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  • In one week I had the best vacation I've ever had and pissed blood. I guess I am karmicly neutral? O.o
  • edited May 2011
    My backpack doesn't have any lock points. Fuck.

    EDIT: Oh, fucking durr. I'll pack my gear in a duffel, lock THAT, and then use a few locking carabiners and paracord to secure the bag to the inside of the pack. Awesome!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The internet in my school's library is slow as hell. I've spent the last 5 minutes trying to load a 16 second video that someone posted in the Things Of Your Day thread. ;-;
  • I will never stop bein' a nerd. I've been reading a few Star Trek wiki articles after hearing someone that made a Kobayashi Maru reference.
  • Drove my convertible roadster in a down pour...I feel very British.
  • Drove my convertible roadster in a down pour...I feel very British.
    Were you wearing your driving hat, gloves, and plaid scarf to match?
  • Drove my convertible roadster in a down pour...I feel very British.
    Were you wearing your driving hat, gloves, and plaid scarf to match?
    You forgot driving goggles.

    My friend just arranged to take delivery on a beautiful Miata. He and his girlfriend (together, two of my best friends anywhere) have been planning outfit for driving down LSD in the summer. He's buying goggles just for the effect.
  • May the Fourth be with you all.
  • You forgot driving goggles.
    Indeed I did, and the couple rain drops to the eye I got made me regret it.
  • The last few days before a week-long vacation are the freaking worst.
  • edited May 2011
    The first first few days after a week-long vacation are the freaking worst.
    This would be correct as well :P
    Something else to look forward to. :)
    Post edited by Originalme8 on
  • The first first few days after a week-long vacation are the freaking worst.
    This would be correct as well :P
    Something else to look forward to. :)
    I've actually never had a problem with that. But unlike most people, I don't hate work. Even at my worst job I didn't hate the job, I just hated the people.
  • Anyone have any suggestions for awesome bluegrass? Looking for something sort of like this, but not by a cover band. I tried looking for some bluegrass bands, but the ones I found were twangy, simple, and boring in comparison.
  • bluegrass
    twangy, simple, and boring
    Pretty much.
  • The fact that I really enjoy bluegrass covers of metal songs proves that it's totally possible to make bluegrass music that I'll enjoy; that's what frustrates me.
  • Anyone have any suggestions for awesome bluegrass

    A band from my college town:
  • The fact that I really enjoy bluegrass covers of metal songs proves that it's totally possible to make bluegrass music that I'll enjoy; that's what frustrates me.
    These are not really bluegrass covers. These are metal covers with "bluegrass" instruments. They way they're playing really has nothing stylistically to do with bluegrass, which is why you're really not going to find anything that resembles this by searching for bluegrass. You're better off looking for acoustic or folk metal.
  • edited May 2011
    Give Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs a listen, they pretty much defined Bluegrass. Some of it's gonna slow and quite like old country, but that comes with the territory.

    Steve Martin (yes, that one) is also damn fine with a banjo. His first album, The Crow, is a bit better than his most recent one, but they're both good. Hayseed Dixie are great fun, but they're strictly a cover band. The Bluegrass Allstars are exactly what it says on the tin, a bluegrass super group. You won't be getting much better. But like Sail said, you're not gonna find a lot of bluegrass that's not an arrangement of other genres like that.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I'm all about that fucking Foggy Mountain Breakdown. Also, gotta love Trampled By Turtles.
  • Hmm, I appreciate the suggestions guys, but it looks like Sail's right. I'm too metal for bluegrass. However, I did find this "bluegrass punk" on Reddit:
  • edited May 2011
    If you like "bluegrass" punk, then I actually do have a real suggestion.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • That's pretty damn badass, I must say.
  • Larry and His Flask are terrific.
  • And of course I discover them when What is down...
  • And of course I discover them when What is down...
    I know it was down yesterday, but it's been up for me all day today. Including now.
  • Try Mumford and Sons.
  • edited May 2011
    Anyone have any suggestions for awesome bluegrass?
    No, but if you like that song you posted, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll like The Pogues, who were an Irish folk(ish) band with some punk tendencies. They actually sounded a lot like that sometimes, though.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited May 2011
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • And of course I discover them when What is down...
    I know it was down yesterday, but it's been up for me all day today. Including now.
    Site's up, but the tracker's down.
  • I noticed something interesting today. The screen of my broken iPod Touch mounts nearly perfectly in an altoids tin.
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