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  • I fucking hate dollar bills! They take up so much space in my wallet with so little value!
    You can give them to me if you don't want them.
  • I fucking hate dollar bills! They take up so much space in my wallet with so little value!
    I pile them up on my desk. Then I go to the bank where the ATM lets you deposit cash. I can shove up to 50 bills into it at one time.
  • I pile them up on my desk. Then I go to the bank where the ATM lets you deposit cash. I can shove up to 50 bills into it at one time.
    That would involve me making a trip to the ATM to deal with 1 dollar bills. Literally not with the $0.50 in fuel that would cost me.
  • I pile them up on my desk. Then I go to the bank where the ATM lets you deposit cash. I can shove up to 50 bills into it at one time.
    That would involve me making a trip to the ATM to deal with 1 dollar bills. Literally not with the $0.50 in fuel that would cost me.
    City living wins again! I walk past no less than 5 branches of my bank on a daily basis. They all have multiple ATMs which are all fully featured.
  • edited April 2011
    City living wins again! I walk past no less than 5 branches of my bank on a daily basis. They all have multiple ATMs which are all fully featured.
    And I drive past several whenever I take my car out, I'm just forgetful and won't do it unless I make a special trip. If I drove everyday I might remember, but I only take my car out 2-3 times a week.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I know that we don't live near each other, so I set up a Paypal account. From now on, George, if you have a dollar bill you hate, just deposit $1 in my Paypal account and throw the physical bill away.
  • I pile them up on my desk. Then I go to the bank where the ATM lets you deposit cash. I can shove up to 50 bills into it at one time.
    That would involve me making a trip to the ATM to deal with 1 dollar bills. Literally not with the $0.50 in fuel that would cost me.
    City living wins again! I walk past no less than 5 branches of my bank on a daily basis. They all have multiple ATMs which are all fully featured.
    Not always. My parents got forcibly switched to M&T; Bank when they bought out all the Citibanks in Rochester, and there is, as far as I can tell, ONE M&T; Bank in all of Manhattan. Fortunately for me, my current checking account waives M&T;'s fees for using other banks' ATMs.
  • Not always. My parents got forcibly switched to M&T; Bank when they bought out all the Citibanks in Rochester, and there is, as far as I can tell, ONE M&T; Bank in all of Manhattan. Fortunately for me, my current checking account waives M&T;'s fees for using other banks' ATMs.
    But those other banks still charge you a fee for using their ATMs.
  • I think I'll give up on trying to be beautiful. Instead I'll go for dressed up badass girl.
  • I think I'll give up on trying to be beautiful. Instead I'll go for dressed up badass girl.
    Thats implying that its not possible to be both.
  • Spent a good amount of the morning reminiscing about FriendFactory. It's really hard to find any good information on it these days, but it was basically a social networking platform that had most of the functions that MySpace and Facebook have today, but it was launched back in 1999. That's three years before Friendster released, which is generally considered the first popular social networking site of its kind. In terms of functionality, it could do anything that the old MySpace could do, plus it had full IM chat built in, and since it was developed by Sony, it was actually embedded into some of their devices (including early versions of the PlayStation 2).

    Hard to say if it would've caught on, but I still believe Sony was foolish for killing the project. It was just too ahead of its time. The tech bubble burst didn't help much either.
  • In Japan, saying "Did you know the word 'gullible' isn't in [our] dictionary?" is actually a conversation starter instead of a joke.
  • Pony representation at Sakura Con = 0%
  • Pony representation at Sakura Con = 0%
    Anime Boston had a tiny bit of pony in the Artist Alley and also Applejack cosplayer.
  • Is it samaflange, samoflange, or samarflange? I can't seem to figure out the spelling due to the way they pronounce it on the podcast...

  • With an 'o', no 'r'.
  • edited April 2011
    Big ups to Eiichiro Oda for having a Little Match Girl opening page in One Piece.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • The more I learn about Ron Paul, the more I vastly dislike him.
  • The more I learn about Ron Paul, the more I vastly dislike him.
  • edited April 2011
    He's against - Abortion, evolution and the teaching thereof, The Civil rights act, Any federal involvement in healthcare(thus leaving it entirely to the free market), Government flu innoculation programs, most if not all anti-discrimination laws and hate crimes legislation, Gay marriage and gay adoption, stem cell research, Net neutrality, the kyoto protocol, raising fuel efficiency standards and supporting alternative fuel vehicles, vaccination, and access to over-the-counter access to contraceptives, particularly emergency contraceptives.

    His other political ideas include - The removal of income tax, the elimination of most government agencies, fundamental changes to the seperation of church and state(effectively making it toothless and pointless), Keeping don't ask don't tell but fundamentally changing it to include all of what he sees as "Disruptive sexual practices", Promoting abstinence based sexual education over rational sex education, To make the united states officially a christian nation, drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, taking all the teeth out of the 14th amendment, states nullifying federal law, pushing woo woo as medicine and stopping the FDA from regulating it, undoing birthright citizenship, Abolishing social security and defunding planned parenthood, abolishing government health insurance.

    Other Miscellaneous beliefs include - That HIV does not cause AIDS, only homosexual sex causes AIDS, that global warming is not only not effected by human activities but is in fact beneficial, that being Gay reduces the human lifespan by 20 years on average, that Abortion is directly linked to breast cancer, He's an anti-vaccine nutjob, A firm beliver in Ayn Rand's vision of Economics, Neuro-linguistic programming, that Illegal aliens cause leprosy, and has a history of being a racist twat.

    And that's for starters. Most people hear from him either from Mike Moore(who is also a shitbag, but a shitbag of a different stink, and not immediately pertinent to the discussion), or read/hear about that he's anti-current war, all for the lowering of income tax, and pro-legalization of Drugs, and they stop there, without looking into his other crazy bullshit and affiliations with crazies.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Hardy Boys and Akira. The story should use teen angst as a plot device!

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Donkey Kong and Michael Moore. The story should use going away to college as a plot device!

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Seinfeld and Mega Man. The story should use legalizing gay marriage as a plot device!
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Lion King and Sex and the City. The story should use a seemingly routine day as a plot device!
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Mythbusters and World War II. The story should use alternate dimensions as a plot device!

    That is potentially awesome.
  • edited April 2011
    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Teletubbies and Sonic the Hedgehog. The story should use trying out for a sports team as a plot device!

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Portal and Oregon Trail. The story should use aliens as a plot device!
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Little Mermaid and the Lion King. The story should use someone opening a gate to Hell as a plot device!
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Twilight and Rocko's Modern Life. The story should use bondage as a plot device!

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Big O and Malcolm in the Middle. The story should use brainwashing as a plot device!
    I would totally watch this.^
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Powerpuff Girls and Family Circus. The story should use going away to college as a plot device!

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Mortal Kombat and Ghost Hunters. The story should use an ancient prophecy as a plot device!
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Gordon Ramsay and Spaceballs. The story should use murder as a plot device!

    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the National Hockey League and FoxTrot. The story should use mystical creatures as a plot device!

    okay what
  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Toy Story and DuckTales. The story should use an overdose as a plot device!

    I'm okay with this.
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