that they left the British Empire blank.
  • Just got an email from a recruiter from Crunchyroll asking if I'm interested in a senior developer position.
  • If the sun was blocked out (a la the road) couldn't we just grow mushrooms to survive?
  • It would depend on how it's being blocked out, but likely no.
  • If the sun was blocked out (a la the road) couldn't we just grow mushrooms to survive?

    Sun provides heat and light (among other things).
  • Without the sun, we'd have to rely on tanning beds!
  • If the sun was blocked out (a la the road) couldn't we just grow mushrooms to survive?

    The Sun is the main primary source of energy for living things. Mushrooms are just further down the line than you realize, as they decompose their growth medium for energy. So without new plants, they would eventually use up the resources available.
  • The sun is what prevents the Earth from being a closed system. Without it, entropy take over, no system is 100% efficient, etc.
  • Ikatono said:

    If the sun was blocked out (a la the road) couldn't we just grow mushrooms to survive?

    The Sun is the main primary source of energy for living things. Mushrooms are just further down the line than you realize, as they decompose their growth medium for energy. So without new plants, they would eventually use up the resources available.
    If you look at the biological origin of oil it becomes liquid solar energy. Just about every living thing on the planet directly or indirectly requires the sun. I think some worms were discovered deep on the ocean floor that live near thermal vents that don't require the sun but that is the only exception I am aware of.

  • Even the stuff that lives on the vents is derived from critters that originally got their energy from the sun.
  • If a killer event such as a major asteroid impact or Yellowstone erupting were known of ahead of time do you think there would be a warning or would those in the know just let it happen figuring that a panic would only make things worse?
  • Panic wouldn't matter. If it's a killer event, the damage from panic will be about the same as the damage from the event. It's like worrying about whether or not the food will be good at your own funeral.
  • The idea of a funeral implies someone is around to hold one for you. That said, of course they'd keep it quiet as long as possible.
  • As of a couple minutes ago I am no longer a teenager. But apparently my parents don't appreciate me calling myself a "dinosaur".
  • You are not, you fucking baby. Congrats, though. Beyond 21, all solar orbits are meaningless
  • Orbit 26 is when your insurance rates drop.
  • Don't I know it. It's like people suddenly and erroneously assumed that by surviving to 25, I wasn't just a very lucky idiot. But you think that's good, wait for the insurance drop on orbit 45.
  • I live just down the road from an old folk's home, and today it reeked of pot. Stoner Seniors, next on Sick Sad World.
  • Seniors were young once. If they were in their 20's in the 1960's they would be in their 70's today.
  • Only just occurred to me that I should've included this in my post:
  • Turns out there's no definitive gundam thread, so I'm just gonna drop this here and hope Scott checks this thread.
  • The facebook feature to hide individual sites is kinda cool. Blacklist half a dozen clickbait sites, a couple of mommy/alt-med blogs, The Oatmeal, and it's measurably improved the quality of content coming through.
  • I know, right? Once I removed Upworthy and HuffPo, FB became readable again.
  • I just straight up block most people. The sad part is perfectly decent people sometimes have a bad habit of posting bullshit on Facebook. So I'm still friends with them, but I don't care for most anything they post on Facebook. Generally if I'm blocking a website I'm just blocking anything that person posts anyway.
  • I already did that much ages ago, so now it's just that people who I normally quite like what they post, but they also post some stuff that's just utter wank, clickbait trash, or worse, The Oatmeal.
  • In that situation, you can be friends with them and unfollow their posts.
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