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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



  • edited November 2010
    I'm working on a new blog to go with the podcast. It's not perfect. As Scott suggested, though, it does now include Hot Seat categories and answers for each episode.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • The site looks pretty slick. What comic are you getting the images from?
  • The site looks pretty slick. What comic are you getting the images from?
    It's an old comic called "Atomic War" that has long since lost its copyright protection and slipped into the public domain.
  • Episode 6: Shakespeare, highest-grossing comic book movies, cartoon theme songs, high school literature, Star Wars characters, Marvel heroes, stupid laws.Subscribe or Jesus will kill a kitten.
    Random Shakespere related note - The 2006 adaption of Macbeth, Aptly titled "Macbeth", starring Sam Worthington in the Titular role, is really, really fucking good.
  • edited November 2010
    Joe reminds me of all of my uncles.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited November 2010
    Goddamn. I sound so nervous in this one. Hopefully I'll loosen up next time. And be more humorous.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I bet I'll be worse.
  • Oh yeah--You all know my first name now. That's weird.
  • edited November 2010
    That was kinda weird, yeah. If you hadn't said it here yourself, no one would know, but now it's obvious which one is you by a process of elimination.
    Anyway, calling K a "wacky Star Wars letter" was quite funny.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Eh, whatevs. The cool kids would have found out eventually anyway.

    Now you just need to figure out who among you are the cool kids.
  • You're a pretty cool guy yourself, you know.
  • I'm going to have to push Thursday's fun back to 9:30 p.m. due to work. We'll just record one episode. There are already three in the hopper anyway.
  • edited November 2010
    Sorry if I sounded nervous. There was something awful in the shadows down the hall.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Thursday might have to be canceled, unless I am awesome at computing tonight. Message on boot this morning: "The file is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum."

  • If you can't record this Thursday, you should have some extras to put up anyways. No worries. Plus Thursday is Veterans Day, holiday time!
  • edited November 2010
    If you can't record this Thursday, you should have some extras to put up anyways. No worries. Plus Thursday is Veterans Day, holiday time!
    Yes, but that boot error means the compy won't start, and could mean the hard drive is X_X.

    Of course, it could be a problem with one of my RAM sticks, or it could be a simple OS problem. It might mean formatting. Time to grab the Windows 7 disc and try to the memory diagnostic tool.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Oh, I didn't really realize it's your own computer being poopy. -____-

    That sucks if you lose those episodes. Hope you are able to recover them.
  • This is why all of our episodes are simultaneously recorded to the Marantz digital recorder.
  • There's almost always a way to recover data. If it's just a corrupt boot sector, a professional would still probably be able to rescue the data. I might have to pay somebody, which is against my code of ethics :D
  • I'm sure you can pirate that spinrite thing people always talk about.
  • I'm sure you can pirate that spinrite thing people always talk about.
    I love you, Scott. It's in a gay way.

    I came home early (I have to go to a meeting tonight, so hurrah for flex time) to work on the good ol' compy. I've got her back up and running. Backing up essentials now. Thursday night, unless otherwise indicated, is a GOOOOO at 9:30 p.m. EST (one hour later than normal) for a single-episode recording.

    So far, the contestants include Omar, Ro, and HungryJoe. I have space for one more. Give me a shout-out. Must have headset mic, good connection, solid sound quality. Must love pets and short walks on the beach.
  • Must love pets and short walks on the beach.
    Well guess I'm not going to be able to be in that one :-p
  • The cast rounds out at Omar, Ro, Joe, and Ryan.
  • Ro and Ryan.
    I decree that this episode must feature a head-to-head Disney showdown.
  • Ro and Ryan.
    I decree that this episode must feature a head-to-head Disney showdown.
    /as if you have a choice
  • edited November 2010
    /as if you have a choice
    I will concede!

    If there is one, I guess I'll participate, but like I said before, Ryan will probably win and I can still hold my own.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
    /as if you have a choice
    I will concede!

    If there is one, I guess I'll participate, but like I said before, Ryan will probably win and I can still hold my own.
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