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  • A review implies opinions, because it is their observations after using the product. Technical specs are pretty much just for Wikipedia-type things, in my opinion.
  • edited September 2014
    I think he's trying to figure out if there's different denotation for the term "review" between English and European regions, but he already knows the English understanding of the word.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I think it means both, but is dependant on context to make the distinction between fact and opinion (or some combination of both). Many people would call what Consumer Reports does "reviewing", but they'd also do the same for Engadget's reviews.
  • MATATAT said:

    I think he's trying to figure out if there's different denotation for the term "review" between English and European regions, but he already knows the English understanding of the word.

    Yep - or more accurately, the connotation of the word. I've had some ESL people approach me after I made a comment about reviews not being journalism, and how they argued it was - and it turns out that they were thinking of reviews in the style of Consumer reports, or a scientific review, rather than the style that EFL people I know would think of, which is more like The Verge, Kotaku, etc.
  • Oh man, A Payday 2/Hotline Miami crossover is dropping at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to it primarily for the soundtrack - Simon Viklund VS the Hotline Miami soundtrack fuck yes.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy finally came out in Japan today. The time they show in the listings here is the time the actual movie starts, not the previews.
  • I've always seen ecigs as a punk kid/hipster thing and now I'm seeing old people using them and it weirds me out.
  • I've see old folks vaping the ecigs. For them its not about being cool. It's about getting off actual smokes.
  • I heard the ecigs actually speeds up lung cancer, or something along those lines.
  • Um no. Ecigs are harm reduction not more harmful than smoking. When you inhale a ecig you are inhaling vapor not smoke. You don't set the juice as it's called on fire you heat it up to its point of vaporization. So there is no tar intake as it were.
  • There are other problems like heavy metal inhalation, but AFAIK there's no solid data on overall health effects of ecigs yet. I'm pretty sure they're super unregulated too.
  • Ikatono said:

    There are other problems like heavy metal inhalation, but AFAIK there's no solid data on overall health effects of ecigs yet. I'm pretty sure they're super unregulated too.

    That's also something that depends on the equipment - heavy metals in the juice simply doesn't happen - but not so much in the equipment, when some cheap-but-shitty manufacturers go for crappy materiels. You have to be careful buying this stuff.

    In all honesty, it's a market that needs to be regulated. You're right, it's super unregulated, which really only benefits the "I hate technology and new things are scary" crowd, since you can find examples of bad shit if you look, which reenforces their preselected conclusion.

    I mean, it's still bad for you. But where possible, I'll take bad for you over the worse for you that smoking presents.
  • Yeah pretty much. With regulation and data, it'll probably be a big step forward health wise.
  • I have an allergy to cigaret smoke (yes, that's a thing) so, as far as I'm concerned, this is the best invention ever.
  • I have an allergy to cigaret smoke (yes, that's a thing) so, as far as I'm concerned, this is the best invention ever.

    Someone else has that, huzzah!
  • edited September 2014
    There is a growing concern with the ecig community. That once it becomes regulated by the FDA. The restrictions will be cost prohibitive for smaller operations and only big tobacco companies will be running the market. There is lot of distrust and worry from that.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Even if that happens, it's still way better than having anyone able to make an ecig that spews god-knows-what into your lungs/air.
  • I didn't realise companies were donating to streamers on Twitch so that they display the company name for that particular stream session.
  • Ikatono said:

    Even if that happens, it's still way better than having anyone able to make an ecig that spews god-knows-what into your lungs/air.

    American Lung association reports 600 ingredients in a cigarette. When burned the cigarette creates 7000 chemicals. You know how many ingredients are in a ecig? There are four. Propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavoring and nicotine. You could get by with just two of those ingredients for a nictione free vape.
  • edited September 2014
    Apreche said:
    I remember the last time you posted this or similar, someone posted the article with the newer literature review that showed this study was either an outlier, or simply poorly done. Your response was something along the lines of "Now I don't know what to believe." I don't know much else, but I remember that much with surprising clarity.

    I've been using one to get off the smokes, it's been going pretty well, except when I'm on the grog, or I forget to go and order more juice at the right time. So, y'know, admission of bias and all that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oh yeah. I do remember that now.

    The point is that either one is probably not a good idea. Less bad is less bad. But bad is still not good.
  • Apreche said:

    Oh yeah. I do remember that now.

    The point is that either one is probably not a good idea. Less bad is less bad. But bad is still not good.

    Pretty much. But drawing that line is a tricky and individual thing, there's only so much you can do, and it's always a risk/reward tradeoff. Same with Booze, driving, biking, eating certain foods or certain ways, playing Jungle Speed, and so on.

    And hey man, look on the bright side - even if people are still fucking themselves up with vapes and so on, it's gotta smell a hell of a lot nicer than people firing up all over the shop. Especially with American smokes, which are pungent beyond belief.
  • Yep. I get easily nauseated whenever I walk into an elevator after a smoke has been in there.

    On a related note to cigarettes, Philip Morris Sues Uruguay Over Graphic Cigarette Packaging. Phillip Morris is angry that Uruguay's tactic of making cigarette products not so attractive is working in decreasing sales. How dare they care about public health. Poor Phillip Morris. Taking away jobs!
  • Rochelle said:

    Yep. I get easily nauseated whenever I walk into an elevator after a smoke has been in there.

    On a related note to cigarettes, Philip Morris Sues Uruguay Over Graphic Cigarette Packaging. Phillip Morris is angry that Uruguay's tactic of making cigarette products not so attractive is working in decreasing sales. How dare they care about public health. Poor Phillip Morris. Taking away jobs!

    If they really care about public health why not ban the substance?

  • edited September 2014
    Because prohibition probably won't work.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Rochelle said:

    Because prohibition probably won't work.

    Worked quite well for alcohol. Oh wait...
  • It never fails to blow my mind how expensive smoking is as a habit and how many smokers just fork over the money to buy their pack of butts. If anything, the cost alone would be enough to make me quit or look for alternatives. Considering the cost of a pack of smokes versus a can of tobacco, a box of pre-rolled & pre-filtered tubes, and the one-time cost of a filling machine, they could be feeding their habit for pennies on what they pay now. Not to mention that breaking out a cigarette case and tapping one down on it looks classy as hell in comparison to fishing a crumpled pack out of your jacket pocket.

    Back on the vaping topic - I know of at least five guys in my building alone that go with the vape over actual smokes now. All of them are doing it in an attempt to lessen the effects of the smoke and tar on their lungs, because they know they are still psychologically hooked on it as well as physically hooked on the nicotine. A couple of them are trying to at least break themselves off of the nicotine and are stepping down on the patch. Some habits are a bitch to break.
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