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  • I find a lot of pages I follow are turning spammy with crap like, "look at the boobs on these girls" links. It's one thing if the "boobs, boobs and more boobs" page does it by would a page devoted to cats or cars do it?
  • Pegu said:

    In that situation, you can be friends with them and unfollow their posts.

    I'm pretty sure I covered that under "I normally like what they post, I just want to get rid of the small few posts that are garbage."
  • edited July 2014
    Sorry, I was talking to MATATAT, I should've quoted.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • According to Keith Richards, in 1975 lawyer Bill Carter advised the Rolling Stones to not drive through Arkansas because "the state of Arkansas had recently tried to draw up legislation to outlaw rock and roll". I can find no evidence either to support or disprove this claim and it's maddening me.
  • So now Bing will soon start accepting "Right to be forgotten" requests in the EU.

    Wondering if MS and Google could get away with charging a "handling" charge for these requests. It would probably cut down 95% of these requests.
  • Just got an email from a recruiter from Crunchyroll asking if I'm interested in a senior developer position.

    A bit late, but congrats, man! I recently quit my retail job for an accounting position at a regional health food company. I'm loving every second, and not worrying about money as much is all the sweeter.
  • Wait.. which health food company?
  • Just got an email from a recruiter from Crunchyroll asking if I'm interested in a senior developer position.

    A bit late, but congrats, man! I recently quit my retail job for an accounting position at a regional health food company. I'm loving every second, and not worrying about money as much is all the sweeter.
    I wouldn't say congrats, I'm very satisfied and gainfully employed at my current position. :) It's mostly a "that's interesting" sort of thing as Cruchyroll doesn't rank very highly (at least right now) on my list of places I'd like to work at.
  • Omnutia said:

    Wait.. which health food company?

    Health Food Associates, Inc. They operate as Akin's Natural Foods in the South and Chamberlin's Natural Foods in Florida.
  • My 5th and 6th grade bass teacher is my music theory professor for the Berklee summer program. Kinda weird, given that I gave up bass shortly after he stopped teaching me, and am now primarily a guitarist.
  • The new Google Drive web interface is now based around doubleclicks for its interface. I hope this doesn't catch on.
  • I've recently realized that I'm probably going to want kid(s) one day. It's a weird feeling, especially since for most of my life I assumed I would never have kids. Although, I'm an uncle now, so maybe I can just become a cool uncle and save my time and money.
  • Kids are like much overrated. If you get em cool, if not... Cool!
  • Ikatono said:

    I've recently realized that I'm probably going to want kid(s) one day. It's a weird feeling, especially since for most of my life I assumed I would never have kids. Although, I'm an uncle now, so maybe I can just become a cool uncle and save my time and money.

    Welcome to my world (says someone who is currently raising a 16 month old).
  • They are a terrible investment too. Spend all that time and money on them and there is no guarantee that they will turn out good.

    You can usually tell within the first year or two how they will turn out. There are some puberty speed bumps and occasional life changing trauma but for the most part how they are as kids is a good indicator of what to expect when they become adults.
  • In that case, my kid is going to have a wandering eye for blonde women.
  • I have house full of very happy cats. After I finished putting up the six foot tall stockade fence I started leaving my back door open. Now all of the cats blissfully go in and out all day long.
  • I have noticed a disturbing increase in political postings on my Facebook feed that confuse correlation with both causation and coincidence. I think I must prune my friend list again.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    I have noticed a disturbing increase in political postings on my Facebook feed that confuse correlation with both causation and coincidence. I think I must prune my friend list again.

    Or you can just try installing Social Fixer, although, apparently its automatic filtering doesn't get along with ad blockers for some reason.
  • edited July 2014
    I also use Facebook from my android phone.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Ah... Okay... That can be a problem.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    I also use Facebook

    There's your problem.

  • I went from a 30" IPS panel display to a 23.5" TN panel for a short while, I don't know how people use these, they look terrible.
    Are the higher quality TN panels much better than the cheap ones?
    Can't wait to get my own monitor back.
  • Rym said:

    HMTKSteve said:

    I also use Facebook

    There's your problem.

    Not all of us have the sheer force of will to be able to force people to use the private forum they installed on their website. :3

    At least I got people to use Hangouts instead of Facebook Messanger for group convos.
  • Hangouts and Twitter actually accomplish most of my social networking these days. Email actually works too.

    Facebook is just that plus people I'm not actually friends with randomly showing up. ;^)
  • So why shouldn't workers in retail without a set schedule not be considered on call? Otherwise you're tying up a worker full time on a part time salary, instead of them having the option of having another part-time job.
  • Rym said:

    Hangouts and Twitter actually accomplish most of my social networking these days. Email actually works too.

    Facebook is just that plus people I'm not actually friends with randomly showing up. ;^)

    Honestly, Facebook is just a social obligation at this point. Too many people use it for too much that I can't ignore it, even though I'd never use it for those things volunterily.
  • Facebook is how I pretend to have a social life. I've been spending my evenings forcing myself to stay off of reddit and Facebook entirely. I've become surprisingly productive in the evenings...
  • Neito said:

    Honestly, Facebook is just a social obligation at this point. Too many people use it for too much that I can't ignore it, even though I'd never use it for those things volunterily.

    Thus the problem. I am uninterested in friends or social activity that even remotely hint at "obligation."

  • Sounds a tad sociopathic when you put it that way. I mean... I dunno. I sort of understand what you mean here, I think, but obligation to friends is... kind of healthy. Except when it's not. I can't honestly say I've enjoyed every time I've ever helped somebody move, but it's a community (of friends) obligation sort of a thing.
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