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  • Gas all the way. They make great backup heaters for those winters where you want to turn up the heat but you can't touch the thermostat.
  • Gas all the way. They make great backup heaters for those winters where you want to turn up the heat but you can't touch the thermostat.

    When I was in Melbourne and I didn't want to put the heat wasn't working during Winter while my room mate wanted to keep the door open I would just end up cooking as many oven based meals as possible to keep myself warm plus cooking awesome food was fun.
  • Ilmarinen said:

    I thought of something funny: when I took the ACT, I got a perfect score on the reading comprehension/english parts (not the composition, I wrote a half-page run on sentence and went to sleep) despite failing 11th and 12th grade English classes. Why are schools so determined to bore and alienate students from reading and writing by focusing on mechanistic bullshit?

    Being able to quickly and eloquently write within those sorts of constraints is an important step toward great writing.
  • Data Warehouse management and exploration using Excel plugins is janky as hell, I can't believe that this would be a preference for data mining.
  • I'm in the 9th circle of "the database is a mess, these spreadsheets have the REAL data" Hell right now in my new position.

    Saw this on Polygon. "Blazingly Fast 200cc mode."

    Are these babies serious? The only thing that is blazing is a burning trash heap. Bring back F-ZERO.
  • Seasonal allergies can go SABOD.
  • My question is: Did someone do an economic study and concluded $15/hr was a livable wage, or did they just pull that number out of thin air because it sounds nice and round?
  • My question is: Did someone do an economic study and concluded $15/hr was a livable wage, or did they just pull that number out of thin air because it sounds nice and round?

    No, they tend to pick a number likely to get the bill passed. A livable wage would be higher.
  • Who the fuck is that guy?
  • And how do we define "livable?" Thinking about what might go into expenses, almost all of them are variable. Housing, car payment, insurance, food, gasoline, utilities, entertainment, all can be adjusted every which way. Do we want to say the wage is enough to cover all that, or also have some leftover for savings?
  • edited April 2015
    Also livable wages may vary by region. A livable wage in North Dakota is very likely to be significantly lower than one in New York City.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Oh god the first page of r/funny was nothing but derivatives of that shitty tattoo.
  • When I was asked how a track pad worked my stupid answer was so good it surprised me.

    "Your finger acts as a mind control conduit. You are actually moving the cursor purely with the power of your mind but it happens to be the same part of your mind that moves your finger."
  • I'm graduating from college next semester.

  • Apparently duck-duck-goose is duck-duck-greyduck in Minnesota.
  • But that's just Duck-Duck-Duck...
  • Clearly the superior game.
  • Ilmarinen said:

    Apparently duck-duck-goose is duck-duck-greyduck in Minnesota.

    It's funny because this comes up a lot when talking with my friends from Minnesota. They think it's hilarious that they are the only state who does that.
  • Is it just me, or is it slightly more difficult to turn your eyeballs to look right than look left?

    Conditioning from years of reading left to right perhaps?
  • I actually find it harder to look left than right. I feel more "pressure" in that direction.
  • For me looking left has sort of a spring action, compared to looking right. To look all the way right requires a percent more effort.
  • Wow, I never even thought about this before. It isn't more difficult for me to look in either direction, but I definitely have a different feeling in my eye muscles each way.
  • I move my jaw veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slightly to the right when I shit my eyes right. Looking to the left, it doesn't move.
  • I only noticed today, from having a long sit in the bath looking around mindlessly, and noticed the feeling in my eyes. Very subtle, but it's there.
  • On a similar note, if you move your tongue along the inside of your bottom row of teeth, it feels like your jaw rotates sideways.
  • On a similar note, if I try and move my hand from beside my leg to above my head, it feels as if my arm bone is rotating in my shoulder joint.
  • I'm thinking about signing up to be an Uber drive if it comes to Albany.
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