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  • edited September 2014

    It never fails to blow my mind how expensive smoking is as a habit and how many smokers just fork over the money to buy their pack of butts. If anything, the cost alone would be enough to make me quit or look for alternatives. Considering the cost of a pack of smokes versus a can of tobacco, a box of pre-rolled & pre-filtered tubes, and the one-time cost of a filling machine, they could be feeding their habit for pennies on what they pay now. Not to mention that breaking out a cigarette case and tapping one down on it looks classy as hell in comparison to fishing a crumpled pack out of your jacket pocket.

    Ha, no kidding. Vice taxes down here make smoking more expensive than just about anywhere else - even smoking rollies, thin ones, you're down 50 bucks per two weeks or so on tobacco alone. Papers and filters are cheap, but still an expense - call it another ten on top, if you want to stock up for the whole time.

    Some habits are a bitch to break.

    I tell you, if I could punch 18-year-old me in the face...

    Post edited by Churba on
  • People fork a lot of money over for any substance.
  • I love real cigarettes, can't stand the electric ones. Nothing can really compare to the sweet taste of a Newport in the morning and that amazing nicotine headrush.
  • The worst addictions are the ones you try and dress up as not being an addiction though. Smokers don't try and sugar coat their vice, but every day people shell out the same amount of money on coffee-flavored milkshakes in an attempt to look fancy when a normal cup runs you, what, two, three bucks?
  • edited September 2014
    To be fair, most american coffee for three bucks is swill that isn't worth three bucks. Espresso or go home probably to sleep like normal people.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2014
    Coffee is free at my work (Folgers). I have a policy of never turning my nose up at free anything. Even if it's of sub-par quality. I rarely get a cup of coffee at work though. The nurses there wipe it out pretty quickly. So I mostly have black tea.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Hey man, I ain't gonna turn down free.
  • It's weird to go from Seattle which has really good coffee shops like every two blocks to a city where they have like two in the area. The block I work on literally has 3 coffee shops on it. If you span out in a 1 block radius from here you'll probably run into ~9 coffee shops.

    It's definitely overkill, but its a nice convenience if you wanna get some coffee.
  • Churba said:

    I tell you, if I could punch 18-year-old me in the face...

    I often think of this myself for ego rather than cigarettes.

  • MATATAT said:

    It's weird to go from Seattle which has really good coffee shops like every two blocks to a city where they have like two in the area. The block I work on literally has 3 coffee shops on it. If you span out in a 1 block radius from here you'll probably run into ~9 coffee shops.

    It's definitely overkill, but its a nice convenience if you wanna get some coffee.

    Melbourne wasn't as good for coffee as what you describe but it was a similar feeling when moving from inner city Melbourne to Perth suburbs.

    I'm fine with making coffee at home now (however a variety of beans are harder to find).
  • sK0pe said:

    I often think of this myself for ego rather than cigarettes.

    Hey, I never said it was the only thing.

    Man, I was a real dickhead back then. I'm still a real dickhead now, but a more tolerable one.
  • MATATAT said:

    It's weird to go from Seattle which has really good coffee shops like every two blocks to a city where they have like two in the area. The block I work on literally has 3 coffee shops on it. If you span out in a 1 block radius from here you'll probably run into ~9 coffee shops.

    It's definitely overkill, but its a nice convenience if you wanna get some coffee.

    It's not overkill when all the shops are busy. ;^)
  • Rochelle said:

    MATATAT said:

    It's weird to go from Seattle which has really good coffee shops like every two blocks to a city where they have like two in the area. The block I work on literally has 3 coffee shops on it. If you span out in a 1 block radius from here you'll probably run into ~9 coffee shops.

    It's definitely overkill, but its a nice convenience if you wanna get some coffee.

    It's not overkill when all the shops are busy. ;^)
    Something something, Microeconomics... Something, market elasticity...
  • It's talk like a pirate day again
  • Churba said:

    Fighitng Climax video

    OMG those ultimate moves had me in tears.
  • I guess turning Lord Raptor into a six-year-old was par for the course.
  • I may have done something horrible, and accidentally on purpose got Open Sketch into both Warframe AND Afterlife with Archie.
  • Random Comment: People from around this forum are pretty alright.
  • edited September 2014
    Didn't know where to put this, so I'm putting it here. In honor of the new line of Smash Bros ads and the fact that no one (no one noticeable it seems, as I typed "Settle it in Smash" in Google Images and nothing really showed up except pictures from the trailers) seems to have made anything meme worthy, I did. It is not that great, but I made it, and it is a little ahead at this point.

    Post edited by Lord_Doitsu on
  • Snipe are real, actual things (birds in fact!), and not just things that older kids at summer camps tell younger ones to go catch. On top of being real, they're so difficult to catch that the word 'sniper' comes from what anyone skilled enough to shoot one was called.
  • Ruffas said:

    Snipe are real, actual things (birds in fact!), and not just things that older kids at summer camps tell younger ones to go catch. On top of being real, they're so difficult to catch that the word 'sniper' comes from what anyone skilled enough to shoot one was called.

    Yeah but snipes only live in India.
  • Working at night on weekends is seriously messing with my sense of time. I don't get to bed before 3AM and I really thought yesterday was Friday.
  • Camp Weedonwantcha comic is pretty great.
  • Révolution dans les rues
    Je vois le chaos en dessous
    La justice est une rivière rouge
    Je te cherche, où es-tu?
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