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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



  • edited October 2010
    To my Atari:

    Bei mir bist du schoen, please let me explain
    Bei mir bist du schoen means you're grand
    Bei mir bist du schoen, again I'll explain
    It means you're the fairest in the land

    I could say bella, bella, even sehr wunderbar
    Each language only helps me tell you how grand you are
    I've tried to explain, bei mir bist du schoen
    So kiss me, and say you understand
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Truly, this trivia war was atomic.
  • I so failed at that movie tagline category. Damn you movies I haven't seen!

    Joe, you're quite the odd awesome old geezer.
  • Joe, you're quite the odd awesome old geezer.

    Also, if that second recording taught me anything, it's that I need to broaden my sci-fi horizons. Damn.
  • Also, if that second recording taught me anything, it's that I need to broaden my sci-fi horizons. Damn.
    Well since I'm not a sci-fi reader, you impressed me that you knew most of the answers.

    We will always need to broaden our horizons when it comes to knowledge and geekery.
  • We will always need to broaden our horizons when it comes to knowledge and geekery.
    This is a fact. Just the other day I found someone who loved anime but had never played Settlers. A whole new world of awesome geekeries awaits her!

    That was good fun. I'd be glad to get in on the next recording if you guys will have me back.
  • edited October 2010
    Joe, you're quite the odd awesome old geezer.

    Topic Ideas

    Pagan Potpourri - Questions about any member of any mythological pantheon from Thor to the Three Pure Ones

    John Constantine's Self Defense Tricks & Tips - Questions re how to protect yourself from a manticore, how to defeat a voodoo curse, etc.

    Films of 1939 - No Joke. Good year for film. Gone with the Wind, Ninotchka, The Wizard of Oz

    Foreign Film - Eisenstein to Bergman to Kurosawa

    Mandarin Swear Words

    College Literature

    Second Generation English Romantic Poets - Byron, Keats, Shelley

    Pre-Raphaelites - Rosetti, Collinson, etc.

    Art Periods Potpourri - Questions ranging fro John Singer Sargent to Andy Warhol

    1960s Politics - Jack Bobby, Martin, Gene McCarthy, Tet

    Fads of the 70s - Ancient Astronauts, Pyramid Power, Pet Rocks, Disco, Glam

    80s Tech

    Coin Op Challenge - Questions re coin op games

    Silent Film Stir Fry - Harold Lloyd, Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, DW Griffith

    War - Any war, any question from The Peloponnesian War to The Big One

    Silver Age Dc - The wackiest age


    Pitch a Reality Show - Contestants have one minute to create, cast, and pitch a reality show

    Chick Flicks

    War Movies

    Black Turtleneck Films - Art Films

    Odd Celebs - Cher, Elke Sommer, Anita Ekberg, Klaus Nomi

    The Lives of the Saints

    College Fight Songs
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I'm oddly good at some of those.
  • Can I be in on the next recording batch?
    There's a contestant's fee of one ham sandwich.
  • New episode: "Omar loses his shit when Jason reveals the most recent movie he's seen at the theater is Beauty and the Beast."

    Just so everybody knows, Ro is the Disney MASTER. Listen to her kick the Bidding War West Coast style, yo. Subscribe today or Red Foreman will put his foot in your ass.
  • Oh god, I can already hear Ryan trying to throw down.

    Also Omar laughing was amusing.
  • Yo. I gots a ham sandwich for ya.
  • What times do you guys record, I defiantly would like to get in on this!
  • edited November 2010
    Oh god, I can already hear Ryan trying to throw down.
    I'm serious, you can't beat me when it comes to Disney knowledge. Just remember how quickly I answered all of the Muppets questions, but faster.

    You know what, Ro, I challenge you to a duel of Disney knowledge. I have my white glove ready to commence said duel.

    (Listening to the episode now) Ha, Ro. I can name practically all of the numbered Disney movies almost exactly in order of release. Also, Matt, the compendium Disney films of the 40's were not them trying to capitalize on the success of Fantasia. Fantasia was a colossal financial failure when it was first released, the films of the 40's were incredibly cheap to make and were made to just make as much money as they could because Disney was hurting for money.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited November 2010
    It's true, I did teach him that - The reason it's called Hungry Jacks is because there was already a Fast food chain here by the name Burger King in Adelaide, and after a lengthy court battle, they won the right to the name, and Burger King had to change names to operate here, opening up as Hungry Jack's in 1971. Most of them are 1950s styled on the interior, with various memorabilia and other thematically appropriate shite hanging on the walls.

    Random trivia - We also have the shadiest named fast food franchise, namely, Fast Eddy's.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oh god, I can already hear Ryan trying to throw down.
    I'm serious, you can't beat me when it comes to Disney knowledge. Just remember how quickly I answered all of the Muppets questions, but faster.

    You know what, Ro, I challenge you to a duel of Disney knowledge. I have my white glove ready to commence said duel.

    (Listening to the episode now) Ha, Ro. I can name practically all of the numbered Disney movies almost exactly in order of release. Also, Matt, the compendium Disney films of the 40's were not them trying to capitalize on the success of Fantasia. Fantasia was a colossal financial failure when it was first released, the films of the 40's were incredibly cheap to make and were made to just make as much money as they could because Disney was hurting for money.

    I never said I was better than you. I'm sure you can probably name more and know more about Disney, but I can still hold my own.
  • Disney sucks.
  • Disney sucks.
    You are a mean old man and I'm going to go cry in a corner now.
    I never said I was better than you. I'm sure you can probably name more and know more about Disney, but I can still hold my own.
    I was mostly joking. Mostly.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2010
    Oh god, I can already hear Ryan trying to throw down.
    Also, Matt, the compendium Disney films of the 40's were not them trying to capitalize on the success of Fantasia. Fantasia was a colossal financial failure when it was first released, the films of the 40's were incredibly cheap to make and were made to just make as much money as they could because Disney was hurting for money.
    I'm well aware of that because I too have done my studying on Disney as well. Ego-strokes aside, I know he made those package films because it was cheap. I left that part unstated because it would have bogged down the flow of the show and I wanted to quickly just say my piece. In all honesty, I'm pretty sure Walt (and his career for that matter) was never really the same after colossal failure of Fantasia because the fact that both the critics and the audience hated it really shattered him into pieces. I like to think of the movies I mentioned in the episode as further attempts at trying to make more "concert feature" type movies that would hopefully find a better audience (especially considering many of the modern pieces in Melody Time and Make Mine Music).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • My offer of a delicious ham sandwich STANDS, Jason.
  • My offer of a delicious ham sandwich STANDS, Jason.
    I am sorry, my friend. You were a little late to the table (with my sandwich). I already have commitments. This week's panel is Omar, Ro, Ryan, and Dimitri. As usual, we record at 8:30 p.m. EST.
  • Now I can't be on the panel for another two weeks! Blast.
  • Did the daylight savings thing happen already?
  • This upcoming Sunday.
  • This is right, right?
  • Thisis right, right?
    Yes. That clock is correct.
  • edited November 2010
    How are the categories selected by the participants?
    EDIT: Ah; I listened to the first episode again; it seems they're chosen from a large list.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • This upcoming Sunday.
    Only for the US. The EU switched last Sunday.
  • This upcoming Sunday.
    Only for the US. The EU switched last Sunday.
    Like they even matter. P'shaw. :P

    I'm going to repeat something I said in tonight's recording, so it's on record in the forums: I claim the Pixar category, if there ever is any.

    :P @ Ryan
  • I claim the Pixar category, if there ever is any.

    :P @ Ryan
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