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  • If you call right now to buy tickets, there is a chance the call will be picked up by Tony Danza.

    This is the place that I work.
  • Apreche said:

    If you call right now to buy tickets, there is a chance the call will be picked up by Tony Danza.

    This is the place that I work.

    You lucky motherfucker.
  • Apreche said:

    If you call right now to buy tickets, there is a chance the call will be picked up by Tony Danza.

    This is the place that I work.

    You lucky motherfucker.
    I actually give no shits. There is no end to how many boss jokes people can make while at work.
  • I think I talked with Zoe Quinn YEARS ago on OKC. She was a security guard on one of the local campuses.

    Absolutely not relivent to any of the current events but still random.
  • I just got my largest control field to date on Ingress.
  • edited October 2014
    If you want Dragon Age but you've been waiting for a sale, it's currently going Free on origin. Won't get a much better sale price than that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited October 2014
    Finding anime to watch for a blog is easy; finding anime that I want to watch for a blog is hard.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Banta said:

    Finding anime to watch for a blog is easy; finding anime that I want to watch for a blog is hard.

    Just watch whatever I tell you. Lesson 1: Hokuto no Ken.
  • Apreche said:

    Banta said:

    Finding anime to watch for a blog is easy; finding anime that I want to watch for a blog is hard.

    Just watch whatever I tell you. Lesson 1: Hokuto no Ken.
    Then, as a sharp contrast, watch Non Non Biyori.
  • edited October 2014
    Apreche said:

    Banta said:

    Finding anime to watch for a blog is easy; finding anime that I want to watch for a blog is hard.

    Just watch whatever I tell you. Lesson 1: Hokuto no Ken.
    I've already watched it, though a re-watch might not be a bad idea. I want to add a somewhat regular feature that is a big review of a finished show. Right now, I'm sticking with weekly episode reviews of new shows to get in the habit of blogging.

    Then, as a sharp contrast, watch Non Non Biyori.

    I haven't watched that. And it's on Crunchyroll, nice. Added to the queue.

    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited October 2014
    Galaxy Express 999

    And everything else from the mind of Leiji Matsumoto.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Apreche said:

    Galaxy Express 999

  • There is a Chinese restaurant that I pass with the caption "We Cook Freshest!!!" All I can imagine is Gollum in a chef's hat rubbing his hands together with a maniacal look.
  • Today I learned of Samuel Byck, the terrorist too far ahead of his time. I had always found it kinda weird that Jack was killed, but not so much as an attempt on Nixon. Turns out there was an attempt, but it failed spectacularly before it could take off (pun intended).
  • edited October 2014
    I fucking hate internal monologues.

    EDIT: I also fucking hate arguing with people about why subtlety and nuance are good things.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • I beat FTL. I used memory editing. I'm not proud.
  • Water cooling wasn't keeping my GPU as cool as I'd like and from this I learned how much dust a liquid radiator can hold. It is a vast amount, stored deep in the block.
  • A friend of mine who graduated last year is now at Boston University, and is frequently complaining about how awful it is there. I asked her why she went and she said "it was the best school I could afford." I try to have sympathy for her, but choosing a school based on prestige rather than personally fitting in is so profoundly stupid that I can't.
  • Greg said:

    A friend of mine who graduated last year is now at Boston University, and is frequently complaining about how awful it is there. I asked her why she went and she said "it was the best school I could afford." I try to have sympathy for her, but choosing a school based on prestige rather than personally fitting in is so profoundly stupid that I can't.

    Also, if she could afford BU, she probably could have afforded other awesome things.

    Like the space shuttle. Or all the gold in the known world.
  • Neito said:

    Greg said:

    A friend of mine who graduated last year is now at Boston University, and is frequently complaining about how awful it is there. I asked her why she went and she said "it was the best school I could afford." I try to have sympathy for her, but choosing a school based on prestige rather than personally fitting in is so profoundly stupid that I can't.

    Also, if she could afford BU, she probably could have afforded other awesome things.

    Like the space shuttle. Or all the gold in the known world.
    She got a huge amount of financial aid. Tuition came out to less than 10k.
  • That's pretty slick. What does she think is awful about it?
  • Everything. The classes, the dorms, the other students, etc. As far as I can tell, there's nothing inherently bad about the school (I have some objections to requiring students to live in dorms freshman year, but that's all), it's just that it was a poor choice for her specifically to go.
  • edited October 2014
    If you are insistent they will almost always allow you to live off campus for your first year if you want. They just make it annoying to do so because they want you to meet people. Did she get a feel for other schools or does she maybe just not like the structure of college. Because schools pretty much have the same classes. The biggest difference is at bigger schools they tend to do large lecture halls. That was one thing I liked about USU a lot was they did small classes where I had huge lecture halls at WSU. Made calc way easier. The first year of college kinda sucks anyway. The classes are generally boring but unfortunately mandatory to progress.

    Pretty much all dorms suck. The ones I stayed at when I went to USU were also pretty good. They were brand new the year before (or maybe the year of) my freshman year so they were brand new. It was like campus apartments pretty much. Plus I was living mostly with people I knew so it made it easier. I remember going to other people's dorms that weren't in ours and theirs were shit. The WSU one I stayed in was okay.

    Dunno what to say about other students. Everyone is allowed to go to whatever school. So you can't really be that selective. Even a college of all nerdy people is going to have a lot of people you just don't care to interact with.

    I mean, I definitely understand not enjoying a school. USU, in my opinion, put a lot more effort into the success of its students. The campus was beautiful and had some pretty decent facilities. But it's also the school that all the UT kids go to when they don't want to be as restricted as BYU is. So it's largely Mormon and as a non Mormon person it's kinda miserable for things to do on the weekends. It was even worse that everyone was from Ogden which is like an hour drive away so people would all go home for the weekend. The campus would literally be deserted on weekends. WSU was the complete opposite and as a result I had much more fun. Yeah I probably didn't focus as much as I should have but I wasn't miserable.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • When I researched colleges I focused on the course of studies available first and the male:female ratio second. Still didn't go but the school I picked first had a 95% female population.
  • That is absurd. What school was it?
  • I think it was in Rhode Island... Kathryn Gibbs or Johnson Whales... 20+ years ago and I was going for a business or accounting degree.
  • I think I remember getting spam from them. Shows you how prestigious a school they are.
  • Greg said:

    I think I remember getting spam from them. Shows you how prestigious a school they are.

    I got spam from Harvard and Oxford when I was in high school. Even the rich kids do it...

  • Rym said:

    Greg said:

    I think I remember getting spam from them. Shows you how prestigious a school they are.

    I got spam from Harvard and Oxford when I was in high school. Even the rich kids do it...

    That remark had more to do with my track record as a student than school spam in general.

  • End of an era... Just sold
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